NetSuite: Online Customer Form - forms

I'm looking to create an Online Customer Form that won't create a lead in NetSuite nor update an existing customer record. Specifically, I want to be sent an email through a form without having to use a third-party. If NetSuite supported PHP, I could program the email script myself.
I'm looking to create a "website review form" via Online Customer Form.
NetSuite support hasn't been helpful in giving me an AnswerID to find and read through; they sent me the usual scripted response for anyone who's asking a question.
I hope that I am clarifying this as much as possible; they don't seem to understand me in the NetSuite forums in what I am trying to accomplish.
I need to create certain fields so that I can get the necessary information:
review headline
Comments (this is a default field)
email (this is a default field)
When viewing the "set up workflow" subtab, would I uncheck "Allow update", "Allow update on customer record" and "allow update on contact record"?
If yes, great! then all I need to do is figure out how to add the additional fields.

The Online Forms functionality is specifically for automatically creating and updating records in your account. If you don't want this to happen, you'll need a different solution instead of an Online Form.
If you are familiar with SuiteScript, you can build and publish your own form using an "External Suitelet."
If support and the forums aren't helping you out enough, check out the free NetSuite Professionals Slack group.


Azure DevOps - linking to an email from a work item

In our team we simply want to link to existing e-mails. I see many explanations online on how to make an automated procedure that triggers when an e-mail comes in, but that's not what we want.
We simply want to link to an e-mail in our inbox in the work item.
Something like 'Refers to: 'e-mail'' .
Unfortunatelly, it's not supported to link work items with existing emails.
Link types:
You may add the links of emails to Description as a workaround.
In addition, you could add a custom field to support tracking data requirements you have that aren't met with the existing set of fields. Please refer to this document:

Request payment part way through course

I'd like students to be able to access the first couple of lessons in Moodle before being presented with a request for payment. I've searched for ages on Google and found nothing, and also searched for all the possible terms I could think of here, and again come up short. Apologies therefore for the lack of contributing research/evidence.
I'm using Paypal as the chosen method of payment at the moment. Moodle is version 3.2.
Is there a way to add this kind of option to the 'access restrictions' in the courses themselves?
There isn't an existing way to restrict activity access based on the users enrolment type.
Without writing some custom code, the easiest way to do this is probably to have a separate course containing the pay-walled content, with paypal enrolment set up.
Add an activity to the free course with a link to the paid course. Use access restrictions to hide it until the other activities are complete.
When a user completes the free course content, the link to the paid course will be revealed, and they can click to enrol using paypal.

Adwords and Form Tracking

Im not an expert in Google Tracking and Adwords and i had a request where a client wants to track the people who submit a contact form on a website, coming from an adwords ad.
So someone lands on a specific site on the clients site via Adwords, then fills out the contact form on that site. Now they want to know how many people coming from adwords ads, are willing to submit the form.
This seems to be very obvious, and i thought there might be already a solution for this.
Conversion Tracking already happens when the form is submitted, but they cannot comprehend whether someone submitted the form coming from adwords or or not.
I´ve been told to save the GET-Parameter from the Adwords-Link inside the database, the website is running on, every time the form is submitted. That doesnt seem to be the right way. Also there are some security issues with that.
Can anyone give some advice, how this could be achieved.
I hope i explained that right.
Thanks in advance.
If you need to save source into DB:
Simpliest way migth be parsing UTM parameters and populate the hidden fields in the form, so you know that user came from AdWords or any other source.
If you are using automatic tagging (which I would recommend), you are going after GLCID parameter, if manual, it's just utm_source.
I would do tracking from all sources (not only AdWords) - it might happen that you also need to know if user came through Facebook, LinkedIn article or so.
More on tracking sources into database here and here. More on AdWords tagging here.
If you only need to know if people from AdWords submit forms (=converts):
Chances are, that you already know. See Google Analytics. Filter out segment of people who did goal of sumbmiting form and see Aquisition -> All traffic.
More on Google Analytics here
You should check and make sure you have auto-tagging enabled. The best way to do this in Google Analytics go into the Admin > Property column > Product Linking section > Adwords Linking.
Once you have Adwords and Analytics linked up simply go back to the Reporting tab and navigate to Acquisition > Adwords > Campaigns as shown here
If you have properly set up your goals in Analytics you can use the Conversion filter to select the goal you want to view and this will show you all goal conversions that came from Adwords.

Unique "reference" for form response?

I just created a Google form for online enquiries for my business. I set it up so that it sends an email to the person who submits the form using the "FormEmailer" script but my question is, is there a way I can give that person or more specifically that FormEmailer generated email a unique "Reference" number at the time of submission?
Thanks in advance.
Absolutely, if you are willing to do some coding on your own.
You may want to look at the recently launched Form Notification add-on for Google Forms, which also sends emails to people who respond to a form. This add-on is meant to be a code sample, and you can find the source code on GitHub, and a quickstart about it in the Apps Script documentation.
To do what you are asking, you would just need to copy the code and add another "Reference number" field to the RespondentNotification template, and then modify the sendRespondentNotification() function accordingly. Alternatively, you can just insert the reference number into the email subject in that function.
Note that this add-on has some limitations: the number of emails sent out (like all of Apps Script) are subject to quota limits. In addition, the add-on isn't really meant used for forms with multiple collaborators/editors. However, Form Notifications should give you a good idea of how to write scripts that respond well to form submissions.

generic form for Seblod (joomla 2.5 )

I'm a developer who has taken over a Joomla website, which was creatied using SEBLOD. The website is a listings website, which has over 300 listings on.
The purpose of the website is to get enquiries through the listsings.
Currently, the queries are attached to a button - which opens your email program and sends the email. This is not ideal.
Is there a way to create and attach a generic enquiry box or form to each listing, and include the name of the listing in this form when its sent?
Is there a way to create a form that can be attached on the frontend of the website page intead of
the "Request a quote" button.
To be candid, seblod is an impressive Joomla app, but I'm afraid you might not be able to get useful answers than on their forum, I've been using it now for over a year and I'm just coming to terms with some of its functionality. Visit the forums and you should be able to find a good answer from the devs there. Its an expansive suite so it might give some unique challenges.