playframework2 jquery error ( - scala

When I launch my minimal play2 application I can see an exception in the js console like:
GET http://localhost:9000/assets/javascripts/ 404 (Not Found)
Why it happens? Is it known issue. I've seen some play-tool-projects on github that has this file there. By default I do not have this file in my "javascripts" folder. Should I?

The source map file maps the minified version of the code against the un-minified version so that you can access the real code while debugging.
The 404 error only appears when using the developer tools. To fix this, just download the correct version of your source map file. Mine for example was:
Then rename it to:
and move it in the javascripts directory.

Try to map of the Assets controller in your conf/routes file.
GET /assets/javascripts/
For more information read this documentation
Working with public assets


Android Studio - Library reference ../google-play-services_lib could not be found importing project

I am trying to import from Eclipse to AndroidStudio a project of mine and I am getting the following error
First I do not understand why it does not replace the google play services lib for the corresponding entry in the gradle file.
What should I do in order to fix the situation? Any guidance or link to a tutorial would be helpful.
Well, there might be another way of solving this problem, but I ended up removing the line in the file that was making reference to the google-play-services_lib library.
The simplest solutions is remove this line of code , android.library.reference.2=../google-play-services_lib,from project file (you will find it in project's root folder ) rest android studio will handle itself
Find the file:
An alternative is to simply set the path. You'll need to have installed play services via the Android SDK to use it with Android studio anyway.
Once play services are installed, if you highlight the Google play services entry in the Android SDK manager it will show you the path to the install location. On MAC this is normally something like /Users/[homedir]/android-sdks/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject
Edit the path in to point to this file and it will import. You can then update your gradle build file as necessary.
I think "removing the line in the file that was making reference to the google-play-services_lib library" is not a good fix.
To really fix it do either of these :
Just edit the location of the path to google-play-services_lib in file in your Eclipse project root directory.
Note:If you are on windows path\comes\like\this you have to replace the backward slash with the forward slash and your path/will/become/like/this.
e.g :
or replace "\" with "\" like below :
otherway is - just look at the last portion of the last line of the error
....which resolves to ...folder_name/google-play-services_lib
just create a folder at that location and paste google-play-services_lib from your google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib
I just changed it works for me
android.library.reference.2../google-play-services_lib which changed to
The easiest and simple solution is to copy google-play-services_lib folder from another project or SDK folder and past it to the location which is address in the error. By removing or commenting line in the will create errors in the project and won't allow you to build unless you take necessary steps and fix.

Ajax Controls Toolkit and Ajaxmin

I am learning how to use the Ajax Control Toolkit using VB.NET in code-behind in Visual Studio 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel, .NET 4.0.30319 SP1Rel. I have been to many websites and tried lots of code, using the AnimationExtender. The sample that came with the toolkit works perfectly, but on
which is different from my "view code in browser" url:
When I change the url to mine, I get this error:
Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxMin, Version=4.97.4951.28478, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=21ef50ce11b5d80f' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Nothing in the installation instructions mentions this. I can't run the page I'm using to learn how to use the AnimationExtender. I am at a loss, and I can't find anything like this on Google or here.
Matty's suggestion to check the sample project sent me back to the directory where I'd unzipped it, then checked the file, which had the AjaxMin.dll file in it. I had admin move the file to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VB\Bin (I don't know if that directory matters, it works for me), then in VS added the DLL as a reference to the project. The few errors I've gotten since are nothing to do with ajaxmin.
I had the same problem, I had to copy the file AjaxMin.dll from where I extracted the, to my project's bin folder. i.e. C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyProject\MyProject\bin
Rebuilt the solution and this time worked fine..
Hope that will help you :)

lexical or preprocessor issue file not found occurs while archiving?

