RxJava2 | Chaining nested Completables with .andThen() - rx-java2

I have a "big" completable that does some error checking, and then does a two processing steps.
It looks like this:
// someProcessorClass
public Completable checkAndProcessFile(InputStream file, ...) {
return checkHeaders(file, ...).andThen(processFile(file, ...));
private Completable checkHeaders(InputStream file, ...) {
// checks the first line for the right headers
// ...
if(firstLineIsGood) {
return Completable.complete();
return Completable.error(new Error('bad headers');
private Completable processFile(file, ...) {
return writeFile(file).andThen(writeMetadata(...));
What I want to do is for the Completable to break on the first Completable checkHeaders(), but instead, what seems to happen is writeFile() occurs regardless of whether there is an error or not. The writeMetadata() does not get called.
So it seems like processFile() is acting eager to order to evaluate the the Completable. I tried wrapping the second half in a Completable.fromCallable(), but then that requires an inner subscribe like so, which seems... not the right way to do it.
private Completable processFile(file, ...) {
return Completable.fromCallable(()-> {
return writeFile(file).andThen(writeMetadata(...)).subscribe();
So my question is, is there a way to chain Completables in a lazy way? Kind of like flatMap?

You don't provide your writeFile and writeMetadata. But I think they may like:
public Completable writeFile(InputStream file) {
try {
// write file here
} catch (IOException e) {
return Completable.error(e);
return Completable.complete();
That is totally wrong usage. You should do your work in Completable, not just return a Completable. The right usage is
public Completable writeFile(InputStream file) {
return Completable.fromAction(() -> {
// write file here

So from what I understand (newbie here),
What I thought I was doing is
But by wrapping writeFile.andThen(writeMetadata) within another Completable (processFile), rxJava treated it more like
where it starts evaluating the inner parenthesis first.
So by just chaining .andThen(), you get the expected result of the Completable breaking onError.


Refactor catch statements

We have many try-catch blocks in our code handling the exceptions of the api calls. Since most of the catch blocks are identical we want to refactor them and only them (because the try blocks should stay in the place they are). How is this possible in Flutter?
Example code:
try {
_userData = apiService.call("user_data");
} on ResourceNotFoundException {
} on NetworkException {
The best solution I found is using a general catch, fit everything into a handleException function, and in there rethrow the exception again.
try {
_userData = apiService.call("user_data");
} on catch (e) {
void handleException(e) {
try {
throw e;
} on ResourceNotFoundException {
} on NetworkException {
This way it is possible to reuse the exception handling logic and also extend it.
You should add some abstraction to your API call, meaning you should add a function that takes in the API call you are trying to call as a parameter and surround it with a try-catch block and handle all your exceptions there.
This way you have separated your API calls logic from handling exceptions.

PromiseKit, how to await a finalized promise?

coming from the JS world I'm having a bit of problem wrapping my head around promise kit flavor of promises, I need a bit of help with the following.
Assume I have a function that returns a promise, say an api call, on some super class I await for that promise, then do some other action (potentially another network call), on that parent call I also have a catch block in order to set some error flags for example, so in the end I have something close to this:
func apiCall() -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise { seal in
// some network code at some point:
// in another class/object
func doApiCall() -> ? { // catch forces to return PMKFinalizer
return apiCall()
.done {
// do something funky here
.catch {
print("Could not do first request"
now I'm trying to write some unit tests for this functionality, so the response is mocked and I know it will not fail, I just need to await so I can verify the internal state of my class:
// on my test file
doApiCall().done {
// test my code, but I get an error because I cannot pipe a promise that already has a `.catch`
How would one go about solving this problem? I could use finally to chain the PMKFinalizer but that feels wrong
Another tangential question would be, is it possible to re catch the error on a higher level, let's say a UI component so it can hold some temporary error state? as far as I see I did not see a way to achieve this.
Many thanks 🙏

onErrorResumeNext type inference failed

If my single errors because of a networkexception return Single.just(false)
If my single errors because of another reason return Single.error
If my single succeeds return the original Single value.
this should be as easy as
.onErrorResumeNext { if (it is NetworkException) return #onErrorResumeNext Single.just(true)
return Single.error(it) }
Type inference failed. Expected type mismatch SingleSource found Single
Your Single needs to return the same type as your source (I'm assuming getStudent() isn't returning a Boolean). If you want to represent a "success" and "error" states, Kotlin has a Result class just for this.
.map { student ->
// Your logic here may look different
.onErrorResumeNext { error ->
if (error is NetworkException){
} else {
This will catch network errors and wrap the exception in a Result, all other exceptions will be propagated downstream. You can then choose how to handle the error in your subscribe method.
Depending on your use case however, you may want to also look into using Maybe or the retry() operator.

