SuiteCloud IDE Validator Ignore List - eclipse

In the SuiteCloud Eclipse IDE for NetSuite, what is the Ignore List setting under Preferences > NetSuite > Validation? Is it a single file that behaves like, say, a .gitignore? Or is it an explicit list of files to ignore?
I suspect this setting is why Eclipse is always building libraries and other files I've explicitly told it not to in my NetSuite projects.
Can anyone provide some clarity on the usage of this field?
Attempt 1
I tried setting this preference to a single file with the following contents:
**/Third Party/**
But that does not seem to work as expected. Files that should be caught by these regexes are still validated. One of them in particular (docstrap.lib.js) crashes the entire IDE every single time when the SuiteScript validator encounters it.
Attempt 2
I tried to put a similar string of regexes directly into the field itself:
but this just yields an error directly in the dialog itself: Value must be an existing file
Attempt 3
Created a new SuiteScript project with only blanket.min.js in the project root. Added an ignore file with the following contents:
blanket.min.js still gets validated. Completely lost as to how this ignore file should be formatted.

The ignore list is used by the SuiteCloud IDE (IDE) to avoid having errors in the IDE for non-standard script ids in SuiteScript 1.0 APIs.
As an example...
Since customrecord_foo is a non-standard record, it will be marked as an error by the IDE.
To tell the IDE to ignore customrecord_foo, the ignore list can be used.
It's a text file, with one script id per line.
The specified non-standard script ids in the ignore list file will not be flagged as an error by the IDE.


Eclipse XML Validation - how to exclude certain files?

Since the reactions in the Eclipse WTP forum were not really helpful I try to maybe get an answer here:
In our test folders we have a couple of (purposely) faulty XML files.
EACH and EVERY time I do a full rebuild these are flagged as validation errors!
No matter what I specify in Preferences -> Validation -> XML Validation -> Settings under "Exclude Group: these files keep getting validated and hence flagged as build errors and this is mighty annoying!
What syntax is expected for a "Folder or Filename" rule?
Our faulty testfiles are named like "Filename-01.xml" to "Filename-30.xml" but strings like "Filename*.xml" or "Filename*" (with or without the case sensitive flag checked) obviously don't match. Whether specifying the full pathname or just the directory-local name or even trying with RegEx syntax (i.e. "Filename.*") didn't make any difference.
What is the secret sauce to get this "Exclude Group" working?
Or is this simply a bug that we have to live with (because I have little hope that this will ever get fixed...)?

"Two output file names resolved to the same output path" error when nesting more than one .resx file within form in .NET application

I have a Windows Forms .NET application in Visual Studio. Making a form "Localizable" adds a Form1.resx file nested below the form. I also want to add a separate .resx file for each form (Form1Resources.resx). This is used for custom form-specific resources, e.g. messages generated using the code behind.
This is set up as follows:
It would be tidier to nest the custom .resx file beneath the form (see this question for details about nest how to do this), as follows:
However, this results in the following error when I build the application:
Two output file names resolved to the same output path:
"obj\Debug\WindowsFormsApp1.Form1.resources" WindowsFormsApp1
I'm guessing that MSBuild uses some logic to find nested .resx files and generate .resources file based on its parent. Is there any way that this can be resolved?
Note that it is not possible to add custom messages to the Form1.resx file - this is for design-specific resources only and any resources that you add get overwritten when you save changes in design mode.
The error comes from the GenerateResource task because the 2 resx files (EmbeddedResource items in msbuild) passed both have the same ManifestResourceName metadata value. That values gets created by the CreateManifestResourceNames task and assumingly when it sees an EmbeddedResource which has the DependentUpon metadata set (to Form1.cs in your case) it always generates something of the form '$(RootNamespace).%(DependentUpon)': both your resx files end up with WindowsFormsApp1.Form1 as ManifestResourceName. Which could arguably be treated as the reason why having all resx files under Form1 is not tidier: it's not meant for it, requires extra fiddling, moreover it could be confusing for others since they'd typcially expect to contain the resx fils placed beneath a form to contain what it always does.
Anyway: there's at least 2 ways to work around this:
there's a Target called CreateCustomManifestResourceNames which is meant to be used for custom ManifestResourceName creation. A bit too much work for your case probably, just mentioning it for completeness
manually declare a ManifestResourceName yourself which doesn't clash with the other(s); if the metadata is already present it won't get overwritten by
Generic code sample:
<EmbeddedResource Include="Form1Resources.resx">

