C# lambda expressions and lazy evaluation - c#-3.0

One advantage of lambda expressions is that you have to evaluate a function only when you need its result.
In the following (simple) example, the text function is only evaluated when a writer is present:
public static void PrintLine(Func<string> text, TextWriter writer)
if (writer != null)
Unfortunately, this makes using the code a little bit ugly. You cannot call it with a constant or variable like
PrintLine("Some text", Console.Out);
and have to call it this way:
PrintLine(() => "Some text", Console.Out);
The compiler is not able to "infer" a parameterless function from the passed constant. Are there any plans to improve this in future versions of C# or am I missing something?
I just found a dirty hack myself:
public class F<T>
private readonly T value;
private readonly Func<T> func;
public F(T value) { this.value = value; }
public F(Func<T> func) {this.func = func; }
public static implicit operator F<T>(T value)
return new F<T>(value);
public static implicit operator F<T>(Func<T> func)
return new F<T>(func);
public T Eval()
return this.func != null ? this.func() : this.value;
Now i can just define the function as:
public static void PrintLine(F<string> text, TextWriter writer)
if (writer != null)
and call it both with a function or a value.

I doubt that C# will get this feature, but D has it. What you've outlined is a suitable way to implement lazy argument evaluation in C#, and probably compiles very similarly to lazy in D, and in more pure functional languages.
All things considered, the four extra characters, plus optional white space, are not an exceptionally large price to pay for clear overload resolution and expressiveness in what is becoming a multi-paradigm strong-typed language.

The compiler is very good at inferring types, it is not good at inferring intent. One of the tricky things about all the new syntactic sugar in C# 3 is that they can lead to confusion as to what exactly the compiler does with them.
Consider your example:
() => "SomeText"
The compiler sees this and understands that you intend to create an anonymous function that takes no parameters and returns a type of System.String. This is all inferred from the lambda expression you gave it. In reality your lambda gets compiled to this:
delegate {
return "SomeText";
and it is a delegate to this anonymous function that you are sending to PrintLine for execution.
It has always been important in the past but now with LINQ, lambdas, iterator blocks, automatically implemented properties, among other things it is of the utmost importance to use a tool like .NET Reflector to take a look at your code after it is compiled to see what really makes those features work.

Unfortunately, the ugly syntax is all you have in C#.
The "dirty hack" from the update does not work, because it does not delay the evaluation of string parameters: they get evaluated before being passed to operator F<T>(T value).
Compare PrintLine(() => string.Join(", ", names), myWriter) to PrintLine(string.Join(", ", names), myWriter) In the first case, the strings are joined only if they are printed; in the second case, the strings are joined no matter what: only the printing is conditional. In other words, the evaluation is not lazy at all.

Well those two statements are completely different. One is defining a function, while the other is a statement. Confusing the syntax would be much trickier.
() => "SomeText" //this is a function
"SomeText" //this is a string

You could use an overload:-
public static void PrintLine(string text, TextWriter writer)
PrintLine(() => text, writer);

You could write an extension method on String to glue it in. You should be able to write "Some text".PrintLine(Console.Out); and have it do the work for you.
Oddly enough, I did some playing with lazy evaluation of lambda expressions a few weeks back and blogged about it here.

To be honest I don't fully understand your problem, but your solutions seems a tad complicated to me.
I think a problem I solved using lambda call is similar, maybe you could use it as inspiration: I want to see if a key exists in a dictionary, if not, I would need to execute a (costly) load operation.
public static class DictionaryHelper
public static TValue GetValueOrLambdaDefault<TKey, TValue> (this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key, Func<TValue> func)
if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
return dictionary[key];
return func.Invoke();
public class DictionaryHelperTest
public void GetValueOrLambdaDefaultTest()
var dict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
var res1 = dict.GetValueOrLambdaDefault(1, () => LoadObject());
Assert.Fail("Exception should be thrown");
catch { /*Exception should be thrown*/ }
dict.Add(1, "");
var res1 = dict.GetValueOrLambdaDefault(1, () => LoadObject());
catch { Assert.Fail("Exception should not be thrown"); }
public static string LoadObject()
throw new Exception();


