How can I change visual studio code mouse click events? - visual-studio-code

For exemple I want to set the editor mouse click. When I click a file
should be opened in a separate window, not when I double click on the

Anything that can be changed, can be changed with settings:
press F1:
You will see a list of settings you can search through:
Otherwise there might be a plugin for that, or you have to make a plugin yourself.


Can I configure VS Code to disable Breakpoint by middle click?

I am switching from PyCharm to VS Codium. I want to be able to disable breakpoints by middle mouse click, like in pycharm.
Currently, I can disable a breakpoint by right click at breakpoint and select Disable Breakpoint:
Another way is to disable it in list in Breakpoints view.
But I want to be able to quickly enable/disable it by just clicking with mouse wheel (middle button). Is it possible to configure VS Code this way? Currently, when I middle click on breakpoint, this is ignored, and instead a text from selection clipboard is pasted (it is the default behavior in linux). Visual Studio Code version is 1.66.1.
There is no way at the moment to customize mouse click events. There are a few hardcoded options you can change in the settings, but it is extremely limited like pressing ctrl and the mouse wheel for zoom. As far as I am aware, disabling breakpoints is not among those options.
Check out:
I currently use the following workaround.
Remap the middle click to some button.
For wayland several utilities can be used for that. Let's take kbct.
Add such config (edit for your needs)
- keyboards: [ "Logitech MX Master" ]
btn_middle: f15
Then start kbct.service.
Create the ruler script
Make the file
class=$(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowclassname)
if [ "x$class" == "xVSCodium" ]; then
ydotool click 0xC1 # right click
sleep 0.2
ydotool key 107:1 107:0 28:1 28:0 # End, Enter
ydotool click 0xC2 # middle click
Do not forget to add executable permissions.
Bind shortcut to the script
To assign a command to shortcut in KDE, go to System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts, right click, choose New -> Global Shortcut -> Command/URL. Go to Action tab and fill in the command. In this case it will be the path to Note: do not use ~ there.
And in Trigger tab assign the shortcut. In this case we use f15 (use some way to simulate it, if it is not presented on the keyboard).
Start VS Codium
Use vs codium in X11 mode. This is because I currently do not know how to get active window class in wayland.
Now if you middle click in vscodium window, it will receive the sequence of input that leads to enabling/disabling breakpoint. In any other window, the middle click will behave as normal.
There is debug.enableOrDisableBreakpoint in codium, but toggling that with shortcut only works when the cursor is on the line with breakpoint. I did not found a way to move cursor to the line where you pressed (method to get the mouse over line?). So I made that complex thing with ydotool
I also tried to start stop kbct by window activation, but that is unfortunately broken in kde wayland currently.

Hide file drop down menu in editor

I'm working in VS Code and (I think I used a wrong shortcut) the following feature appeared: When having a file opened in a tab, there appears a bar below the header of the tab and above the first line of the file. When clicking on it, a dropdown menu opens up, where one can select the other files of the current folder (see picture below). When clicking on one of them, this file is opened in a new tab.
How can i remove this menu? I already searched through my user and workspace settings, but didn't find an appropriate option.
Thanks for your answers
You have enabled VSCode's breadcrumb feature. To disable it:
Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command pallete.
Type "Toggle Breadcrumbs" and press enter.
Alternatively, you can disable the breadcrumbs from the settings menu:

How do I stop VSCode from the Side Bar moving to the folder that the current file is in?

In Visual Studio Code, whenever I close a file, the next open file becomes active in the editor and the Side Bar moves to that file's location in the folder structure. This is usually not the behavior I want. I often want to open another file in the same location as the one I just closed, but now my Side Bar has shifted around to what could be a totally different place in a large project.
I like the behavior of the main Visual Studio product where the Solution does not automatically shift. Instead, if I want to see where in the solution a file is, I can use a keyboard shortcut to move there ("Find File in Solution"), instead of automatically moving there every time the active file changes.
Is there any way to change/disable this functionality in VSCode?
The is an option explorer.autoReveal in settings (either user or workspace) which controls if the explorer should automatically reveal files when opening them.
Open VS User Settings (Preferences > User Settings). This will open two side-by-side documents.
Add a new "explorer.autoReveal": false setting to the User Settings document on the right if it's not already there. This is so you aren't editing the Default Setting directly, but instead adding to it.
Save the User Settings file.
in Version: 1.42.1
Open VS User Settings (Preferences > User Settings).
Search for "explorer auto reveal" without quotes.
Now uncheck the checkbox.
There is a new setting in v1.46 that will select the files in the explorer but not scroll to reveal them:
We have introduced a new value focusNoScroll to the
explorer.autoReveal setting. For this value Explorer will
automatically select files when opening them but will not reveal them.
from v1.46 release notes.
So that setting will highlight the active editor in the explorer but not scroll to it.

How to make GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette's PaletteView visible on first start

My GEF editor (extending GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette) always opens the editor with the palette hidden on first start of the application / first opening of the editor (after a build for example).
As this will potentially bewilder users who'll need to go in search of the flyout icon first, I'd like to have the palette view shown whenever the editor is opened. The user can then choose to close it on his/her preferences.
How can I achieve this? The API doesn't seem to give any clues, or I'm unable to find them...
The state of the palette defines if it is open or closed. This state is accessible using the getPalettePreferences().setPaletteState() method that is accessible in the GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette. To open the palette, you must set it to the FlyoutPaletteComposite.STATE_PINNED_OPEN, like this:
If you want to ALWAYS override the state so that the palette is always opened with the editor, you have to add the line to the constructor of your editor. If you only want to do this once, and then leave the state as it was last selected by the user... No idea how to do this :-(

Netbeans Project Panel toggle

Is there any keyboard short cut in netbeans for toggling between project panel.
For example if I'm working on a laptop and sometime I need for space for see the code window and always I have to click on the project's panel to hide it.
Is there any way I can quickly hide and show that left side thing?
You can use Shift + ESCAPE to maximize the current window (e.g. the code editor).
Alternatively, right click on the editor's tab for the current file and choose "Maximize"
you can use shift+esc to hide or show your project panel.