Backup from AWS RDS to S3 bucket - postgresql

I have 4 TB data in Aws RDS Postgres and I want to take backup in S3 bucket.What would be best strategy to take backup.
should I take backup Quarterly or yearly basis? What would be actual command to splits the file in quarterly/yearly in csv.gz format.
Tables might be in partitioned I am not sure right now.


How to restore exported RDS snapshot from S3 to RDS cluster

I have an AWS RDS Aurora PostgreSQL cluster (compatible with PostgreSQL 13.4).
I successfully followed this tutorial to back up my PostgreSQL RDS aurora cluster snapshot to S3, and it seems that all the data is backed up to s3.
Now I'm trying to restore the exported snapshot from S3 to PostgreSQL RDS cluster, and I couldn't find explanation how to do it.
Any idea how to do it? maybe I need to first restore the exported data from S3 to snapshot, and then connect it to to RDS, or any other way?
The RDS Snapshot to S3 export feature is not intended for additional backups of your data. It is intended to convert your data to Parquet for use in analytics tools like Redshift or Athena. Some data type conversion happens during this export process.
There is currently no method available to import these Parquet files back into RDS. You would have to write some code yourself to read the Parquet files and insert the data back into a running RDS instance if you needed that.
If you are just wanting a secondary backup of your RDS instance in addition to the RDS snapshots, you could either look into cross-region or cross-account copies of your RDS snapshots, or look into using the AWS Backup service.

Backup and Restore AWS RDS Aurora cluster

I would like to backup every single PostgreSql database of my AWS RDS Cluster (Aurora DB Engine). Are there some managed tools (like Veeam or N2WS) or best practices, how to backup and restore a single database or schema from AWS S3?
Many thanks
You can use automatic backup combined with manual backup for Aurora PostgreSql database. For automatic backup, the max retention period is 35 days, and support any point in time restore and recovery. However, if you need a backup beyond the backup retention period (35 days), you can also take a snapshot of the data in your cluster volume.
If you use third-party tools, such as Veeam, it will also invoke AWS RDS snapshot API to take the backup, so the underly mechanism is the same.
You can also use the pg_dump utility for backing up the RDS for PostgreSQL database, and run pg_dump on read replica to minimize the performance impact to the primary database.

loading one table from RDS / postgres into Redshift

We have a Redshift cluster that needs one table from one of our RDS / postgres databases. I'm not quite sure the best way to export that data and bring it in, what the exact steps should be.
In piecing together various blogs and articles the consensus appears to be using pg_dump to copy the table to a csv file, then copying it to an S3 bucket, and from there use the Redshift COPY command to bring it in to a new table-- that's my high level understanding, but am not sure what the command line switches should be, or the actual details. Is anyone doing this currently and if so, is what I have above the 'recommended' way to do a one-off import into Redshift?
It appears that you want to:
Export from Amazon RDS PostgreSQL
Import into Amazon Redshift
From Exporting data from an RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance to Amazon S3 - Amazon Relational Database Service:
You can query data from an RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance and export it directly into files stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. To do this, you use the aws_s3 PostgreSQL extension that Amazon RDS provides.
This will save a CSV file into Amazon S3.
You can then use the Amazon Redshift COPY command to load this CSV file into an existing Redshift table.
You will need some way to orchestrate these operations, which would involve running a command against the RDS database, waiting for it to finish, then running a command in the Redshift database. This could be done via a Python script that connects to each database (eg via psycopg2) in turn and runs the command.

AWS RDS (PostgreSQL) automatic Backup

------------------- AWS RDS (PostgreSQL DB) Backup -----------------------
Production PostgreSQL Instance:
Backup: After Every 4 Hours backupscript should be run and take the full backup of DB.
Retation: We want to retail/keep last month backup and delete all backup file older than one month.
UAT PostgreSQL Instance:
Backup: Backup daily at once a day.
Retation: We wanted to keep/retail the last once week backup and rest the old backup files wanted to delete.
How can I set up an automatic backup as per my above requirements?
Amazon RDS supports backup Out of the Box, hence you could utilize those. You could setup customized rules for both production/UAT.
Backup--you could do automated at your preferred time or RDS data center default windows.
Refer Amazon RDS documentation for the same.
Retention--default retention policy is one day, but you could set it up in RDS console as your preferred time. You could setup customized rules for both production/UAT.
You could do both backup and retention manually as well , by your own custom export script, and saving the exported data to S3 or glacier or EBS.
Step could be
Export the data using pg_export.
Put exported file/files to S3 with desired retention policy.
Refer S3 retention policy docs for more details.

Get big(250Gb) RDS PostgreSQL db dump into my local machine

My problem is to get big(250Gb) postgres dump on my local machine.
Its on AWS RDS. I tried to dump it to local machine, but it takes too long, kinda 3+ days.
Trying to find a way to dump it into S3 and download from there safely. May be you could suggest more effective way to do that. Will appreciate any kind of help.
As of my knowledge, aws does not provide a way to backup db into s3
you can take a look into this question and answers,
Export huge database from amazon RDS to local mysql
here is one answer
If the data is that big I would suggest copying the RDS snapshot on S3, as explained here.
Link to documentation to copy snapshot to s3
This topic is covered in this StackOverflow thread Exporting a AWS Postgres RDS Table to AWS S3
Another solution would be to spin up an EC2 instance and dump the database to a local EBS volume that is large enough for the following steps. Then chose one of the following:
Compress the DB dump into multiple files and copy to S3 for download. I would use a smart S3 download manager given the size of the database dump.
Export the S3 data using Snowball Export S3 Data. If your Internet connection is not fast enough / reliable enough then Snowball will get you the data.