Get Class from string -- Call function by string name

OK, what I'm trying to do is fairy complicated, but I'll try to explain.
Let's say we want (at compile-time) all derivedMembers of class someClass. Then we'd simply do :
const string[] methods = [__traits(derivedMembers,someClass)];
Now, how could we get someClass from "someClass"? (yep, its string representation).
Let me explain a bit more what I'm trying to do :
I want to create an "intermediate" function which takes a function name as an argument (along with a params array) and calls the appropriate function from a list of available static methods in a specific (predefined) set of classes. Like execute("someFunc",["one","two","three"]);.
Here's the full (test) code :
class Math {
static string noArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withOneArg(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withTwoArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
string cases()
string ret = "";
const string[] methods = [__traits(derivedMembers,Math)];
foreach (string s; methods)
ret ~= "case \"" ~ s ~ "\": return Math."~s~"(params);";
return ret;
string execute(string what, string[] params)
switch (what)
default: break;
return "";
The trouble with the above code is that it only looks for methods in Math. How could I change it, in an elegant D-friendly way, so that it'll go through an array of classes like [Math,String,SomethingElse] -- it doesn't have to be variable (we need it at compile-time anyway)?
Tried something along the lines of :
const string[] methods = [__traits(derivedMembers,mixin("Math")];
but it complains that Cannot interpret Math at compile time.
Also, tried using Object.factory("Math") but it's still not working. (Perhaps I'm just creating an instance of the Math class?)
Let me rewrite this to show you some cool tricks:
import std.stdio;
class Math {
static string noArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withOneArg(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withTwoArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
class String {
static string oneArg(string[] s) { return null; }
string execute(string what, string[] params) {
import std.string;
auto parts = what.split(".");
auto className = parts[0];
auto methodName = parts[1];
import std.typetuple;
switch(className) {
default: assert(0, "unknown class");
foreach(possibleClass; TypeTuple!(Math, String)) {
case possibleClass.stringof:
switch(methodName) {
default: assert(0, "unknown method");
foreach(memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, possibleClass)) {
case memberName:
return __traits(getMember, possibleClass, memberName)(params);
void main() {
execute("Math.withOneArg", ["cool"]);
execute("String.oneArg", ["cool"]);
Notice that there are no mixin expressions used at all. Instead of getting an instance of the class from a string, I just made a TypeTuple of all the classes I wanted to use. This is preferable to mixin because then it is less likely to find name classes when used in different scopes; if possibleClasses were a compile-time parameter to execute from a different module, the list of classes would still work, whereas the list of strings would see undefined identifier errors because the library module doesn't import your user module.
Another mixin I removed was the one to generate the cases. This looks insane, but is allowed in D: if you have a compile-time foreach (that is, a foreach over a built-in tuple of some sort, e.g. TypeTuple, template argument lists, the results of __traits...) you can actually put case statements inside them!
So, all you have to do is write a regular switch statement on the run time variable you want to compare against, put the foreach inside it looping over the compile-time stuff you're searching for, case that_loop_var: and boom, you're in business.
Similarly, I used __traits(getMember) rather than a mixin string to call the method. This solution will help avoid name clashes and IMO is cleaner code. It can also potentially handle overloads, if wanted (with __traits(getOverloads) instead of __traits(getMember), you can loop over each one then and match the parameter types).
Finally, nesting switches inside other case statements is allowed. If you need to break out of an outer loop or switch and don't want ambiguity, you can label loops and switches and use break label_name_here; to specify which one you want to break from. Ditto for continue with nested loops.
BTW you could also automatically generate the wrapper functions that convert string[] to other types of arguments if you dove into the std.traits stuff. I wish my book was out already, I wrote about this at some length in there and don't feel like writing it all right now but if you look at std.traits.ParameterTypeTuple and ReturnType in the same module that will get you started if you wanna try it.

