Helm: Conditional deployment of a dependent chart, only install if it has not been installed before - kubernetes

While installing a helm chart a condition for the dependency works well as the following Chart.yaml file. But it doesn't allow to apply the condition based on the existing Kubernetes resource.
# Chart.yaml
apiVersion: v1
name: my-chart
version: 0.3.1
appVersion: 0.4.5
description: A helm chart with dependency
- name: metrics-server
version: 2.5.0
repository: https://artifacts.myserver.com/v1/helm
condition: metrics-server.enabled
I did a local install of the chart (my-chart) in a namespace(default), then I try to install the same chart in another namespace(pb) I get the following error which says the resource already exists. This resource, "system:metrics-server-aggregated-reader", has been installed cluster wide as previous dependency (metrics-server). Following is the step to reproduce.
user#hostname$helm install my-chart -n default --set metrics-server.enabled=true ./my-chart
NAME: my-chart
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Nov 25 16:22:52 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
My Cluster
user#hostname$helm install my-chart -n pb --set metrics-server.enabled=true ./my-chart
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: ClusterRole "system:metrics-server-aggregated-reader" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace" must equal "pb": current value is "default"
There is a way to modify the template inside the metrics-server chart to conditionally generate the manifest files as described in Helm Conditional Templates. In order to do this I have to modify and maintain the metrics-server chart in internal artifact which will restrict me using the most recent charts.
I am looking for an approach to query the existing Kubernetes resource, "system:metrics-server-aggregated-reader", and only install the dependency chart if such resource do not exists.


Pulumi - Chart - Failed checking the Kubernetes version: argocd: >= 1.22.0-0 and got Kubernetes 1.20.0

Got an issue in deploying the argo-cd helm chart, it seems failing checking the Kubernetes version: argocd: >= 1.22.0-0 and got Kubernetes 1.20.0
Pulumi is not using the installed Helm on my Mac and seems to have kube-version set to 1.20.0!
Pulumi Chart ressource:
new k8s.helm.v3.Chart(
chart: 'argo-cd',
fetchOpts: {
repo: 'https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm'
namespace: 'argo',
values: {}
providers: {
kubernetes: cluster.provider
pulumi:pulumi:Stack (my-project-prod):
error: Error: invocation of kubernetes:helm:template returned an error: failed to generate YAML for specified Helm chart: failed to create chart from template: chart requires kubeVersion: >=1.22.0-0 which is incompatible with Kubernetes v1.20.0
The chart is working as intended. >=1.22.0-0 means the chart must be rendered with a version of the Kubernetes client greater than 1.22.0.
Check your Helm version is compiled against 1.22.
If you want to render your chart against your cluster's capabilities, use helm template --validate. That will tell Helm to pull the Kubernetes version from your cluster. Otherwise it uses the version of Kubernetes the Helm client was compiled against.
You can also refer to this github link for more troubleshooting steps.

helm upgrade mongodb fails with error "unable to build kubernetes objects"

In process of project initialization I have a command:
helm upgrade mongodb mongodb/mongodb --install --set replicaSet.enabled=true.
Which fails with error:
Release "mongodb" does not exist. Installing it now.
Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: [resource mapping not found for name: "mongodb-arbiter" namespace: "" from "": no matches for kind "PodDisruptionBudget" in version "policy/v1beta1"
ensure CRDs are installed first, resource mapping not found for name: "mongodb-secondary" namespace: "" from "": no matches for kind "PodDisruptionBudget" in version "policy/v1beta1"
ensure CRDs are installed first]
Can you please suggest what to do?
The version of Kubernetes you are using is too new for your helm charts.
Within the latest version of Kubernetes PodDisruptionBudget lives in policy/v1 and not policy/v1beta1 where your chart is looking for it.

install dapr helm chart on a second namespace while already installed on another namespace in same cluster

