Photoshop plugin Pipl resources and disabling save - plugins

I have a photoshop plugin for a file format Ive written in c++ that loads and opens the images, however I do not have code to save the image in the same format
Using SimpleFormat sample plugin as a base I have the following code:
FormatFlags { fmtSavesImageResources,
fmtCanCreateThumbnail },
However removing fmtCanWrite or IfRead etc produces parser errors in the Pipl tool, I've checked the syntax and it should be correct but I cannot figure out how to do this =s

This is really counter-intuitive but if you check out pg 77 of Plug-in Resource Guide.pdf from the SDK the flags aren't really flags, they are actually keywords. Based on the grammar they give, to not include the write flag you actually need to replace it with a do-not-write flag.
For example, this compiles fine for me:
FormatFlags { fmtDoesNotSavesImageResources,
fmtCanCreateThumbnail }


Why does DITA Open Toolkit PDF plugin rename image href attributes?

I'm sorry if this doesn't have enough information. I don't typically ask for help online like this.
I'm using DITA Open Toolkit 3.4 on Windows. I generated a plugin called "vcr2" using Jarno's (very excellent and helpful) PDF Plugin Generator and then made a handful of customizations. The plugin uses the pdf2 plugin as a base. When I try to use the vcr2 plugin, my images are not working. I've tracked the problem down to malformed image filenames in the image's href attribute.
For example:
In my source file (a DITA Task), the markup for one of my images looks like this:
<image href="MyRemindersChooseReminder.png"/>
If I run a transform with the pdf2 plugin, the images work fine. In the merged stage1.xml file in the Temp folder, the XML for that same image looks like this:
<image class="- topic/image " href="df2d132af27436c59c5c8c4282e112d62bec8201.png" placement="inline" xtrc="image:1;10:66" xtrf="file:/V:/Vasont/Extract/t12340879-minimal/t12340879.xml"/>
It is processed into a file, and looks like this:
Everything works fine and the image looks fine.
If I run the same file through my 'vcr2' plugin, which just calls the same pdf2 plugin with some overrides, all the images get broken:
<image class="- topic/image " href="df2d132af27436c59c5c8c4282e112d62bec8201.png" placement="inline" xtrc="image:1;10:66" xtrf="file:/V:/Vasont/Extract/t12340879-minimal/t12340879.xml"/>
As I track this down further, it appears that somewhere in the map-reader Ant task, this filename gets changed to that cryptic string of pseudo-hexadecimal. I think later on it's supposed to be changed back or resolved to a complete URI or something.
So, the two-part question is: Why does Open Toolkit change my filenames, and what's supposed to change them back?
DITA-OT's preprocess uses hashes for temporary filenames because it allows the code to not deal with directory structures. This enables preprocess to work in so-called "map-first" mode, where it first processes all DITA map resources and only then starts to process DITA topic and image resources.
The preprocess has a step called clean-preprocess that can rewrite the temporary file names to match source resource files names. However, this rewrite operation is disabled for PDF output because the original file names are not used for anything in that output type.

Ignore or bypass errors phpcs

How to bypass or ignore specific errors/warnings in vscode?, I am using phpcs.
What you are looking for is to ignore the warning and/or errors, that are notified by the phpcs in the console of the vscode.
For Warnings
Use the following config in your settings.json
"phpcs.showWarnings": false,
this will remove all the warnings displayed in the output console.
For Errors
You should go trough the DOCS for complete details but to remove the errors related to the Doc block and the formatting standards you can set the
"phpcs.errorSeverity": 6,
Although it is mostly used for testing or code reviews to check for total warnings and errors by setting different values for both, but for development i dont do that and keep it to the default value that is 5 but you can get rid of those errors above in your image.
The vscode-phpcs refers to the GitHub project squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer, which integrates PHP_CodeSniffer into VSCode.
Its readme mentions the setting phpcs.ignorePatterns:
An array of glob patterns to skip files and folders that match when linting your documents.
"phpcs.ignorePatterns": [
That refers to PHP CodeSniffer --ignore option.
That is not what you want exactly, since it ignores all errors on a given set of file.
But you could use PHP CodeSniffer syntax to ignore errors:
Ignoring Parts of a File
Some parts of your code may be unable to conform to your coding standard. For example, you might have to break your standard to integrate with an external library or web service.
To stop PHP_CodeSniffer generating errors for this code, you can wrap it in special comments. PHP_CodeSniffer will then hide all errors and warnings that are generated for these lines of code.
$xmlPackage = new XMLPackage;
// phpcs:disable
$xmlPackage['error_code'] = get_default_error_code_value();
// phpcs:enable
Again, not exactly what you want, since you have to specify that on a file-by-file basis
You can disable multiple error message codes, sniff, categories, or standards by using a comma separated list.
You can also selectively re-enable just the ones you want.
The following example disables the entire PEAR coding standard, and all the Squiz array sniffs, before selectively re-enabling a specific sniff. It then re-enables all checking rules at the end.
// phpcs:disable PEAR,Squiz.Arrays
$foo = [1,2,3];
// phpcs:enable PEAR.Functions.FunctionCallSignature
// phpcs:enable

