Tableau - Building a calculated field based on a filtered date range - date

I need to build a calculation that takes into account whether or not someone checks on a day in Tableau. Currently using Tableau 10.0.5.
For instance, say I have the following data
Date Amount
1-Oct 100
1-Oct 120
2-Oct 150
3-Oct 200
4-Oct 250
5-Oct 500
I need a way to calculate the total amount for the days that are checked in a filter. So, if a user selected Oct 1 to Oct 3, the amount would be $570. Any ideas on how to make this happen are appreciated.
I know how much we all love to work with dates in Tableau! :-)

If you are not showing dates in your viz then simply sum([Amount]) will give you the sum of amount for selected dates.
In case you want to show individual dates and sum of sales across all dates you will have to use Level of Detail Expression
{ EXCLUDE [Date]:SUM([Amount])}
Here is the URL for Example


How can I calculate my win rate on one column based on the date on another?

I created a rudimentary Google Form to track my win rate at Starcraft. The first column on the resulting Google Sheet is Timestamp created by the form.
I have another column that has my win-loss, and I am able to calculate my percentage for the entire sheet (all games). However, I want to be able to see my daily win rate, and I can't figure out the correct way to go about it.
I tried COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, with TODAY() and I was able to count the games for a certain day, but I don't know how to use it to tie in with my win-loss column. What I currently do is adjust my Daily formula to specify today's date before playing. I was hoping I won't need to do this.
Please see Win-Loss Stats Sheet
You can extend your formula to compare against the date in column A:
The additional condition would be ARRAYFORMULA(INT(A2:A)),TODAY(), which converts the timestamps into dates and compares them to today's date.
Sample Output:

how to get number of days from relative dates filter?

I want to get number of months user selected using Relative Dates Filter?
If user entered "Last 3 Months" then I wants to get number of days for 3 months to use these days in another calculated field.
Calculated field which is using this is as follows.
([Total Sale within Entered Date]/[Number of Days])*365
which returns me predicted sales for the whole year.
Here, [Number of Days] is the filter which I am using. Picture added for Relative Dates filter I am using.
Screenshot of Relative Date Filter:
You need to create a calculated field that works out the number of days in the data.
Something like datediff('day',min([dates]),max([dates])) if data is present for all the days in the time period will work. This calculation will dynamically give you the number of days between the first and last date in the [dates] field for whatever data is selected by the filter (so won't be precise if not all the possible dates are represented in the dataset).

SRSS 2016/Report Builder 2016 - row groups not able to collate by date?

I'm trying to make a report of daily work for a group of users in a database.
it's filtered by a date range, start date and end date. It then shows a list of the users and a total of things they did during that date range.
My boss wants it to then be expandable to show a breakdown of daily totals.
I can get it to open up and show a breakdown, but it's showing like this example here:
7-1-2018 to 7-2-2018
Jane Doe 5
7/1/2018 1
7/1/2018 1
7/1/2018 1
7/2/2018 1
7/2/2018 1
I've tried to mess with the groups of which there are currenlty only two, the name and the 'dateindexed' which is the entry in the database for when they do what they do. IT has a time stamp on it was well, but need to just have date and total.
I've tried to aggregate it and it then throws an error about no aggregation being allowed when there are filters present in the report.
Any tips or tricks to get this to collapse down on just the date and give a total for the days?
Thank you in advance.


I have a fact table housing different granularity (date grain)
The month data can be accessed by filtering by end of month date or using YYYYMM date format. In OBIEE RPD repo, the fact is set to LAST Aggregation.
I want to perform Year to Date analysis. And I want to sum only month end dates.
Using function TODATE(Measure), it tends to sum up all the data through out the month e.grain
Date Amount YTD TODate(Amount)
31/01/2106 100 100
28/02/2016 200 300
14/03/2016 50 350*
31/03/2016 100 450
I want YTD to ignore 50 and return 400, so also any other dates that falls within any month. And if if I Select 14/03/2016 I want 350 to return.
Alter the table to add a flag, something that flags Y if the record is at the specified monthly grain, and N if the record is not at the specified monthly grain.
In the logical layer, create two distinct LTSs with the first filtering on the flag for Y. This will be where you will calculate and source all your to date measures. The second LTS can either be filtered to N, or can be left to all the data depending on what you want to do with it.
The performance increases should come from the fact that any month measures you build off that monthly LTS will only hit records flagged as month, and will bypass all that other data that is not relevant. So if a user runs a report only asking for monthly measures, the query will automatically filter to that specific data.
What will happen is if a user selects your to date measure and a specific date measure on the same report, OBIEE should fire off two separate queries to get the data and stitch together based on common dimensions.
Could someone create this in the front end? Probably. You would have to do some sort of PERIODROLLING function, and tell it to aggregate at the month level, but I am afraid it may still roll those days up into a larger than desired number. A TODATE function will not work here.

Creating Bins in Tableau for Days in a Week

Could someone please explain me creating BINS based on Weekdays in Tableau? I tried creating different Calculation Fields but it won't work
You're working too hard.
Tableau already knows how to bin values by dates at many levels of granualarity: such as year, month, day, weekday, hour etc. So you don't need to create a new field to bin dates by the day of the week. (creating bins is not difficult, it's just already available in this case)
Just put a discrete (blue) date or datetime field on a shelf. You'll see the date level of granularity displayed like, say, YEAR(MyDateField) with a leading plus sign.
You can either
click on the plus sign to drill down by adding a second level, say MONTH(MyDateField)
right click on the field to select the date level of granularity you want
Alex's Answer is exactly correct, Tableau will perform the operation automatically. What is great about is that you can select various formats (Full day name, number, 1 letter or 3 letter day etc.).
However if you absolutely need to you can used this formula:
to give you the 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday) value if you need it for something other reason, say another calculation.