I am trying to install a second dapr helm chart on namespace "test" while it is already installed on namespace "dev" in same cluster.
helm upgrade -i --namespace $NAMESPACE \
dapr-uat dapr/dapr
already installed config exists whith following name:
dapr dev 1 2021-10-06 21:16:27.244997 +0100 +01 deployed dapr-1.4.2 1.4.2
I get the following error
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: ClusterRole "dapr-operator-admin" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "meta.helm.sh/release-name" must equal "dapr-uat": current value is "dapr"; annotation validation error: key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace" must equal "test": current value is "dev"
Tried specifying a different version for the installation but with no success
helm upgrade -i --namespace $NAMESPACE \
dapr-uat dapr/dapr \
--version 1.4.0
Starting to think the current chart does not allow for multiple instances (development and testing ) on the same cluster.
Has anyone faced the same issue ?
thank you,
Existing dapr chart applies cluster-wide ressources where names are given with no namespace name consideration. So, when trying to install a second configuration, a cluster-wide ressource name conflict occurs with pre-existing cluster-wide ressource:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with update: ClusterRole "dapr-operator-admin" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "meta.helm.sh/release-name" must equal "dapr-uat": current value is "dapr-dev"; annotation validation error: key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace" must equal "uat": current value is "dev"
I had to edit the chart:
git clone https://github.com/dapr/dapr.git
I edited RBAC ressources in subchart dapr_rbac where ressource name now considers namespace name in dapr_rbac/templates/ClusterRoleBinding.yaml
previous file :
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
name: dapr-operator
Edit now consists of metadata name on all ressources:
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
name: dapr-operator-{{ .Release.Namespace }}
Same logic have been applied to MutatingWebhookConfiguration in subchart dapr_sidecar_injector in file dapr_sidecar_injector/templates/dapr_sidecar_injector_webhook_config.yaml
For full edits, please see forked repo in :

How to choose dependency release name for custom Helm 3 chart

The syntax for adding a dependency to a helm 3 chart looks like this (inside of chart.yaml).
How can you specify a release name if you need multiple instances of a dependency?
apiVersion: v2
name: shared
description: Ingress Controller and Certificate Manager
type: application
version: 0.1.1
appVersion: 0.1.0
- name: cert-manager
version: ~0.13
repository: https://charts.jetstack.io
In the CLI it's just helm upgrade -i RELEASE_NAME CHART_NAME -n NAMESPACE
But inside of Chart.yaml the option to specify a release seems to be missing.
The next question I have is if there's a weird way to do it, how would you write the values for each instance in the values.yaml file?
After 5 more minutes of searching I found that there's an alias field that can be added, like so:
- name: cert-manager
alias: first-one
version: ~0.13
repository: https://charts.jetstack.io
- name: cert-manager
alias: second-one
version: ~0.13
repository: https://charts.jetstack.io
And in the values.yaml file
# values go here
# values go here
Reference https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts/#the-chartyaml-file
Using cert-manager is just an example, I can't think of a use-case that would need two instances of that particular chart. I'm hoping to use it for brigade projects

How to set a different namespace for child helm charts?

When you install a chart with a child chart that doesn't specify a namespace, Helm will use the one specified on command line via --namespace. Is it possible to override this flag for a specific child chart?
For example if I have chart A which depends on chart B and I specify --namespace foo, I want to be able to customize the resources of chart B to be installed into some other namespace bar instead of foo.
Update 2:
Helm 3 added support for multi namespaces https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/2060
Update 1:
If a resource template specifies a metadata.namespace, then it will be installed in that namespace. For example, if I have a pod with metadata.namespace: x and I run helm install mychart --namespace y, that pod will be installed in x. I guess you could use regular helm templates with the namespace to parameterize it.
Original answer:
We do not plan on fully supporting multi-namespaced releases until Helm 3.0
As a workaround, you install for each namespace individually using --skip-dependencies or with dependency conditions
If you already have different charts then you can use helmfile to achieve this.
Step 1:
create the following folder.
Where helm and helmfile are the binary executables.
Step 2: install the helm diff plugin which is needed used helmfile.
helm plugin install https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff
Step 3: declare your charts in the helmfile.yaml.
helmBinary: ./helm
- name: ingress-nginx
url: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
- name: bitnami
url: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
- name: nginx-ingress
namespace: nginx-ingress
createNamespace: true
chart: ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
version: ~4.1.0
- name: jupyterhub
namespace: jupyterhub
createNamespace: true
chart: bitnami/jupyterhub
version: ~1.1.12
- name: metrics-server
namespace: metrics-server
createNamespace: true
chart: bitnami/metrics-server
version: ~5.11.9
Step 4: run helmfile to deploy all charts.
./helmfile apply
In the above example, you are deploying three separate charts to three separate namespaces.
Under the covers, helmfile will run helm install separately and create separate releases.