AspectJ: Change target in an advice

I have pointcut the String .hashCode in an around adivce. I would like to change the target (String) to uppercase then proceed with the call to original hashCode. I'm not sure how to do that, the following code doesnt work properly.
#Pointcut("call(int hashCode(..)) && target(sourceString) && within(com.sample.package..*)")
public void hashCodePointcut(final String sourceString) {}
public Object around(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String sourceString)
throws Throwable {
System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Invoking hashCode on "+joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getFileName());
System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Target String: "+ sourceString);
sourceString = sourceString.toUpperCase();
return joinPoint.proceed();
Let me preface this answer by saying that I advise strongly against using this. IMO, once you start mucking about with hash-methods after the fact and making the result less unique (by ignoring case in Strings, etc.) you are wading hip-deep in future problems and firmly on the dark side of coding. With that said strongly enough, here's how I'd do it:
#Pointcut("call(int java.lang.String.hashCode(..)) && target(sourceString) && within(com.sample.packages..*) && !within(your.package.AspectClass)")
public void hashCodePointcut(final String sourceString) {}
public Object around(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String sourceString)
throws Throwable {
System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Invoking hashCode on"+joinPoint.getSourceLocation().getFileName());
System.out.println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Target String: "+ sourceString);
sourceString = sourceString.toUpperCase();
return sourceString.hashCode();
I have not tried this yet, but it should reroute all calls to the String.hashCode() method to a call of the same method on the .toUpperCase() of that String. It has to be done this way because you can not change the target of the joinPoint (which is why your advice probably does nothing as it is).
The addition of "!within(your.package.AspectClass)" to the pointcut prevents the same advice to be applied in an infinite loop on your calls within the aspect.
Let me know if this helps, or if there's still something going wrong (aside from the fact that you are mucking about with hashCode() ;) ).

Implementing TypeScript interface with bare function signature plus other fields

How do I write a class that implements this TypeScript interface (and keeps the TypeScript compiler happy):
interface MyInterface {
(): string;
text2(content: string);
I saw this related answer:
How to make a class implement a call signature in Typescript?
But that only works if the interface only has the bare function signature. It doesn't work if you have additional members (such as function text2) to be implemented.
A class cannot implement everything that is available in a typescript interface. Two prime examples are callable signatures and index operations e.g. : Implement an indexible interface
The reason is that an interface is primarily designed to describe anything that JavaScript objects can do. Therefore it needs to be really robust. A TypeScript class however is designed to represent specifically the prototype inheritance in a more OO conventional / easy to understand / easy to type way.
You can still create an object that follows that interface:
interface MyInterface {
(): string;
text2(content: string);
var MyType = ((): MyInterface=>{
var x:any = function():string { // Notice the any
return "Some string"; // Dummy implementation
x.text2 = function(content:string){
console.log(content); // Dummy implementation
return x;
There's an easy and type-safe way to do this with ES6's Object.assign:
const foo: MyInterface = Object.assign(
// Callable signature implementation
() => 'hi',
// Additional properties
text2(content) { /* ... */ }
Intersection types, which I don't think were available in TypeScript when this question was originally asked and answered, are the secret sauce to getting the typing right.
Here's an elaboration on the accepted answer.
As far as I know, the only way to implement a call-signature is to use a function/method. To implement the remaining members, just define them on this function. This might seem strange to developers coming from C# or Java, but I think it's normal in JavaScript.
In JavaScript, this would be simple because you can just define the function and then add the members. However, TypeScript's type system doesn't allow this because, in this example, Function doesn't define a text2 member.
So to achieve the result you want, you need to bypass the type system while you define the members on the function, and then you can cast the result to the interface type:
//A closure is used here to encapsulate the temporary untyped variable, "result".
var implementation = (() => {
//"any" type specified to bypass type system for next statement.
//Defines the implementation of the call signature.
var result: any = () => "Hello";
//Defines the implementation of the other member.
result.text2 = (content: string) => { };
//Converts the temporary variable to the interface type.
return <MyInterface>result;
})(); //Invokes the closure to produce the implementation
Note that you don't need to use a closure. You could just declare your temporary variable in the same scope as the resulting interface implementation. Another option is to name the closure function to improve readability.
Here's what I think is a more realistic example:
interface TextRetriever {
(): string;
Replace(text: string);
function makeInMemoryTextRetriever(initialText: string) {
var currentText = initialText;
var instance: any = () => currentText;
instance.Replace = (newText: string) => currentText = newText;
return <TextRetriever>instance;
var inMemoryTextRetriever = makeInMemoryTextRetriever("Hello");

