Mouse right click is not working in unity - unity3d

I have scene with the input field in unity.I am just trying to paste the copied code into that input field.I can paste it through cmd+v but unable to get panel with a paste option while right clicking.Is there any way to have access that panel after mouse right click in unity.


How to activate all hidden gameObjects in Unity

I'm making a menu for a game in unity. I have created text and buttons which have functions that open panels with more options in the menu. For example, click on the options button and a new box will appear, which has been hidden by unticking the box in the top left of inspector of that object and using the setActive boolean, on click to activate it during run time.
The program works perfectly. However, if I want to edit the object that is hidden when editing the menu in unity, I have to tick the box top left in the inspector to therefore see it. This is only a minor problem however, if I want to run the program to check for errors I need to find each and every object that has to be unticked again.
Is there a way of seeing that object without me re-ticking the box in the editor of unity as I can see mistakes being made as I implement more boxes?
In the void Start() you should deactivate that UI:
void Start()
//and so on
In this way, you can have all objects activated in the scene when you are trying or modifying them it will not cause problems at the start of the program.

Why is the game scene empty when I press "play"?

I'm trying to open up a game demo from my class to see what it looks like, but after opening up the project in Unity, going to the "Game" tab on the upper part of the screen, and pressing "play", nothing shows up. I'm new to Unity so I have no idea why the screen is blank (there should be a title screen that says "Traffic Jam" and a play button). I'll attach a screenshot of my workspace below.
Note: I read somewhere about changing the "Layout" dropdown option in the upper right corner to "Default", but even if I do that, the title screen doesn't show up correctly.
Here is a link to the project if you want to try it out yourself:
UPDATE: I've now opened the scene and have all the objects displayed, however some things still don't seem to be quite right. The title of the game is not shown when it should be and although the "play" button is shown, clicking on it doesn't get the game started as it should.
You should open the scene you are highlighting, by double clicking. You can also open the unity project by double clicking the scene directly from windows explorer.
When unity has opened that scene, this is what you will see.
And this will then be your game view:
This is what happens when I click play and die.
After opening a Unity project, ensure you are also opening the correct Unity Scene.
Most Unity project usually contains multiple Scene files which will have different contents.
I can see in your Project tab that you have a Unity scene file which is not currently open, if you double click this it should take you to your scene.
I can tell that this is not open as the Hierarchy would show the name of the currently open scene instead of 'Untitled'.
If this file does not contain the items you are looking for you should check other folder in your project for Unity scene files (did you save it as something else?)

I can't close the Inspector window in unity3d. The Close Tab option is disabled. What can i do?

I played around with the windows Game, Scene, Hierarchy...Then the Inspector is all over the editor and i don't have the Close Tab option. I tried to close and load the unity editor again but it didn't help. Once i'm loading the project or the scene file i'm getting: I also tried to create a new complete project but still what i see is this:
See the Layout dropdown at the top right of the window (right below the X close button)? Click it, select "Defaut", there you go.

How can I change visual studio code mouse click events?

For exemple I want to set the editor mouse click. When I click a file
should be opened in a separate window, not when I double click on the
Anything that can be changed, can be changed with settings:
press F1:
You will see a list of settings you can search through:
Otherwise there might be a plugin for that, or you have to make a plugin yourself.

Xcode Windows Problem !

I am facing a strange problem . When i single click on my files in the left pane of Xcode window. The file doesnt automatically show on the right pane. I have to double click on my classes files or resources files to open them . It was working fine since yesterday. Does anyone has any idea wats wrong?
If I understand it correctly! I think you were working with multiple files and opened these files in right pane. when you click on image in left pane the image will show in the current(focused window) in right pane and then if you click on any file the image window would not get refreshed. The file you have clicked opened in the another window (minimized window). To resolve your problem - click on the close button in upper right corner (second button look like a rectangle), this will close the current window. Close all the windows now click on the file in left pane, it will show up in the right pane window.