I am new to this iPhone development and i have almost completed my first application but when i try for creating an archive it gives an error lexical or preprocessed issue file not found But it runs fine in simulator and also has also tested on device. I have included SDwebimage architecture for lazy loading of image in table view.Can any tell me what is the issue?
Few things to try, Ensure the Framework and all it's headers are imported into your project properly.
Also in your Build Settings set YES to Always search user paths, and make sure your User header paths are pointing to the Framework.
Finally, Build->Clean and Restart Xcode.
Hope this helps !
UPDATE: According to SDWebImage's installation, it's required you make a modification to Header Search Path and not User header paths, As seen below.
Have you done this as well? I suggest slowly, re-doing all the installation steps from the beginning.
Spaces in a folder name in your header search path can cause this problem. Make sure the folders in your project do not have spaces in their names.
My project was building fine until I updated to Xcode 10.1. After the Xcode update, started getting Lexical or preprocessor Issue errors on build. Some XCDataModel header files could not be found.
This fixed the issue.
Go to Build Settings, Header Search Paths
Change the appropriate value from $(SRCROOT) non-recursive to recursive.
This ensures that subfolders are also searched for headers during build.
I had this same issue now and found that my sub-projects 'Public Header Folder Path' was set to an incorrect path (when compared with what my main project was using as its 'Header Search Path' and 'User Header Search Path').
My main project had the following:
Header Search Paths
Debug "build/Debug-iphoneos/../../Headers"
Release "build/Debug-iphoneos/../../Headers"
And the same for the User Header Search Paths
Whereas my sub-project (dependency) had the following:
Public Header Folder Path
Debug "include/BoxSDK"
Release "include/BoxSDK"
Changing the 'Public Header Folder Path' to "../../Headers/BoxSDK" fixed the problem since the main project was already searching that folder ('../../Headers').
PS: I took some good screenshots, but I am not allowed to post an answer with images until I hit reputation 10 :(
I had this problem after changed project name. I used all the methods mentioned on the internet but still doesn't work. Then I realized that all the header files not found was from cocoapods, so I re-installed the cocoapods using pod install, and thus solved the problem.
Hope this could help.
In my case I was developing a framework and had a test application inside it, what was missing is inside the test application target -> build settings -> Framework Search Paths:
The value needed to be the framework path (the build output - .framework) which is in my case:
"../FrameworkNameFolder/" - the 2 points indicates to go one folder up.
Also, inside the test application target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries:
I had to remove the framework file, clean the project, add the framework file again, compile and this also solved the issue.
The new version contain fix for this, feel free to update.
Or you can just replace
#include "iPhone_View.h"
#include "iPhone_View.h"
Delete the unit testing from your project follow the below steps this will solve the issue.
select your project from the project navigator to open the project editor. From the target delete the test from the left side of the project editor and press the Delete key.
I know this is old, but I'm gonna chime in anyway because it may be useful to someone. If you can still see the file in Finder, then click on the file in your project and delete it, selecting "remove references" and not "move to trash".
Once the reference is removed, drag and drop the file from finder into your project again and it should sort itself out.
Just adding another thing that worked for me :
react-native link
Evidently my ReactNative files were no longer there. I could figure that out by clicking on
Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries ->
Then right clicking a file I knew was responsible for React, and clicking Show In Finder .
But nothing opened. So assuming the library went missing, I just ran the above command which relinked everything again.
Also if you havn't, try :
rm -rf node_modules/ && npm install
This happened to me after I renamed a file. For some reason it was still looking for the file with the old name. What I did was create the file that it was complaining about and added to the project. Then I did a Project->clean, then Project->Build and verified the error was gone. Then I selected the newly added files and deleted them. This removed all references and I no longer see the error.
I fixed mine. The fb sdk downloaded (from my browser) as 'FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.22.0' -- I just had to rename the folder to FacebookSDK. So now in Build
Settings --> Framework Search Paths
the path looks something like /Users/.../Documents/FacebookSDK (where as before it was /Users/.../Documents/FacebookSDKs-iOS-4.22.0)
Hope this helps!
For what it's worth, my problem was completely unrelated to the error Xcode was giving. I stumbled onto a solution by deleting the .h reference, compiling, adding the reference back and compiling again. The actual error then became evident.

WhirlyGlobe : Getting compilation error while trying to use framework

I am trying to use the open source app WhirlyGlobe from link:
I am using following steps to use it in my app:
adding framework to application framework.
Copying the supporting files to my project (Utilities folder from whirlyglobe code) and setting Header Search Path as utilities/boost_1_45_0 & utilities/eigen-eigen-3.0.1
renaming my file to .mm and then trying to draw the map.
Problem here is i am getting compilation error :"'set' file not found".
This file is present under 'Utilities' folder. I am not getting what wrong i am doing. I even tried changing header paths but didn't helped.
If anybody have used this library , please help me out telling correct steps.
Change the extension of your file from .m to .mm

Where is the configuration for Data/Services in Flash Builder saved?

I am trying to troubleshoot getting a Data/Service deployed to a live server in Flash Builder with an Air application.
I am using AMF/Zend but provided my own Php file called database.php. I'm trying to find somewhere in the code base where that is referenced, but I can't find anything, other than a link to my php file in the /services folder, which I have no idea how to change to linking to a remote file.