How easy rename keys in mongodb arrays? - mongodb

I have collection where documents have field as an array. I need to rename one field inside each item of this array, but in mongodb all variants looks very monstrous. I even try to use $[] but I can't refer to old value of object, only custom:
{ customField: { $exists: true } },
'payload.oneMoreField.$[].path': 'howReferToOldValue',
'payload.oneMoreField.$[].way': '',
Somebody knows an easy way to just change the value of a key in monogodb ?


Inserting data to nested array in mongodb

I have a document which looks like this
tags:[{id:11,name:'tag01',is_selected: true}]
I need to insert/push some data to tags array in a selected category for a given list_id but I'm getting an error saying
MongoError: Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path
This is the query that I have tried out. What's wrong with this query any idea on how to achieve this?
{ list_id: 23, 'cards.categories.category': 'section01'},
{ $push: { 'cards.$.categories.$.tags': { name: 'tag02', id: uuidv4(), is_selected: true } } }
You can not use multiple $ positional, for your case you can use single positional and arrayFilters,
The filtered positional operator $[<identifier>] identifies the array elements that match the arrayFilters conditions for an update operation,
list_id: 23,
"cards.categories.category": "section01"
$push: {
"cards.$.categories.$[elem].tags": {
name: "tag02",
id: uuidv4(),
is_selected: true
arrayFilters: [
{ "elem.category": "section01" }
In short, it is not possible.
Nested Arrays
The positional $ operator cannot be used for queries which traverse
more than one array, such as queries that traverse arrays nested
within other arrays, because the replacement for the $ placeholder is
a single value
However, you may want to try $[]
Nested Arrays The filtered positional operator $[] can be
used for queries which traverse more than one array and nested arrays.
For an example, see Update Nested Arrays in Conjunction with $[].
You can use $[identifier]
"list_id": 23,
"cards.categories.category": "section01"
$push: {
"cards.$.categories.$[elem].tags": {
name: "tag02",
id: uuidv4(),
is_selected: true
arrayFilters: [
"elem.category": "section01"
multi: true
try it here

Mongodb: concat to existing document

I have my collection like this:
"_id" : "ID1234",
"read_object" : "sss-ssss",
"expireAt" : ISODate("2020-04-30T22:00:00.000Z")
In case he encounters the same ID, I would like to update the read_object field, otherwise create a new document.
I tried to do it like this:
{ _id: "ID1234" },
$set: { read_object: { $concat: ["$read_object", "test"] } },
{ upsert: true }
but I get an error every time:
The dollar ($) prefixed field '$concat' in 'read_object.$concat' is not valid for storage.
If I add square brackets before $set, like this:
{ _id: "1b1b871493-14a0-4d21-bd74-086442df953c-2020-02" },
$set: { read_object: { $concat: ["$read_object", "test"] } },
{ upsert: true }
I get this error:
The dollar ($) prefixed field '$concat' in 'read_object.$concat' is not valid for storage.
Where do I have a mistake?
$concat is an aggregation operator, meaning you can't use it while using the basic update syntax as you can only use update operators on it.
With that said Mongo version 4.2 introduces pipeline updates, which is basically what you're trying to do with the square brackets.
Assuming you are using Mongo version 4.2 heres a working example:
db.test1.update({_id: "ID1234"}, [
{$set: {"read_object": {$concat: [{$ifNull: ["$read_object", ""]}, "test"]}}}
], {upsert: true});
Basically we just need to "replace" read_object if document does not exist as it is undefined in that case.
If you are using Mongo version that's smaller than 4.2 then unfortunately there is no way to do what you want in one operation, you'll have to first read the document and then adjust accordingly.

Updating the path 'x' would create a conflict at 'x'

This error happens when I tried to update upsert item:
Updating the path 'x' would create a conflict at 'x'
Field should appear either in $set, or in $setOnInsert. Not in both.
I had the same problem while performing an update query using PyMongo.
I was trying to do:
> db.people.update( {'name':'lmn'}, { $inc : { 'key1' : 2 }, $set: { 'key1' : 5 }})
Notice that here I'm trying to update the value of key1 from two MongoDB Update Operators.
This basically happens when you try to update the value of a same key with more than one MongoDB Update Operators within the same query.
You can find a list of Update Operators over here
If you pass the same key in $set and in $unset when updating an item, you will get that error.
For example:
const body = {
_id: '47b82d36f33ad21b90'
name: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith'
MyModel.findByIdAndUpdate(body._id, { $set: body, $unset: {name: 1}})
// Updating the path 'name' would create a conflict at 'name'
You cannot have the same path referenced more than once in an update. For example, even though the below would result in something logical, MongoDB will not allow it.
{_id: ...},
{$set: {'address': {state: 'CA'}, '' : 'San Diego'}}
You would get the following error:
Updating the path '' would create a conflict at 'address'
{ _id: 1 },
$set: { item: "apple" },
$setOnInsert: { defaultQty: 100 }
{ upsert: true }
Below is the key explanation to the issue:
MongoDB creates a new document with _id equal to 1 from the
condition, and then applies the $set AND $setOnInsert operations to
this document.
If you want a field value is set or updated regardless of insertion or update, use it in $set. If you want it to be set only on insertion, use it in $setOnInsert.
Here is the example:
Starting from MongoDB 4.2 you can use aggregate pipelines in update:
_id: 1
x_field: {
$cond: {
if: {$eq:[{$type:"$_id"} , "missing"]},
then: 'upsert value', // it's the upsert case
else: '$x_field' // it's the update case
upsert: true
db.collection.bulkWrite() also supports it
With the Ruby library at least, it's possible to get this error if you have the same key twice, once as a symbol and once as a string:
{_id: ...},
{$set: {'name': "Horse", name: "Horse"}}
I recently had the same issue while using the query below.
TextContainer.findOneAndUpdate({ blockId: req.params.blockId, 'content._id': req.params.noteId }, { $set: { 'content.note': req.body.note } }, { upsert: true, new: true })
When i have changed 'content.note' to 'content.$.note' it has been fixed. So my final query is :
TextContainer.findOneAndUpdate({ blockId: req.params.blockId, 'content._id': req.params.noteId }, { $set: { 'content.$.note': req.body.note } }, { upsert: true, new: true })

