Azure DevOps - linking to an email from a work item - email

In our team we simply want to link to existing e-mails. I see many explanations online on how to make an automated procedure that triggers when an e-mail comes in, but that's not what we want.
We simply want to link to an e-mail in our inbox in the work item.
Something like 'Refers to: 'e-mail'' .

Unfortunatelly, it's not supported to link work items with existing emails.
Link types:
You may add the links of emails to Description as a workaround.
In addition, you could add a custom field to support tracking data requirements you have that aren't met with the existing set of fields. Please refer to this document:


Find Attachments in Azure DevOps REST API for deletion

When I submit an Attachment to the Azure DevOps REST service (create), is there a place I can go to visualise all of the attachments in there? Or is my best course of action to just send a GET which will give me the list?
My problem then becomes...that there is no way for me to delete unwanted attachments.
Is there a place I can go to visualise all of the attachments in
there? Or is my best course of action to just send a GET which will
give me the list?
Yes, the best course of action to view these attachments is to send a GET request.
In fact, after you upload the attachments to a work item via the API, all of them are managed by the backend. The backend does not assign any relevant info to the work item. This leads to the situation where you cannot view them from the UI, unfortunately.
Microsoft hasn't expanded the API/SDK to provide an "attachment delete" call yet.
You can also press F12, then try with uploading and deleting attachments from one workitem within the UI.
As you can see, the attachments deleted are run by the backend via sending an event call. In your scenario, you cannot remove those unwanted attachments until now.
You are not the first one who has requested this feature. See this suggestion: Unable to delete/remove attachment from work item by using VSTS api. You can vote and comment there to raise its priority. The product team can then consider adding the feature to the roadmap.

EMail Filters For DevOps Emails

I receive emails from a couple of Azure DevOps environments, my company system and a suppliers system. I had rules for the email notifications to move them based on the From address, which was different. Now all the emails come from
Does anyone know if there is any way to easily distinguish where the email has come from ?
Is it possible to change the From address used by DevOps? I don't believe it is possible to customise the body, and basing the filter on the body is too much maintenance
Thanks in advance
Is it possible to change the From address used by DevOps?
The answer is No. The notification from could not be modified by users.
But, I can get what you are suffering. While have the notification emails comes from several organizations, its too messy to know exactly where they come from.
Now, for build or release notification emails, you can create filter subject rules to distinguish them. Because in the subject of email which about build or release, it contains the info of organization name.
But, unfortunately, until now, the org info just displayed in build and release notification. And also you could not customize the email content of notification.
You can raise the demand to Microsoft Developer Community, follow and vote it.
When there are enough communities vote and add comments for this feedback, the product team member will take this feedback seriously.
I have found a work around in order to filter my emails, in case anyone else has the same issue.
The emails contain links to take you to the work item or other DevOps page that the email is related to. I've been able to create a filter based on the Url that the link is pointing to, so I'm looking for the specific DevOps URL in the Body of the message, as filing the email based on that. It seems to work for my requirements at least.

NetSuite: Online Customer Form

I'm looking to create an Online Customer Form that won't create a lead in NetSuite nor update an existing customer record. Specifically, I want to be sent an email through a form without having to use a third-party. If NetSuite supported PHP, I could program the email script myself.
I'm looking to create a "website review form" via Online Customer Form.
NetSuite support hasn't been helpful in giving me an AnswerID to find and read through; they sent me the usual scripted response for anyone who's asking a question.
I hope that I am clarifying this as much as possible; they don't seem to understand me in the NetSuite forums in what I am trying to accomplish.
I need to create certain fields so that I can get the necessary information:
review headline
Comments (this is a default field)
email (this is a default field)
When viewing the "set up workflow" subtab, would I uncheck "Allow update", "Allow update on customer record" and "allow update on contact record"?
If yes, great! then all I need to do is figure out how to add the additional fields.
The Online Forms functionality is specifically for automatically creating and updating records in your account. If you don't want this to happen, you'll need a different solution instead of an Online Form.
If you are familiar with SuiteScript, you can build and publish your own form using an "External Suitelet."
If support and the forums aren't helping you out enough, check out the free NetSuite Professionals Slack group.

How to force GMail show link in list

Several services, for example github, bitbucket and some ticket services able to send email which contain inlist link in GMail. Like that:
Inside they just put link.
How it is possible to do the same programmatically?
I think I found the right answer. The right name of this feature is Go-To Action. It’s possible to add it programmatically using microdata or JSON-LD. More details in documentation

Dynamics CRM 2011 custom code

I'm struggling to find much documentation on Dynamics CRM 2011 and have a problem. I'm not looking for code more a pointer as to the correct method of approach (workflow, dialog, custom HTML web resource etc)
I basically want something that does the following:
Go to Contact list
Select some contacts
Ribbon action opens a box that allows me
to select a custom role from a drop down list (source is a dynamics
Select a radio box for either add or remove role
Save the changes, this will add or remove a role from the contact and also send an email to that contact
I know how to get a list of selected recordIDs but I am not sure if I should be calling a dialog or a custom HTML page with JS.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This may not work at all for your scenario but it is worth thinking out of the box sometimes. This would only work if you have a small number of roles and the roles don't change that often.
Add checkboxes on the Contact, one for each role. Build workflows that fire on update of those checkboxes that send your emails. Now users can quickly edit lots of Contact Roles by using the Multi-Edit feature.
The benefit of this approach is it is a "no code" solution and it is very easy for the User since it uses out-of-the-box functionality. The downside is that you need to maintain those checkboxes. But it may be easier than writing a bunch of web resources and javascript!
I have assembled a list of bookmarks on the subject here. I hope the link works.
Gareth Tucker's site is specially interesting.
In the end the solution was to create a Ribbon item that accepted the selected Guids from the contact list.
Then read those in from a web resource (Silverlight) which called into the sdk and created / removed the records accordingly