SRSS 2016/Report Builder 2016 - row groups not able to collate by date? - reportbuilder

I'm trying to make a report of daily work for a group of users in a database.
it's filtered by a date range, start date and end date. It then shows a list of the users and a total of things they did during that date range.
My boss wants it to then be expandable to show a breakdown of daily totals.
I can get it to open up and show a breakdown, but it's showing like this example here:
7-1-2018 to 7-2-2018
Jane Doe 5
7/1/2018 1
7/1/2018 1
7/1/2018 1
7/2/2018 1
7/2/2018 1
I've tried to mess with the groups of which there are currenlty only two, the name and the 'dateindexed' which is the entry in the database for when they do what they do. IT has a time stamp on it was well, but need to just have date and total.
I've tried to aggregate it and it then throws an error about no aggregation being allowed when there are filters present in the report.
Any tips or tricks to get this to collapse down on just the date and give a total for the days?
Thank you in advance.


Dates in google sheets

I am very new at all of this, and I don't know if what I want to do is even possible, but I'm hoping someone can assist me with some formulas if it is.
I am trying to create a spreadsheet for my business's scheduling purposes. I have created a spreadsheet that lists my PO's, start date, end date, location, project hours, and total days.
I currently have a couple formulas on the sheet. When I enter the project hours in column e the formula =roundup(E2/24) inputs the expected total days of work into column f.
I have a starting date of 7/1/2022 entered in b2 then have a formula that looks at column c (end date) and adds the amount of days from column f (total days) to the end date. Each line there after copies the end date from the row above to the start date and then adds the total days from f to that to complete the next row.
What I would like to do is have the dates only reflect workdays (M-F) instead of returning all dates. Is this even possible?
Take a look at spreadsheet example, but it is pretty basic.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
I understand that you want to add "Total days" to the "Start Date" to get the "End Date" excluding weekends, in this case Sundays and Saturdays.
Paste this formula in cell C2 "End Date" column.
1 - ArrayFormula output's values into several rows and/or columns, and to make the formula dynamic.
2 - WORKDAY.INTL determines the date after a certain number of workdays, excluding certain number of weekends and holidays.
3 - [weekend] argument using string method of ones and zeros "0000011" to specify workdays and weekends, 0 workday, 1 weekends starting from Monday to Sunday.
here is the link to the spreadsheet, hope that answerd your question.

Tableau - Building a calculated field based on a filtered date range

I need to build a calculation that takes into account whether or not someone checks on a day in Tableau. Currently using Tableau 10.0.5.
For instance, say I have the following data
Date Amount
1-Oct 100
1-Oct 120
2-Oct 150
3-Oct 200
4-Oct 250
5-Oct 500
I need a way to calculate the total amount for the days that are checked in a filter. So, if a user selected Oct 1 to Oct 3, the amount would be $570. Any ideas on how to make this happen are appreciated.
I know how much we all love to work with dates in Tableau! :-)
If you are not showing dates in your viz then simply sum([Amount]) will give you the sum of amount for selected dates.
In case you want to show individual dates and sum of sales across all dates you will have to use Level of Detail Expression
{ EXCLUDE [Date]:SUM([Amount])}
Here is the URL for Example

How to set the SQL Query for a Report?

Crystal Reports 2011.
Database is MS Access 2003
I have the following tables:
has Date entries for the current and next Year, for every Day of the Year, plus some Status Fields marking certain days as "Special" (Joining this table so I have a record for Days with no activity.
Staff table
The DayResults table has one entry per Day and Staff.
Entries are only made when the staff gets an entry by the Program for Status or other events. Staff that does not log in the system has no entry for this Day.
So, in case of John not showing up on July 2nd, i have no entry for him for this Day. But I need an entry for my report!
I need to create a Report that fetches Data from the DayResults Table and make calculations on the Parameters here, in order to calculate a Daily as ell as Period Bonus.
The rules for this Bonus require that a Day without activity (i.e. No Show) results in a negative bonus amount.
Therefore I need to have a select statement which creates an entry FOR EACH DAY FOR EACH STAFF.
This should look like this:
Date StaffNo Name Status
2016/07/01 1 Jim 1
2016/07/01 2 John 2
2016/07/02 1 Jim 2
2016/07/02 2 John NULL
(John did not show up on 2016/07/02 ...)
SELECT Calendar.Date, Staff.StaffNo, Staff.NickName, DayResults.Status
FROM Staff LEFT JOIN (Calendar RIGHT JOIN DayResults ON Calendar.Date = DayResults.Date) ON Staff.StaffNo = DayResults.StaffNo;
Unfortunately, no entry here for John on July 2nd?
Any idea how to proceed?

Reporting and filtering dates in access 2007?

I'm having a customer look up a report between FROM and TO dates. Basically for any month a client can request a report, what I need to do is show the QTY of units in the inventory as of the last day of previous month. So if client is looking to make a report for 12/23/2015 - 12/28/2016 then I need to show the QTY of units in inventory (beginning inventory) on 11/30/2015. I had someone recommend I use DateSerial, but it doesn't seem to do what I want it to do. Basically the FROM AND TO dates are values that I pass on from a Visual Basic application into an empty form and they get used in the report.
I'm not sure if I need to make changes to my queries. Here's what the report does..
With the report, I need to be able to show the client the following...
Beginning Inventory (as of last day of previous month)
Unit Price
Bought Units (for report date)
Sold Units (for report date)
Returned Units (for report date)
Subtotal (of bought +sold+returned)
Inventory on hand (beg + subtotal)
So what I do is in my first query I get the Unit Price, and Beginning Inventory (currently not filtering by last day of previous month).
Then I have 3 more queries, one for Bought, Sold and Returned where I link the ItemID's and I filter the TransactionDate (between dates form!formdates!txtFrom and form!formdates!txtTo).
Then I have the last query where I combine the first one with the other 3. Now I'm pretty sure I should include the DATESERIAL() function in the first query? And filter the TransactionDate (this is the column i need to look through to count beginning inv, as well as look for Bought, Sold, Returned Items).
Please help!
The DateSerial() function should return the last day of the previous month. Here is an example query for your problem:
FROM Table1
WHERE (((myDate)=DateSerial(Year([enter start date:]),Month([enter start date:]),0))) OR (((myDate) Between [enter start date:] And [enter end date:]));

EOM date for various months

I'm looking to get a snapshot of inventory for the latest date of each month.
Feb 13
Jan 14
Feb 14
There are duplicate variables - i.e., "a" will be listed several times each month. I need to get a.) the sum of each month (easy), and b.) the snapshot of the last date available.
Part B.) is what I'm having trouble with. I've seen the EOM excel formula - but it requires entering (current, following month, etc.). I just want the formula to spit out the inventory Quantity for the last date of each month, without having to specify which month (current, following, etc.).
Any ideas?
I'm assuming that your data is structured something like this:
If that is the case, you can use a formula like this:
Where A12 is the month you want to find the answer for. So the full sheet looks like this:
As you can see, the formula that I put into cell B12 and then just dragged down is pulling back the correct values for the end of month inventory count. Just populate column A with the month-year you are searching for.
Hope this helps!