Tinymce external plugin in the project directory doesn't work - tinymce

We have our own Tinymce external plugin to add 'accordion' control, which is placed in a directory in the project folder. We simply used,
external_plugins : {{'accordion':'/Modules/TinyMCEPlugins/accordion/editor_plugin_src.js'}},
toolbar1 : 'accordion',
But, this does not pick the plugin. Is it something wrong with defining the path to the external plugin?

The URL used for external_plugins needs to be a web URL that can be accessed at runtime by the browser.
Guessing that path is not the URL the browser can use. Are there errors in the browser’s console?

You have to host that js file server side. Convert it into a link, and GET the router.
external_plugins : {"accordian" : "http://example.com/public/TinyMCEPlugins/accordian/editor_plugin_src.js},


QAF Dashboard.html is empty

I have downloaded the QAF Maven project and imported into Eclipse. I have created BDD test case for one of the RESTFull service and I am able to run it as TestNG Test. I see the result folder created with the date and timestamp created under test-results folder. When I try to refresh the Dashboard.html I don't see any results and it’s empty.
Please let me know if I have to update my POM or any other property file.
Try opening dashboard.htm in firefox.
You need to open local dashboard.htm in Firfox (prefered), Edge or Safari. If you are opening in chrome you need to set allow file access from file. If dashboard.htm served through http server, for example jenkins then you can open in any browser.

How to open a file in vscode from browser?

I want my webapp to be able to open a given file in VS code. For example, when I click a button on my webapp, a file say, C:\Users\...\myProject\index.html is opened, if myProject is already opened it should navigate to index.html
I know its a peculiar use case but I want to know if its possible in vscode.
Its also completely fine if it requires using browser or vscode extension.
vscode://file/{full path to project}/
Thanks to fbg13 for providing this link
It is possible if you are using Firefox:
Open the about:config page.
Set the view_source.editor.external to true.
Set the view_source.editor.path to the VSCode's executable absolute path.
It is possible if you add this link:
Example for Symfony 5.3 and higher
For example in Symfony to use the link that appears in the debug bar of the controller used you can do it as described in the examples. You have to edit your project config.
Only for VS Code:
ide: 'vscode://file/%%f:%%l'
For any editor through env:
ide: '%env(resolve:CODE_EDITOR)%'
And don't forget to add value for CODE_EDITOR into .env or .env.local.
This is an example for local projects.
.env or .env.local:
# or
If you use Docker or trying to open a file from remote server, you may use this example.
.env or .env.local:
# Template
# Real paths
For more details see these pages:
Symfony Framework Configuration Reference - ide
Opening VS Code with URLs
You can install vscode-handler to open files like this

Using Eclipse/Aptana, points to wrong location when previewing in browser

I'm just starting out with Eclipse Luna with Aptana plugin installed.
I've just written a basic .html file, and when I run the page using the built-in web server, it opens Firefox with the following URL:
This is unsuccesful, with Firefox displaying the message: Unable to connect
Whereas I have the file stored elsewhere on my hard drive. how do I point it in the right direction?
I found you can find the html file in your file explorer and open it manually or just type in the location the file is stored at on your hard drive into the address box. This worked for me with a html file and a css that changed the color. I am not sure if there is a setting somewhere to change the path it enters into Firefox.

playframework2 jquery error (jquery.min.map)

When I launch my minimal play2 application I can see an exception in the js console like:
GET http://localhost:9000/assets/javascripts/jquery.min.map 404 (Not Found)
Why it happens? Is it known issue. I've seen some play-tool-projects on github that has this file there. By default I do not have this file in my "javascripts" folder. Should I?
The source map file maps the minified version of the code against the un-minified version so that you can access the real code while debugging.
The 404 error only appears when using the developer tools. To fix this, just download the correct version of your source map file. Mine for example was:
Then rename it to:
and move it in the javascripts directory.
Try to map of the Assets controller in your conf/routes file.
GET /assets/javascripts/jquery.min.map
For more information read this documentation
Working with public assets

Deactivate/change default favicon in iPlanet 6.0

While there are many questions here about a favicon not showing, I have one that is showing out of nowhere...
If I type in my browser http://localhost, I see the root of the web directory and no favicon.ico is there. Yet an icon shows up on the browser tab. If I type http://localhost/favicon.ico, the browser does show me the icon!
How can http://localhost/favicon.ico return something that does not exist?
I am using an iPlanet server linked to weblogic app container.
I searched for a favicon.ico in my entire web directory and weblogic domain, didn't find any (or rather: some others lying around but not the one I see).
I even searched for the string 'favicon.ico' in domain, web directory and iPlanet directory, in case it is in some configuration file, didn't find anything.
Any hint?
Edit: As pointed out by Sacha below, this is a default icon of the server. I would like to know where in the config it is located, and how to deactivate it. I found how to do that in documentation of iPlanet 7.0, but I am using iPlanet 6.0 and I can't find anything in the doc.
If there is no favicon.ico server displays a default one.It might be a xampp or wamp logo.If you want to customize put yours in your project root directory. Eg:- If your project name is saas put it in saas folder.
If going to localhost/favicon.ico shows you the icon, then it is there. I am not sure why it is not in the directory.
I was also facing the same problem in jBoss server of my jsp project in which the browser was showing by default server icon and there was no favicon.ico in my whole project directory
then i searched for the favicon on the server and it was there so i have remove that file from the server to remove any default favicon from my project.