Using Expression Trees as an argument constraint

Can I use an Expression Tree as an argument constraint in a FakeIteasy CallTo assertion?
Given a method on an interface with the following signature:
interface IRepository<TEntity>
TEntity Single(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate);
Being called in code like so:
Flight flight = repository.Single(f => f.ID == id);
I have in mind a unit test doing something like this:
Expression<Func<Flight, bool>> myExpression = flight => flight.ID == 1;
A.CallTo(() => repository.Single(
A<Expression<Func<Flight, bool>>>.That.Matches(myExpression)))
.Returns(new Flight());
However this produces a warning: Try specifying type arguments explicitly.
I am currently having to use the Ignored property which is not ideal.
The "Matches"-method takes a lambda but you're trying to pass it the expression. What are you trying to say with the "Matches"-call? Are you matching on equality? In that case you'd just write:
A.CallTo(() => repository.Single(myExpression)).Returns(new Flight());
If you want to constrain the expression on something else you'd have to pass a predicate of the type: Func<Expression<Func<Flight, bool>>, bool> to the "Matches"-method.
Thanks Patrik,
Examining the expression was exactly what I needed to do, i.e. parse the expression (f => f.ID == id) and execute the Right side of the == to get its runtime value.
In code this looks like this:
A.CallTo(() => flightRepository.Single(A<Expression<Func<Flight, bool>>>.That
.Matches(exp => Expression.Lambda<Func<int>>(((BinaryExpression)exp.Body).Right).Compile().Invoke() == 1)))
.Returns(new Flight());
However I can't help thinking that there must be a more elegant way to achieve the same end. I'll leave that for another day though.
Thanks again,
Michael McDowell
I had the same problem while attempting to assert an expression as an argument but I was using Moq. The solution should work for you though as well...
I give most of the credit to this answer to a similar question:
Moq Expect On IRepository Passing Expression
It basically says you can do a ToString() on the expressions and compare them. It is kind of hacky but it only has one downside; the variables names in the lambda expression must match.
Here is an example...
public void TestWhichComparesExpressions()
// setup
_mockRepository.Setup(x => x.GetByFilter(MatchQuery())).Returns(new List<Record>());
// execute
var records = _service.GetRecordsByFilter();
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(0, records.Count());
private static Expression<Func<DomainRecord, bool>> MatchQuery()
return MatchExpression(ServiceClass.QueryForTheRecords); // constant
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/288413/moq-expect-on-irepository-passing-expression/1120836#1120836
private static Expression<Func<DomainRecord, bool>> MatchExpression(Expression<Func<DomainRecord, bool>> expression)
return It.Is<Expression<Func<DomainRecord, bool>>>(e => e.ToString() == expression.ToString());
I decided to put the expression into a constant on the class which used it which guaranteed it would be the same in the test if someone changed the lambda expressions's variable names.

overload operator = in c#

Is it possible to overload operator = in c#?
when i call =, i just want to copy properties, rather than making the left hand reference to refer another instance.
The answer is no:
Note that the assignment operator itself (=) cannot be overloaded. An assignment always performs a simple bit-wise copy of a value into a variable.
And even if it was possible, I wouldn't recommend it. Nobody who reads the code is going to think that there's ANY possibility that the assignment operator's been overloaded. A method to copy the object will be much clearer.
You can't overload the = operator. Furthermore, what you are trying to do would entirely change the operator's semantics, so in other words is a bad idea.
If you want to provide copy semantics, provide a Clone() method.
Why not make a .CopyProperties(ByVal yourObject As YourObject) method in the object?
Are you using a built-in object?
We can Overload = operator but not directly.
using System;
class Over
private int a;
public Over(int a )
this.a = a;
public int A { get => a; }
public static implicit operator int(Over obj)
return obj.A;
class yo
public static void Main()
Over over = new Over(10);
int a = over;
Here when you call that operator overloading method , it is calling = operator itself to convert that to int. You cannot directly overload "=" but this way of code means the same.