How to set a different namespace for child helm charts? - kubernetes-helm

When you install a chart with a child chart that doesn't specify a namespace, Helm will use the one specified on command line via --namespace. Is it possible to override this flag for a specific child chart?
For example if I have chart A which depends on chart B and I specify --namespace foo, I want to be able to customize the resources of chart B to be installed into some other namespace bar instead of foo.

Update 2:
Helm 3 added support for multi namespaces
Update 1:
If a resource template specifies a metadata.namespace, then it will be installed in that namespace. For example, if I have a pod with metadata.namespace: x and I run helm install mychart --namespace y, that pod will be installed in x. I guess you could use regular helm templates with the namespace to parameterize it.
Original answer:
We do not plan on fully supporting multi-namespaced releases until Helm 3.0
As a workaround, you install for each namespace individually using --skip-dependencies or with dependency conditions

If you already have different charts then you can use helmfile to achieve this.
Step 1:
create the following folder.
Where helm and helmfile are the binary executables.
Step 2: install the helm diff plugin which is needed used helmfile.
helm plugin install
Step 3: declare your charts in the helmfile.yaml.
helmBinary: ./helm
- name: ingress-nginx
- name: bitnami
- name: nginx-ingress
namespace: nginx-ingress
createNamespace: true
chart: ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
version: ~4.1.0
- name: jupyterhub
namespace: jupyterhub
createNamespace: true
chart: bitnami/jupyterhub
version: ~1.1.12
- name: metrics-server
namespace: metrics-server
createNamespace: true
chart: bitnami/metrics-server
version: ~5.11.9
Step 4: run helmfile to deploy all charts.
./helmfile apply
In the above example, you are deploying three separate charts to three separate namespaces.
Under the covers, helmfile will run helm install separately and create separate releases.


How to deploy prometheus using prometheus operator?

I'm trying to deploy Prometheus using Prometheus operator. I have used the documentation and helm charts from
Since I need the charts for future reference, rather then directly installing the charts from repository I made a Chart.yaml file and added the repository as dependency.
apiVersion: v2
description: kube-prometheus-stack collects Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator.
engine: gotpl
type: application
- name:
name: kube-prometheus-stack
version: 32.2.1
appVersion: 0.54.0
kubeVersion: ">=1.16.0-0"
- operator
- prometheus
- kube-prometheus
"": "true"
"": |
- name: Chart Source
- name: Upstream Project
- name: kube-state-metrics
version: "4.4.*"
condition: kubeStateMetrics.enabled
- name: prometheus-node-exporter
version: "2.5.*"
condition: nodeExporter.enabled
- name: grafana
version: "6.21.*"
condition: grafana.enabled
Chart.yaml file
Then I execute the following cmds
hem dependency update
helm install <chartname> .
Every thing works fine but when I check the pods only the operator pod is created and running with other services and grafana.
Is this the default behavior of the Prometheus operator.
I thought it might be the default behavior of Prometheus so I tried to deploy redis-cluster using redis-cluster operator and also rabbitmq-cluster with rabitmq-cluster operator but each one creates only the operator pod and not cluster pods.
an operator pod acts as a controller that listens to events regarding specific custom resources. if you only deploy the operator, you have to seperately deploy the custom resource you wish to be created.
with the prometeus-operator, that would be a custom resource of kind "prometheus". if the helm chart you choose is capable to also deploy this (or not) should be indicated
in the charts values.yaml and documented on their github page.
you can also use the examples from the prometheus-operator repo to create prometheus instances. check out these files to do so:

helm dependencies with different namespaces

Right now, I have to install multiple helm charts in different namespaces for my product to work. I am trying to create a super helm chart in which I am planning to add the helm charts (of my tools, as mentioned above) and install them in one shot. My problem is, as these tools are in different namespaces I am not sure where to specify the namespace key where I want that particular dependency (chart) to be installed. For e.g. if below is the Charts.yaml of my super helm chart
- name: first_chart
version: 1.2.3
repository: https://firstchart.repo
- name: second_chart
version: 1.5.6
repository: https://secondchart.repo
I want my first chart to be installed in namespace foo and the second chart to be installed in namespace bar.
I was looking at using conditions but I believe conditions will only take a boolean as a value.
I stumbled upon this link ( which says the we can do it in Helm 3 but mostly on how to keep releases between different namespaces. It does not specifically answer my question.
There is no builtin way to do this with pure Helm, but there is with helmfile.
Your example as helmfile.yaml:
- name: chart1 # name of the release (helm install <...> first_chart)
chart: repo1/first_chart
version: 1.2.3
namespace: foo
- name: chart2
chart: repo2/second_chart
version: 1.5.6
namespace: bar
# in case you want helmfile to automatically update repos
- name: repo1
url: https://firstchart.repo
- name: repo2
url: https://secondchart.repo
Then, run:
helmfile sync => run helm install/upgrade on all releases, or
helmfile apply => same as sync, but do a diff first to only upgrade/install releases that changed
There is way more to helmfile, but this is the gist.
PS: if you struggle with values or want to have something similar to how umbrella Chart values are handled, have a look at helmfile: a simple trick to handle values intuitively
The way I solved this for my clusters with with ArgoCD's App of Apps cluster bootstrapping model. Of course, it requires that ArgoCD is install the cluster. However, for many reasons not relevant to this answer I would highly encourage installing ArgoCD regardless of the easy of bootstrapping capabilities.
Assuming ArgoCD is in place the structure is a single Helm chart containing templates for each of the child charts it will deploy and managed via Argo's Application CRD. You will notice there is a definition as part of the CRD, spec.destination.namespace, which governs where the chart will be deployed.
An example Application template which governs my cert-manager chart deployment to the cert-manager namespace looks like:
{{- if .Values.certManager.enabled }}
# ref:
kind: Application
name: cert-manager
# You'll usually want to add your resources to the argocd namespace.
namespace: argocd
# Add a this finalizer ONLY if you want these to cascade delete.
# The project the application belongs to.
project: cluster-configs
# Source of the application manifests
targetRevision: {{ .Values.targetRevision }}
path: charts/cert-manager-chart
# helm specific config
# Helm values files for overriding values in the helm chart
# The path is relative to the spec.source.path directory defined above
{{- range .Values.certManager.valueFiles }}
- {{ . }}
{{- end }}
# Optional Helm version to template with. If omitted it will fall back to look at the 'apiVersion' in Chart.yaml
# and decide which Helm binary to use automatically. This field can be either 'v2' or 'v3'.
version: v3
# Destination cluster and namespace to deploy the application
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: cert-manager
{{- end }}
With a corresponding values.yaml file for this parent chart which may look something like the following with the path to desired value file(s) in that child chart's directory specified.
targetRevision: v1.11.0
enabled: true
- "values.yaml"
- "envs/dev-account/saas/values.yaml"
- "values.yaml"
- "envs/dev-account/saas/values.yaml"
enabled: true
- "values.yaml"
Below is a screenshot of one of my app of apps directory to complete the example.

