Ive started to use ngx-leaflet, and cant find anyway of drawing path (going on real roads not just a polyline) between two markers, does such an option exists at all?
I use the Leaflet plug-in "Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotated.js" to use its L.imageOverlay.rotated(...) thing in order to overlay certain map pieces in various places on top of the normal map.
It does this by taking an image and having me tell it its top-left, top-right and bottom-left coordinates to figure out how to rotate, tilt and stretch/squeeze it properly.
It took me a very long time to figure these coordinates out by hand. For this reason, I'm looking for some sort of "geopositioning mode", perhaps enabled by this extension, which would simply let me click three times on the map to tell it where these points go. That would be so simple for the developers to do and would help so much. It's such an obvious thing to do that I strongly suspect it's already implemented and ready.
Is there such a "mode"? If not, how am I expected to find the positions without spending so much time and trial-and-error as I did for the first overlay map image?
Added: I should also clarify that the image should be shown in this mode so that you can re-adjust the points and watch in real time as the image bends/warps, to get it just right.
you can develop a modul for this problem.
find minimum 4 point on raster map.
click on tilemap for 4 points
than find different slope and distance same 2 points.
maybe you must rotate and use affine transformation.
On the map I'm working on, sometimes multiple markers will share the same coordinates. I'm using markercluster which is helpful to view markers that share the same coordinates. The problem is, that the paths(lines) that connect them fall on top of each other. I need to show both lines. Is it possible to have each line side by side or similar? Has anyone ran into this issue before? See the below image which shows what I am trying to accomplish.
Try Leaflet Polyline Offset plugin. Here is demo.
Is there a plugin (like OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet) or does anyone know how to account for polyline overlapping with markers? I am basically trying to avoid situation line this
I specifically want the polyline to go around the marker (like an arc) so that its clear to the user that the curved polyline is connecting the end-most markers and middle marker's polylines are then visible
What exactly is the issue with the above? If it's a matter of the markers appearing below the lines, you just need to either
add the markers after you add the lines
or better yet, use leaflet's .bringToFront() and .bringToBack() methods.
Reordering the z index of a feature layer is a pretty straightforward use case, so I don't imagine you'd need a plugin for it.
I am making an iPhone app for a local college. I am currently trying to take a drawn map of the campus and put pin annotations on it. I also want to be able to show the users current location on this map image. Right now I just have a UIImageView inside of a UIScrollView. It can currently scroll and zoom in/out. How would I go about accomplishing this? I have searched everywhere for an answer and can't seem to find a solution (or have overlooked it). Am I going in the right direction? Thanks for your help.
You would have to come up with a function to translate latitude and longitude into pixel offsets in the image. Assuming the campus is relatively small compared to the Earth (so you can ignore the planet's curvature), this should be a simple matter of determining the coordinates of the four corners of the image and interpolating.
I can see with iOS4 you can now tile an image on google maps (Been looking at the TileMap example from apple). This is great as this is what I want to do, but from what I can see I need to know the GEO reference of the image so I can raster the images with the appropriate zoom levels, etc. What I have is an artist image, which is a map of a specific area and I want to overlay this image on google maps.
Am I missing something here, but can this be done with a none standard map and having different zoom levels?
The main reason why I need to use google maps is because of the GPS functionality, so the user will know where they currently are on the map.
Georeferencing is how you "pin" your image to the world. It is a tricky process, but not too hard once you dig into it.
You've already found the TileMap example code - that is the first step.
Next, check out MapTiler.org. There you will find links and some binaries that you can use to process your image into georeferenced tiles.
If you don't know the lat/long coordinates for your image, you can use Google Earth to interactively overlay the image onto the map, and then copy the coordinates out.
Good luck!