How to accept github invitation? - github

I received invitation for github but he provided with link let's say
But when I try to access the link , it's giving me page not found error.
Is there any method that I need to pull this email to accept the invitation or the invitation link is simply not working?
I have logged into my git account but still it's not accessible.

But when I try to access the link , it's giving me page not found error.
Then your best bet is to ask the person who invited you to send you a new invitation. Perhaps they moved the project to a different repo or took some other action that invalidated your invitation, and they just need to send you a new one.


How do I accept github collaborator invite

Truly, I received a mail of invite to which I click on the button. But this link to the repo manage access page where there no button or link to accept or decline. Plus there was no notification in my github account.
Yes, I have received the invite mail, but I will appreciate any solution on how to accept the invitation. Thank you
Strange. Regarding, Thomas Dohmke (now CEO of GitHub) is clear, since Nov. 2021:
We improved #github repo invites and shipped three small changes to make them easier to discover:
navigating to a private repo with a pending invite no longer ends in a 404, but prompts you to accept the invitation.
you will now receive notifications for private repo invites as you already do for public repos.
in case of a pending invite on a public repo, you will now see a banner pointing you to accept the invite.
Make sure you are logged in first.

WIthin github site, where do i find the other repositories coloboraton invites?

In GitHub, one of my friend sent me a collaboration invite for their repository.
I was looking in many places within the site,
In my account setting, profile page
In friends repository page
But nowhere in site i could find the invite, where do i find the invite in the site ?
Ideally, the request comes as a notification. Once you click on it, it will take you to a page where you can accept and reject.
Please check if he has invited correct person.
In the search of answers, found below solution.
Note: Still there is no straight forward page/section within the site to navigate(At least, till Mar 2020
Through mail & site notification - as per Raju's aswser, that is the primary way how the sites collaboration invite works
A manual way - There is an URL format, in which you can enter the related details, to see the invites in a webpage as below,
username => the complete & exact, GitHub profile name from whom, you expect the invite
reponame => the complete & exact, repository name to which you are invited to collaborate
For more on this, refer this thread from their community support

First time setup webhook. How to subscribe to `message` in the webhook setting?

I would like to have a log chat on my own server by collecting them from the chat history between user and my Facebook page.
I found the document mention about message
Next after I can verify my token using ngrok get my server connected with Facebook. Then I am looking for message.
In my understanding I have to listen to my page event. But I could not found and row mentions about it.
I found message_sends in the User. But it is not what I want.
I think document might not get uptodate. In the picture it is 2 and now it is 3.
Obviously subscription to User and select message_sends is not a correct solution on my use case. My case is user send message to my page. And my page send webhook to my chatlog server. That's all.
How to connect message on my page to my webhook url?
I have to use messenger and then Subscribe To Events

unreal engine source code on github 404 error page not found

I'd like to get the unreal engine source code from GitHub. I successfully created an epic games account and connected it with my GitHub account. After that, I clicked the link of unreal engine on GitHub.
But I encountered page error 404, page not found.
I googled and some said that after you connected your epic games account with your GitHub account, you would receive an email which contained the link to the code. Unfortunately, I just found that my GitHub email address was not verified and undeliverable. Maybe that's the reason why I did not receive the email. After that I added a new email address to my GitHub and verified it. But how can I receive the email now? I tried disconnecting the GitHub account and connecting the GitHub account again, but it did not work. I mean I cannot receive the email that contains the link. Or is there any other way I can get the link?
You've got to link your EpicGames account with your GitHub account first:
Then you will receive an e-mail with a button:
after you click it, the repository will be available login with github issue: mail is already used by an existing user

I got the following error when login into
You're not authorized to access this page. Please contact the administrator.
Reason : You can't sign up because email '' is already used by an existing user. This means that you probably already registered with another account.
It seems the issue is that the github handle of the above account got changed as some point!
Please use in order to contact administrator of