Error Importing a Symfony project in Eclipse

I'm trying to use Eclipse to work with Symfony2.
I'm used to Eclipse in Java but not really with PHP.
When I try to import a project with import wizard, everything is fine until the very few last moments, when I get this error :
As you can see, The error log panel is empty, and there is even no log file in my brand new workspace. (but it would appear if I get another error elsewhere)
Not my goal but it could provide some infos :
If I create a new Eclipse Symfony2 project from scrap, I get a fully working dummy website. Still, there remain 2 "redcross" errors:
cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'configurator' must have no character or element information item [children], because the type's content type is empty. (in /app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.xml line 2106) XML Problem
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'factory'. One of '{"":file, "":argument, "":configurator, "":call, "":tag, "":property}' is expected. appDevDebugProjectContainer.xml /rezdfezrdfrezdfr/app/cache/dev line 1265 XML Problem
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'factory'. One of '{"":file, "":argument, "":configurator, "":call, "":tag, "":property}' is expected.
(in /app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.xml line 1265)
Since it is not my goal right now, I'm didn't debug these errors yet, but I plan to. EDIT : as I saw on several SO posts, I disabled my project validators to ignore XML validation. No effect :-(
I think it is not the same as Error Importing a Symfony project in Eclipse with dubture plugin, since I dont get any log.
Do anybody know this problem and have a way to have the import wizard working ?
Thanks for any help.

Allow for non-existent files in FileFieldEditor [duplicate]

I'm setting up a series of preferences in my Eclipse (3.5.2) application and I'm having a problem with the FileFieldEditor. I want to allow the user to specify a log file to print output to. Often, this will be a new file. But when I use the file select dialog with FileFieldEditor, it complains that the file doesn't exists ("Value must be an existing file"). Is there a way, without extending the FileFieldEditor class, to suppress this error and have Java create that file if it doesn't exist? Thanks!
When I look the source code of org.eclipse.jface.preference.FileFieldEditor, the only solution would be to extend it and write your own version of a FileFieldEditor, with:
an overwritten changePressed() method in order to keep the file path even if the file does not exists
an overwritten checkState() method in order to avoid that error message.
So I do not see a way to avoid that FileFieldEditor extension here.

How to add an extra plist property using CMake?

I'm trying to add the item
to my plist that's auto-generated by CMake. For certain keys, it appears there are pre-defined ways to add an item; for example:
But I can't find a way to add an arbitrary property.
I tried using the MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST target property as follows: I'd like the resulting plist to be identical to the old one, except with the new property I want, so I just copied the auto-generated plist and set that as my template. But the plist uses some Xcode variables, which also look like ${foo}, and CMake grumbles about this:
Syntax error in cmake code when
parsing string
syntax error, unexpected cal_SYMBOL,
expecting } (47)
Policy CMP0010 is not set: Bad
variable reference syntax is an error.
Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0010"
for policy details. Use the
cmake_policy command to set the
policy and suppress this warning. This
warning is for project developers.
Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
In any case, I'm not even sure that this is the right thing to do. I can't find a good example or any good documentation about this. Ideally, I'd just let CMake generate everything as before, and just add a single extra line. What can I do?
Have you looked into copying the relevant * file in /opt/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules (such as, editing it to put <key>UIStatusBarHidden</key><true/> (or #VAR_TO_REPLACE_BY_CMAKE#), and adding the directory of the edited version in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH?
If you have CMake installed as an app bundle, then the location of that file is /Applications/
You can add your values using # and pass #ONLY to configure_file.
Unfortunately there is no simple way to add custom line to generated file.