Handling errors in an observable sequence using Rx

Is there a way to have an observable sequence to resume execution with the next element in the sequence if an error occurs?
From this post it looks like you need to specify a new observable sequence in Catch() to resume execution, but what if you needed to just continue processing with the next element in the sequence instead? Is there a way to achieve this?
The scenario is as follows:
I have a bunch of elements that I need to process. The processing is made up of a bunch of steps. I have
decomposed the steps into tasks that I would like to compose.
I followed the guidelines for ToObservable() posted here
to convert by tasks to an observables for composition.
so basically I'm doing somethng like so -
foreach(element in collection)
var result = from aResult in DoAAsync(element).ToObservable()
from bResult in DoBAsync(aResult).ToObservable()
from cResult in DoCAsync(bResult).ToObservable()
select cResult;
result.subscribe( register on next and error handlers here)
or I could something like this:
var result =
from element in collection.ToObservable()
from aResult in DoAAsync(element).ToObservable()
from bResult in DoBAsync(aResult).ToObservable()
from cResult in DoCAsync(bResult).ToObservable()
select cResult;
What is the best way here to continue processing other elements even if let's say the processing of
one of the elements throws an exception. I would like to be able to log the error and move on ideally.
Both James & Richard made some good points, but I don't think they have given you the best method for solving your problem.
James suggested using .Catch(Observable.Never<Unit>()). He was wrong when he said that "will ... allow the stream to continue" because once you hit an exception the stream must end - that is what Richard pointed out when he mentioned the contract between observers and observables.
Also, using Never in this way will cause your observables to never complete.
The short answer is that .Catch(Observable.Empty<Unit>()) is the correct way to change a sequence from one that ends with an error to one that ends with completion.
You've hit on the right idea of using SelectMany to process each value of the source collection so that you can catch each exception, but you're left with a couple of issues.
You're using tasks (TPL) just to turn a function call into an observable. This forces your observable to use task pool threads which means that the SelectMany statement will likely produce values in a non-deterministic order.
Also you hide the actual calls to process your data making refactoring and maintenance harder.
I think you're better off creating an extension method that allows the exceptions to be skipped. Here it is:
public static IObservable<R> SelectAndSkipOnException<T, R>(
this IObservable<T> source, Func<T, R> selector)
.Select(t =>
Observable.Start(() => selector(t)).Catch(Observable.Empty<R>()))
With this method you can now simply do this:
var result =
.SelectAndSkipOnException(t =>
var a = DoA(t);
var b = DoB(a);
var c = DoC(b);
return c;
This code is much simpler, but it hides the exception(s). If you want to hang on to the exceptions while letting your sequence continue then you need to do some extra funkiness. Adding a couple of overloads to the Materialize extension method works to keep the errors.
public static IObservable<Notification<R>> Materialize<T, R>(
this IObservable<T> source, Func<T, R> selector)
return source.Select(t => Notification.CreateOnNext(t)).Materialize(selector);
public static IObservable<Notification<R>> Materialize<T, R>(
this IObservable<Notification<T>> source, Func<T, R> selector)
Func<Notification<T>, Notification<R>> f = nt =>
if (nt.Kind == NotificationKind.OnNext)
return Notification.CreateOnNext<R>(selector(nt.Value));
catch (Exception ex)
ex.Data["Value"] = nt.Value;
ex.Data["Selector"] = selector;
return Notification.CreateOnError<R>(ex);
if (nt.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
return Notification.CreateOnError<R>(nt.Exception);
return Notification.CreateOnCompleted<R>();
return source.Select(nt => f(nt));
These methods allow you to write this:
var result =
.Materialize(t =>
var a = DoA(t);
var b = DoB(a);
var c = DoC(b);
return c;
.Do(nt =>
if (nt.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
/* Process the error in `nt.Exception` */
.Where(nt => nt.Kind != NotificationKind.OnError)
You can even chain these Materialize methods and use ex.Data["Value"] & ex.Data["Selector"] to get the value and selector function that threw the error out.
I hope this helps.
The contract between IObservable and IObserver is OnNext*(OnCompelted|OnError)? which is upheld by all operators, even if not by the source.
Your only choice is to re-subscribe to the source using Retry, but if the source returns the IObservable instance for every description you won't see any new values.
Could you supply more information on your scenario? Maybe there is another way of looking at it.
Edit: Based on your updated feedback, it sounds like you just need Catch:
var result =
from element in collection.ToObservable()
from aResult in DoAAsync(element).ToObservable().Log().Catch(Observable.Empty<TA>())
from bResult in DoBAsync(aResult).ToObservable().Log().Catch(Observable.Empty<TB>())
from cResult in DoCAsync(bResult).ToObservable().Log().Catch(Observable.Empty<TC>())
select cResult;
This replaces an error with an Empty which would not trigger the next sequence (since it uses SelectMany under the hood.