Marmalade corrupts textures when deployed to Android

I'm currently writing an application for Android using Marmalade. I must say that I find the .mkb syntax highly annoying, regardless of that, Marmalade seems to be corrupting my textures, but only when I add the files to my .mkb file.
With the following MKB file, my output is this
#!/usr/bin/env mkb
assets {
When I leave out the "assets" section of my .mkb file, the output is this. The output it SHOULD have, is this, as you can see, the fonts don't render on mobile, which probably means I need to add the files to my .mkb file, but doing so (or even adding one file), it corrupts everything.
I changed the way Marmalade's "assets" section looks and everything seems to be working. Still don't know why it corrupted before, at least I don't have the problem anymore.

Catalyst::View::Wkhtmltopdf creating error with template

I am using Catalyst::View::Wkhtmltopdf but issues are araising,
got the error
Caught exception in wealthe::View::Wkhtmltopdf->process "Void-input at /usr/local/share/perl5/Catalyst/View/ line 98."
When checked found its some issue with template, I have added the following config in
'View::Wkhtmltopdf' => { command => '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf',
tmpdir => '/usr/tmp',
tt_view => 'TT',
Template name is under View and is rendering correctly,
I have made file under View with the following contents
package myapp::View::Wkhtmltopdf;
use Moose;
extends qw/Catalyst::View::Wkhtmltopdf/;
is there anything else I need to get it working.
My experience with the PDF writing perl modules on CPAN is that every option is either:
extremely simple, but capable of only very rudimentary output
fully featured and capable of professional PDF output, but hideously complex and requiring pretty deep knowledge of PDF internals
We gave up.
Instead of trying to generate PDFs with perl natively from scratch, we attacked the problem by building the pages we wanted to render as PDF with Template Toolkit (in most cases reusing existing templates with different wrappers), and used the excellent wkhtmltopdf to handle the conversion to PDF.
Since then, Catalyst::View::Wkhtmltopdf has become available that makes this even simpler.
One of the easiest way is to create a (quite simple) HTML page then convert it to PDF:
It needs the least amount of PDF knowledge.
The other module could create PDF on the fly but they are much more complicated:

How could I embedded socket in Lua internally, just like oslib, debuglib?

I want to implement the function like embedding the socket function in my Lua build.
So I don't need to copy socket.core.dll any more (just for fun).
I search the maillist, and see some guys discuss the topic,
But I have question for the details steps, who could give me a detailed steps for changing the lua and luasocket code to make them work together (not with dll method).
I tried these steps in windows xp with VC2008:
1) copy luasocket code to Lua project.
2) add some code
static const luaL_Reg lualibs[] = {
{"", luaopen_base},
{LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package},
{LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table},
{LUA_IOLIBNAME, luaopen_io},
{LUA_OSLIBNAME, luaopen_os},
{LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string},
{LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math},
{LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug},
{LUA_SOCKETLIBNAME, luaopen_socket_core}, // add this line
{LUA_MIMELIBNAME, luaopen_socket_core}, // add this line
3) build the project, and run it.
When I type print(socket._VERSION), it shows luasocket 2.0.2, it is correct.
When I type print(socket.dns.toip("localhost")), it shows table: 00480AD0, it is correct too.
But when I try to use other features, for example bind, it can't work.
Who could tell me the reason?
you need put luasocket stuff into the package.preload table, in this way:
lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "package");
lua_getfield(L, -1, "preload");
lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_socket_core);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "socket.core");
// add mime.core yourself...
luasocket is a mixed C/lua module, you need to bundle both versions into your application if you want it to work without any extra files.
socket.lua loads socket.core (from socket/core.dll)
mime.lua loads mime.core (from mime/core.dll)
So in order for your application to work you will need to build all the .dll files and the .lua files into your application and manually load them (or set them up to be loaded correctly via custom package loaders).
The email you quoted is tweaking the package.preload table (in a way that appears a tad odd now but might work anyway) to get the built-in C code to be loaded correctly when require is called.
Try running
for k, v in pairs(socket) do print(k, v) end
and maybe we'll be able to help.