Ignore or bypass errors phpcs - visual-studio-code

How to bypass or ignore specific errors/warnings in vscode?, I am using phpcs.

What you are looking for is to ignore the warning and/or errors, that are notified by the phpcs in the console of the vscode.
For Warnings
Use the following config in your settings.json
"phpcs.showWarnings": false,
this will remove all the warnings displayed in the output console.
For Errors
You should go trough the DOCS for complete details but to remove the errors related to the Doc block and the formatting standards you can set the
"phpcs.errorSeverity": 6,
Although it is mostly used for testing or code reviews to check for total warnings and errors by setting different values for both, but for development i dont do that and keep it to the default value that is 5 but you can get rid of those errors above in your image.

The vscode-phpcs refers to the GitHub project squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer, which integrates PHP_CodeSniffer into VSCode.
Its readme mentions the setting phpcs.ignorePatterns:
An array of glob patterns to skip files and folders that match when linting your documents.
"phpcs.ignorePatterns": [
That refers to PHP CodeSniffer --ignore option.
That is not what you want exactly, since it ignores all errors on a given set of file.
But you could use PHP CodeSniffer syntax to ignore errors:
Ignoring Parts of a File
Some parts of your code may be unable to conform to your coding standard. For example, you might have to break your standard to integrate with an external library or web service.
To stop PHP_CodeSniffer generating errors for this code, you can wrap it in special comments. PHP_CodeSniffer will then hide all errors and warnings that are generated for these lines of code.
$xmlPackage = new XMLPackage;
// phpcs:disable
$xmlPackage['error_code'] = get_default_error_code_value();
// phpcs:enable
Again, not exactly what you want, since you have to specify that on a file-by-file basis
You can disable multiple error message codes, sniff, categories, or standards by using a comma separated list.
You can also selectively re-enable just the ones you want.
The following example disables the entire PEAR coding standard, and all the Squiz array sniffs, before selectively re-enabling a specific sniff. It then re-enables all checking rules at the end.
// phpcs:disable PEAR,Squiz.Arrays
$foo = [1,2,3];
// phpcs:enable PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature
// phpcs:enable


Shell.Application & errors

To clarify, I am specifically asking about how to HANDLE errors when using Shell.Application. Or more to the point, CAN one handle errors, and IF SO, how. The font example is just that, an example of the current situation I am trying to solve. But the question remains, can one handle (not avoid, handle) an error when using Shell.Application? There may well be some subtlety to the answer, I.e in general you can, but specifically not in the fonts example. That seems to be the case, and I am inclined to decide that Shell.Application is old, broken technology that should simply not be used, because it can't be robust in all use cases, which to me says it's potentially fragile in any use case.
I am attempting to refine my use of Shell.Application.CopyHere(), specifically for use installing fonts. What I hope to do is address the occasional error where a font file is corrupt or otherwise not a valid font file.
So far as I can tell from this there really is no way to address this. I can use argument value 16 Respond with "Yes to All" for any dialog box that is displayed. to perhaps get past the error, but with no return code I have no way to log a resulting error. Using .CopyHere() in PowerShell with a Try/Catch doesn't work either. Is this just old technology from a time when Microsoft just accepted things failing ungracefully? Or am I missing a technique that solves the issue?
EDIT: Based on that link I provided, I tried the 1024 argument, Do not display a user interface if an error occurs. Like so
$fontFolder.CopyHere($fontFilePath, 1024)
Doesn't seem to do what it says it does, since I am seeing a dialog that says
Cannot install bogus.ttf
The file ... does not appear to be a valid font.
So, not only not able to get a meaningful error back, but the presence of an error disrupts execution of the script and requires user interaction. Ugh.
Not really a minimal code example, since my question is CAN this be done, even before how. But this is what I just tried.
fontFilePath = '\\px\Rollouts\Misc\Fonts\bogus.ttf'
$fontFolderPath = "$env:windir\Fonts"
$fontFolder = $(New-Object -ComObject:Shell.Application).Namespace($fontFolderPath)
$fontFolder.CopyHere($fontFilePath, 1024)
Based on what that 1024 argument claims to do, I would expect this to fail, but also not stop processing while a dialog waits for user interaction.
Also, worth noting that bogus.ttf is simply an empty text file renamed with TTF extension. So, guaranteed not to successfully install a font.
It seems that the Fonts folder, while it does implement Folder.CopyHere, does not evaluate the flags passed in the second parameter. Doesn't seem there are any other standard utilities to install fonts programmatically, or verify the integrity of the TTF non-interactively.
So this leaves us the option of rolling our own Font registration using the Win32 API. Basically, you have to copy the font to the Fonts folder:
# For .NET versions earlier than 4.0, hardcode to C:\Windows\Fonts
# Fonts special folder is new in 4.0
$fontDir = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath([System.Environment.SpecialFolder]::Fonts)
Copy-Item C:\Path\To\Font.ttf "${fontDir}\Font.ttf"
This next call isn't strictly necessary, as it only adds the font temporarily to your user session, but it does function as an integrity check to see if the font is valid and can be imported. You need to P/Invoke AddFontResource from the Win32 API:
Add-Type -Name Gdi32 -Namespace Win32 -MemberDefinition #"
public static extern int AddFontResource(string lpszFilename);
# Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure, if you want your error checking here
And then register it at the following registry key. This piece is necessary for persisting the font you copied to $fontDir:
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts' -Name "FontName" -Value "FontFileName.ttf"
You can programmatically get the FontName using the PrivateFontCollection class, and the Families[x].Name property under that, where x is the index of the font in the collection you want the name for.
To address your edit, there isn't going to be a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to handling errors in Shell.Application. There are multiple reasons to avoid using Shell.Application, such as:
APIs are wrought with legacy behavior, such as using modal dialogs to report errors
Windows standards are implemented inconsistently, such as Fonts ignoring the documented CopyFile flags
Not available in a non-interactive session
The first two points are cases the example in your question hits. The third comes into play in many automation scenarios, especially when a non-interactive service accounts are used to execute commands. There are very few cases where something can only be done via Shell.Application, and as such it's almost always best to avoid it if there is an alternative API. Your font installation scenario is an excellent example of this.