C# lambda expressions and lazy evaluation

One advantage of lambda expressions is that you have to evaluate a function only when you need its result.
In the following (simple) example, the text function is only evaluated when a writer is present:
public static void PrintLine(Func<string> text, TextWriter writer)
if (writer != null)
Unfortunately, this makes using the code a little bit ugly. You cannot call it with a constant or variable like
PrintLine("Some text", Console.Out);
and have to call it this way:
PrintLine(() => "Some text", Console.Out);
The compiler is not able to "infer" a parameterless function from the passed constant. Are there any plans to improve this in future versions of C# or am I missing something?
I just found a dirty hack myself:
public class F<T>
private readonly T value;
private readonly Func<T> func;
public F(T value) { this.value = value; }
public F(Func<T> func) {this.func = func; }
public static implicit operator F<T>(T value)
return new F<T>(value);
public static implicit operator F<T>(Func<T> func)
return new F<T>(func);
public T Eval()
return this.func != null ? this.func() : this.value;
Now i can just define the function as:
public static void PrintLine(F<string> text, TextWriter writer)
if (writer != null)
and call it both with a function or a value.
I doubt that C# will get this feature, but D has it. What you've outlined is a suitable way to implement lazy argument evaluation in C#, and probably compiles very similarly to lazy in D, and in more pure functional languages.
All things considered, the four extra characters, plus optional white space, are not an exceptionally large price to pay for clear overload resolution and expressiveness in what is becoming a multi-paradigm strong-typed language.
The compiler is very good at inferring types, it is not good at inferring intent. One of the tricky things about all the new syntactic sugar in C# 3 is that they can lead to confusion as to what exactly the compiler does with them.
Consider your example:
() => "SomeText"
The compiler sees this and understands that you intend to create an anonymous function that takes no parameters and returns a type of System.String. This is all inferred from the lambda expression you gave it. In reality your lambda gets compiled to this:
delegate {
return "SomeText";
and it is a delegate to this anonymous function that you are sending to PrintLine for execution.
It has always been important in the past but now with LINQ, lambdas, iterator blocks, automatically implemented properties, among other things it is of the utmost importance to use a tool like .NET Reflector to take a look at your code after it is compiled to see what really makes those features work.
Unfortunately, the ugly syntax is all you have in C#.
The "dirty hack" from the update does not work, because it does not delay the evaluation of string parameters: they get evaluated before being passed to operator F<T>(T value).
Compare PrintLine(() => string.Join(", ", names), myWriter) to PrintLine(string.Join(", ", names), myWriter) In the first case, the strings are joined only if they are printed; in the second case, the strings are joined no matter what: only the printing is conditional. In other words, the evaluation is not lazy at all.
Well those two statements are completely different. One is defining a function, while the other is a statement. Confusing the syntax would be much trickier.
() => "SomeText" //this is a function
"SomeText" //this is a string
You could use an overload:-
public static void PrintLine(string text, TextWriter writer)
PrintLine(() => text, writer);
You could write an extension method on String to glue it in. You should be able to write "Some text".PrintLine(Console.Out); and have it do the work for you.
Oddly enough, I did some playing with lazy evaluation of lambda expressions a few weeks back and blogged about it here.
To be honest I don't fully understand your problem, but your solutions seems a tad complicated to me.
I think a problem I solved using lambda call is similar, maybe you could use it as inspiration: I want to see if a key exists in a dictionary, if not, I would need to execute a (costly) load operation.
public static class DictionaryHelper
public static TValue GetValueOrLambdaDefault<TKey, TValue> (this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key, Func<TValue> func)
if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
return dictionary[key];
return func.Invoke();
public class DictionaryHelperTest
public void GetValueOrLambdaDefaultTest()
var dict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
var res1 = dict.GetValueOrLambdaDefault(1, () => LoadObject());
Assert.Fail("Exception should be thrown");
catch { /*Exception should be thrown*/ }
dict.Add(1, "");
var res1 = dict.GetValueOrLambdaDefault(1, () => LoadObject());
catch { Assert.Fail("Exception should not be thrown"); }
public static string LoadObject()
throw new Exception();