unreal engine source code on github 404 error page not found - github

I'd like to get the unreal engine source code from GitHub. I successfully created an epic games account and connected it with my GitHub account. After that, I clicked the link of unreal engine on GitHub.
But I encountered page error 404, page not found.
I googled and some said that after you connected your epic games account with your GitHub account, you would receive an email which contained the link to the code. Unfortunately, I just found that my GitHub email address was not verified and undeliverable. Maybe that's the reason why I did not receive the email. After that I added a new email address to my GitHub and verified it. But how can I receive the email now? I tried disconnecting the GitHub account and connecting the GitHub account again, but it did not work. I mean I cannot receive the email that contains the link. Or is there any other way I can get the link?

You've got to link your EpicGames account with your GitHub account first:
Then you will receive an e-mail with a button:
after you click it, the repository will be available


How to accept github invitation?

I received invitation for github but he provided with link let's say https://github.com/example/example2/invitations.
But when I try to access the link , it's giving me page not found error.
Is there any method that I need to pull this email to accept the invitation or the invitation link is simply not working?
I have logged into my git account but still it's not accessible.
But when I try to access the link , it's giving me page not found error.
Then your best bet is to ask the person who invited you to send you a new invitation. Perhaps they moved the project to a different repo or took some other action that invalidated your invitation, and they just need to send you a new one.

Paypal: linking existing Sandbox Account with developer account

I dont have access anymore to the sandbox.paypal.com
In Developer Account I tried:
Want to link existing Sandbox Account with your developer account? *Click here* and provide credentials of your sandbox account.
After few redirections it refuses to sign me in:
Relying Party Validation error: client_ID or redirect_uri provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request.
I've tried with two differents accounts, one of them do not have a live account, and it give me each time the same error without further explanation.
#paypaldev filed a ticket on the issue but I'm not sure what to expect.
Do am I the only one ?
An update here for everyone else as I followed up with François via Twitter. The internal teams were able to track down the issue that was causing the relaying party validation error, and it should now be fixed without needing a workaround. If anyone is still seeing an error, please let me know and I'll circle back with the teams working on the fix.

Error when inviting a user to google cloud

I am trying to add a new member on my google-cloud project but i can't make it work.
The link inside the auto-generated email from google is well linking to the page where the user can confirm/decline the invitation inside a modal.
But when this user click "confirm" an error message appear inside the modal but disappear immediately - so quickly i can't read it. As a result i can never grant access to my project to this user.
In my browser debugger here is the error i can trace (some values are forged) :
"NetworkError: 400 Bad Request - https://console.developers.google.com/m/teams/acceptinvitation?xsrf=AFE_nuNg_V8394FDKjdfkjkjwKDFXDVg%3488T6J5783&authuser=1&action=accept&pid=apps~myproject-hosting&receive_updates=false"
This user has a custom domain which is a google-apps managed domain. I specify this because its the only kind of users we cannot invite to the project.
No problem for adding users with #gmail account.
From the google-cloud documentation i can read this :
If you are using a Premier or Google Apps domain, the administrator for your domain should first create the Google account from within the Users panel of your Admin Console.
I don't understand this sentence as my user is off-course already listed in my domain.
This might be expected behavior from the App Engine. I know that once you link you application to a specific domain via Google Apps, it becomes very hard to add people from outside that domain to your application.
I know that you can create a google group, enable "out-of-domain" members to that group. Then you can add that group to your project. Then you can add his email to the group, which should give him access to the project.
Only caveat here is that, if your domain is google.com, you will not be able to use this workaround, and this may require help from support.
Well i finally did it.
Google seems to have fixed the flashing error message making it impossible to read.
Now it display something like this : "Contact your administrator to enable AppHosting admin on your account".
This is done has follow :
Login to your main google-app account on http://admin.google.com
Go to "App"
Go to "Additional Google services"
Enable "Google Developers Console" for everyone
Now my user can be invite to the google-cloud project.

Paypal Beta developer site, Existing user account not working

I have a developer account in Paypal, It was working perfectly few days back before the new beta developer site launched. I try to logged in with my credential to new website , but it show me error like:
Please check your Email Address and PayPal Password and try again.
Even when i try to use forgot your password link it show me the error like:
We couldn't find your email address. Please try again or select I
don't know what email address I used.
Both credential was correct, but i don't know why it's not working. I have searched for that and found some thread that suggested to clear your cookies and cache and try to use chrome or Firefox instead of using Internet Explorer. But no luck ,it's not working either. If someone have any suggestion for that how to solve this, please help me.
Are you using a live PayPal account to log in?
From developer.paypal.com:
Please log in with a PayPal account. After you log in, you can import
your Sandbox test accounts using the email address and password you
used previously with the Sandbox.
The is a bug with the "import feature", the form validation of email format fails if emails cannot contain a ".". As my original sandbox email contained a "." i cannot import.

Google Adsense Resubmit Problem Error Email Aready Exist

I'm trying to resubmit my website to Google AdSense and it's giving the following error again and again:
A user with the email you specified
already exists Please select a
different Google Account login to
access this account.
How to resolve this issue?
I have changed my password, recovered it but still not working.
You could try logging in to the account associated with the email address you are trying. It sounds like you're trying to create an account using an email address that you have already used to create a different account.