Why did Google invent privileged permission whitelisting feature? [closed] - android-source

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I read the article at https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/perms-whitelist about ro.control_privapp_permissions and I understand how it works but I am left wondering why this feature exists?
The docs say:
... device implementers had little control over which signature|privileged
permissions could be granted to privileged apps ...
It seems to me that they have plenty control. For apps they build themselves they can simply add or delete permissions from the manifest of their apps. For apps which come from Google such as GMS it would seem futile for a device makers to decide they don't want to grant certain permissions to Google, I'm sure Google wouldn't accept that. So what's the point? I guess this lets device makers include shoddy prebuilt apps into their system image and just give them a few permissions and hope they run properly?

Consider the following example:
An OEM (Samsung / LG / Motorola etc) is building a new device for the public safety sector (police man / fire fighters / security forces etc).
Some public safety customers have their own MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution that is based on a pre-load application. That pre-loaded application is provided by a third party as a pre-built APK and embedded into the device's system/priv-app directory.
The OEM has no control over the quality of that third party MDM application.
If the app is badly implemented, it might introduce security vulnerabilities and compromise the entire platform. Providing the third party app with the minimum needed permissions to do its work will allow to confine it and prevent privilege escalation.


Do I need User Permissions for basic Google Analytics? [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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I added Google Firebase Analytics in my Flutter Project. And I am getting basic Information like how many Users used the App, which App Version they are on, which Country they are from and devices they are Using. No User specifics at all, no events or other tracking Information.
Right now I am not asking the user for Permissions to do this.
So my question do I have to ask the User for this Information? Will the Google/Apple Store reject the App because of this?
I am not sure as I can't find that much Info for my case. I just added the Firebase Plugin and added the GoogleService-Info.json/GoogleService-Info.plist and thats it, no code in the App itself.
I made some research about it now and here are my findings.
According to Firebase website here, you are required to let the user now, any type of analytics that has been enabled per product. Here is the quote.
You are required to notify your App Users by disclosing the following information:
- The Google Analytics for Firebase features you have implemented.
- How you and third-party vendors use first-party cookies, or other first-party identifiers, and third-party cookies and similar technologies, such as identifiers for mobile devices (including Android Advertising ID and Advertising Identifier for iOS), or other third-party identifiers, together.
- How App Users can opt-out of the Google Analytics for Firebase features you use, including through applicable device settings, such as the device advertising settings for mobile apps, or any other available means.
For more information, I also recommend checking this out
p.s.I think the best way to leasrn is to ask this to a lawyer or try it on the submission.

Writing iOS Apps development Remotely [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I got a request, where I need to write to code for a Someone. But they want me to write on their machines instead Remotely.
Does any one know any software by which i can access someone else screen remotely?
Yes i can use VNC or Microsoft Remote Desktop but then the Question is then, How will i run that code from Xcode on my end into the Real device for testing.
Two immediate solutions:
you can generate adhoc build and install on any device with the developer approved provisioning profile.
generate ipa and install on a JB device.
There's also the Screen Sharing feature - although this is essentially a nicely integrated VNC client with some smarts.
This kind of working arrangement does not sound like a terribly productive one - many features of XCode rely on quick user interaction - for instance code completion. On a laggy remote connection these will become highly irritating or entirely unusable.
As you suggest, there is no way to remotely debug on a device. You can however create an AdHoc build which can then be installed on your own device via the web or through iTunes.
The Apple Developer programme puts a few barriers in the way of a contract development relationship - particularly with respect to code-signing - which you'll need to run on a real device as well as app-store submission. The only two solutions are either a corporate ADC account (you are added as an 'employee' user) or having your own individual account which is used for development.

publish iphone app that requires user to register [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I created iPhone app that requires the user to register and log in before open the app.
This application has been rejected from App Store and they gave me this message:
We found that your app requires customers to register with personal
information to access non-account-based features, which is not in
compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Apps cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app
features and content that are not associated specifically to the
user. User registration that requires the sharing of personal
information must be optional or tied to account-specific
functionality. Additionally, the requested information must be
relevant to the features.
I payed all my efforts and time in this app. So, my question is: Is there is any Solution to make the App Store accept my app without changing anything in its structure ??
Thanks in Advance.
You have two options:
Make the neccessary changes to the app.
Contact Apple, and explain why your application needs the user to register, and that the application is indeed in compliance with the rules.
Option 2 works best if the application actually conforms to the rules, but depending on what the app actually does, there might be a grey area. Unfortunately the outcome of this option can also be closely correlated to communication skills - so prepare your arguments before calling or mailing Apple.

iOS 5 - access to documentation in xcode 4.2 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Why does apple require me to buy the developer fee to access documentation in xcode? I get the following message when I try accessing the documentation within xcode.
You do not have access to this resource based on your membership.
Access to technical resources such as pre-release software and associated documentation, and information related to distributing iOS or Mac apps on the App Store are benefits offered to Apple Developer Program members.
Either the Apple ID and password you entered is not associated with an Apple Developer Program, or the Program that you are enrolled in does not have access to this resource.
You need a developer account to access any of the documentation pertaining to any sort of Apple development. I assume they want you to log in to they can see how many developers are floating around and also so you can authenticate your profile and download the docs from their servers.
If you trying to access documentation that is part of the beta build then you for sure need to purchase and development account versus using the free version, since only paid developers can download, use and distribute their apps.
If you are having this issue, but local docs are installed. Try removing the iOS 5.0 library and adding it again via Preferences-> Documentation. The Base URL changed when iOS 5 was released (no longer pre-release), but the updater doesn't trigger an update of that automatically.

Can I submit the same app to the App Store under multiple, different accounts/identities? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Working for a digital agency, you get a lot of interesting requests! :)
I have a client who has asked a rather strange question:
Is it possible to submit the same app to the App Store under multiple, different accounts/identities?
So if you search for Company A in the App Store, you would get this app as a result, and if you also searched for Company B, you would also get this app as a result.
Read the AppStore Review Guidelines Apple recently published.
2.20 Developers "spamming" the App Store with many versions of similar apps will be removed from the iOS Developer Program
Additionally, I think it'd be wise to advise your client against such a move, as it will only cause fragmentation for the app. Apps have keywords, so perhaps you should focus there to increase search results. I think you'd run into some issues submitting the same app to the store under different developer accounts--not to mention that you have to have individual developer accounts to even attempt such submissions. It'd really be a headache.
Technically, yes. At least if you're using different App-IDs and sign it with the distribution certificate for the account you'd like to upload it under.
I do not know however if Apple checks for 100% identical code / apps while reviewing apps - if not, it would propably work, if no, propably not :)
Even if multiple developers could get the same app approved, they would still have to change the app ID and the app name, so the search results would not show the same app, but multiple similar apps, all with different reviews and ratings, the aggregate of which would all be far lower in the popularity rankings.