Helm: Conditional deployment of a dependent chart, only install if it has not been installed before

While installing a helm chart a condition for the dependency works well as the following Chart.yaml file. But it doesn't allow to apply the condition based on the existing Kubernetes resource.
# Chart.yaml
apiVersion: v1
name: my-chart
version: 0.3.1
appVersion: 0.4.5
description: A helm chart with dependency
- name: metrics-server
version: 2.5.0
condition: metrics-server.enabled
I did a local install of the chart (my-chart) in a namespace(default), then I try to install the same chart in another namespace(pb) I get the following error which says the resource already exists. This resource, "system:metrics-server-aggregated-reader", has been installed cluster wide as previous dependency (metrics-server). Following is the step to reproduce.
user#hostname$helm install my-chart -n default --set metrics-server.enabled=true ./my-chart
NAME: my-chart
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Nov 25 16:22:52 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
My Cluster
user#hostname$helm install my-chart -n pb --set metrics-server.enabled=true ./my-chart
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: ClusterRole "system:metrics-server-aggregated-reader" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "" must equal "pb": current value is "default"
There is a way to modify the template inside the metrics-server chart to conditionally generate the manifest files as described in Helm Conditional Templates. In order to do this I have to modify and maintain the metrics-server chart in internal artifact which will restrict me using the most recent charts.
I am looking for an approach to query the existing Kubernetes resource, "system:metrics-server-aggregated-reader", and only install the dependency chart if such resource do not exists.

How to choose dependency release name for custom Helm 3 chart

The syntax for adding a dependency to a helm 3 chart looks like this (inside of chart.yaml).
How can you specify a release name if you need multiple instances of a dependency?
apiVersion: v2
name: shared
description: Ingress Controller and Certificate Manager
type: application
version: 0.1.1
appVersion: 0.1.0
- name: cert-manager
version: ~0.13
In the CLI it's just helm upgrade -i RELEASE_NAME CHART_NAME -n NAMESPACE
But inside of Chart.yaml the option to specify a release seems to be missing.
The next question I have is if there's a weird way to do it, how would you write the values for each instance in the values.yaml file?
After 5 more minutes of searching I found that there's an alias field that can be added, like so:
- name: cert-manager
alias: first-one
version: ~0.13
- name: cert-manager
alias: second-one
version: ~0.13
And in the values.yaml file
# values go here
# values go here
Using cert-manager is just an example, I can't think of a use-case that would need two instances of that particular chart. I'm hoping to use it for brigade projects

Namespace deployment issue in Kubernetes Helm Chart

I am now testing the deployment into different namespace using Kubernetes. Here I am using Kubernetes Helm Chart for that. In my chart, I have deployment.yaml and service.yaml.
When I am defining the "namespace" parameter with Helm command helm install --upgrade, it is not working. When I a read about that I found the statement that - "Helm 2 is not overwritten by the --namespace parameter".
I tried the following command:
helm upgrade --install kubedeploy --namespace=test pipeline/spacestudychart
NB Here my service is deploying with default namespace.
Screenshot of describe pod:
Here my "helm version" command output is like follows:
docker#mildevdcr01:~$ helm version
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.3",
GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.3",
GitCommit:"0e7f3b6637f7af8fcfddb3d2941fcc7cbebb0085", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Because of this reason, I tried to addthis command in deployment.yaml, under metadata.namespace like following,
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: {{ include "spacestudychart.fullname" . }}
namespace: test
I created test and prod, 2 namespaces. But here also it's not working. When I adding like this, I am not getting my service up. I am not able to accessible. And in Jenkins console there is no error. When I defined in helm install --upgrade command it was deploying with default namespace. But here not deploying also.
After this, I removed the namespace from deployment.yaml and added metadata.namespace like the same. There also I am not able to access deployed service. But Jenkins console output still showing success.
Why namespace is not working with my Helm deployment? What changes I need to do here for deploying test/prod instead of this default namespace.
Remove namespace: test from all of your chart files and helm install --namespace=namespace2 ... should work.
On Helm 3.2+, I would suggest (based on this thread) to move the namespace creation to the CLI:
1 ) Add the --create-namespace after the -n flag:
helm upgrade --install <name> <repo> -n <namespace> --create-namespace
2 ) Inside the different resources - pass the Release namespace:
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}