How to add ObjectId property to each object of an array

I am have manually created an object in a Mongo collection:
"messages": [
"message":"test message"
....other properties
I would like to add an _id:ObjectId() to each item of my messages array and for each document in the collection.
I tried:
collection.update({}, {
$set: {
'messages.$._id': ObjectId(),
}, { multi: true }
but this is not working. The Id is getting added when I add new ones going through Mongoose, but these were manually entered into mongo. Any help is appreciated.
Your syntax is correct, but in order to use the $ positional operator the array field must appear as part of the query document, check in documentation.
Try this:
db.collection.update({messages: {$exists: true }},
{$set: { 'messages.$._id': ObjectId() } },
{multi: true}

MongoDB: Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path

I just upgraded to Mongo 2.6.1 and one update statement that was working before is not returning an error. The update statement is: { '': 'jeff' },
{ '$set': {
'answers.$.comments.$.name': 'joe'
{ multi: true }
The error I get is:
"nMatched" : 0,
"nUpserted" : 0,
"nModified" : 0,
"writeError" : {
"code" : 2,
"errmsg" : "Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path 'answers.$.comments.$.createUsername'"
When I update an element just one level deep instead of two (i.e. answers.$.name instead of answers.$.comments.$.name), it works fine. If I downgrade my mongo instance below 2.6, it also works fine.
You CAN do this, you just need Mongo 3.6! Instead of redesigning your database, you could use the Array Filters feature in Mongo 3.6, which can be found here:
The beauty of this is that you can bind all matches in an array to a variable, and then reference that variable later. Here is the prime example from the link above:
Use arrayFilters.
MongoDB 3.5.12 extends all update modifiers to apply to all array
elements or all array elements that match a predicate, specified in a
new update option arrayFilters. This syntax also supports nested array
Let us assume a scenario-
"access": {
"projects": [{
"projectId": ObjectId(...),
"milestones": [{
"milestoneId": ObjectId(...),
"pulses": [{
"pulseId": ObjectId(...)
Now if you want to add a pulse to a milestone which exists inside a project
"_id": ObjectId(userId)
}, {
"$push": {
"access.projects.$[i].milestones.$[j].pulses": ObjectId(pulseId)
}, {
arrayFilters: [{
"i.projectId": ObjectId(projectId)
}, {
"j.milestoneId": ObjectId(milestoneId)
For PyMongo, use arrayFilters like this-
"_id": ObjectId(userId)
}, {
"$push": {
"access.projects.$[i].milestones.$[j].pulses": ObjectId(pulseId)
}, array_filters = [{
"i.projectId": ObjectId(projectId)
}, {
"j.milestoneId": ObjectId(milestoneId)
Each array filter must be a predicate over a document with a single
field name. Each array filter must be used in the update expression,
and each array filter identifier $[] must have a corresponding
array filter. must begin with a lowercase letter and not contain
any special characters. There must not be two array filters with the
same field name.
The positional operator can be used only once in a query. This is a limitation, there is an open ticket for improvement:
As mentioned; more than one positional elements not supported for now. You may update with mongodb cursor.forEach() method.
.find({"": "jeff"})
.forEach(function(post) {
if (post.answers) {
post.answers.forEach(function(answer) {
if (answer.comments) {
answer.comments.forEach(function(comment) {
if ( === "jeff") { = "joe";
{ '': 'jeff' },
{ '$set': {
'answers.$[i].comments.$.name': 'joe'
{arrayFilters: [ { "": { $eq: 'jeff' } } ]}
check path after answers for get key path right
I have faced the same issue for the as array inside Array update require much performance impact. So, mongo db doest not support it. Redesign your database as shown in the given link below. { '': 'jeff' },
{ '$set': {
'answers.$.comments.$.name': 'joe'
{ multi: true }
Answer is { '': 'jeff' },
{ '$set': {
'': 'joe'
{ multi: true }