Eclipse XML Validation - how to exclude certain files?

Since the reactions in the Eclipse WTP forum were not really helpful I try to maybe get an answer here:
In our test folders we have a couple of (purposely) faulty XML files.
EACH and EVERY time I do a full rebuild these are flagged as validation errors!
No matter what I specify in Preferences -> Validation -> XML Validation -> Settings under "Exclude Group: these files keep getting validated and hence flagged as build errors and this is mighty annoying!
What syntax is expected for a "Folder or Filename" rule?
Our faulty testfiles are named like "Filename-01.xml" to "Filename-30.xml" but strings like "Filename*.xml" or "Filename*" (with or without the case sensitive flag checked) obviously don't match. Whether specifying the full pathname or just the directory-local name or even trying with RegEx syntax (i.e. "Filename.*") didn't make any difference.
What is the secret sauce to get this "Exclude Group" working?
Or is this simply a bug that we have to live with (because I have little hope that this will ever get fixed...)?

SuiteCloud IDE Validator Ignore List

In the SuiteCloud Eclipse IDE for NetSuite, what is the Ignore List setting under Preferences > NetSuite > Validation? Is it a single file that behaves like, say, a .gitignore? Or is it an explicit list of files to ignore?
I suspect this setting is why Eclipse is always building libraries and other files I've explicitly told it not to in my NetSuite projects.
Can anyone provide some clarity on the usage of this field?
Attempt 1
I tried setting this preference to a single file with the following contents:
**/Third Party/**
But that does not seem to work as expected. Files that should be caught by these regexes are still validated. One of them in particular (docstrap.lib.js) crashes the entire IDE every single time when the SuiteScript validator encounters it.
Attempt 2
I tried to put a similar string of regexes directly into the field itself:
but this just yields an error directly in the dialog itself: Value must be an existing file
Attempt 3
Created a new SuiteScript project with only blanket.min.js in the project root. Added an ignore file with the following contents:
blanket.min.js still gets validated. Completely lost as to how this ignore file should be formatted.
The ignore list is used by the SuiteCloud IDE (IDE) to avoid having errors in the IDE for non-standard script ids in SuiteScript 1.0 APIs.
As an example...
Since customrecord_foo is a non-standard record, it will be marked as an error by the IDE.
To tell the IDE to ignore customrecord_foo, the ignore list can be used.
It's a text file, with one script id per line.
The specified non-standard script ids in the ignore list file will not be flagged as an error by the IDE.

How to add an extra plist property using CMake?

I'm trying to add the item
to my plist that's auto-generated by CMake. For certain keys, it appears there are pre-defined ways to add an item; for example:
But I can't find a way to add an arbitrary property.
I tried using the MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST target property as follows: I'd like the resulting plist to be identical to the old one, except with the new property I want, so I just copied the auto-generated plist and set that as my template. But the plist uses some Xcode variables, which also look like ${foo}, and CMake grumbles about this:
Syntax error in cmake code when
parsing string
syntax error, unexpected cal_SYMBOL,
expecting } (47)
Policy CMP0010 is not set: Bad
variable reference syntax is an error.
Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0010"
for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the
policy and suppress this warning. This
warning is for project developers.
Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
In any case, I'm not even sure that this is the right thing to do. I can't find a good example or any good documentation about this. Ideally, I'd just let CMake generate everything as before, and just add a single extra line. What can I do?
Have you looked into copying the relevant *.plist.in file in /opt/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules (such as MacOSXBundleInfo.plist.in), editing it to put <key>UIStatusBarHidden</key><true/> (or #VAR_TO_REPLACE_BY_CMAKE#), and adding the directory of the edited version in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH?
If you have CMake installed as an app bundle, then the location of that file is /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/share/cmake-N.N/Modules
You can add your values using # and pass #ONLY to configure_file.
Unfortunately there is no simple way to add custom line to generated file.

Photoshop plugin Pipl resources and disabling save

I have a photoshop plugin for a file format Ive written in c++ that loads and opens the images, however I do not have code to save the image in the same format
Using SimpleFormat sample plugin as a base I have the following code:
FormatFlags { fmtSavesImageResources,
fmtCanCreateThumbnail },
However removing fmtCanWrite or IfRead etc produces parser errors in the Pipl tool, I've checked the syntax and it should be correct but I cannot figure out how to do this =s
This is really counter-intuitive but if you check out pg 77 of Plug-in Resource Guide.pdf from the SDK the flags aren't really flags, they are actually keywords. Based on the grammar they give, to not include the write flag you actually need to replace it with a do-not-write flag.
For example, this compiles fine for me:
FormatFlags { fmtDoesNotSavesImageResources,
fmtCanCreateThumbnail }