iPhone - Image overlay MapKit framework? - iphone

I can see with iOS4 you can now tile an image on google maps (Been looking at the TileMap example from apple). This is great as this is what I want to do, but from what I can see I need to know the GEO reference of the image so I can raster the images with the appropriate zoom levels, etc. What I have is an artist image, which is a map of a specific area and I want to overlay this image on google maps.
Am I missing something here, but can this be done with a none standard map and having different zoom levels?
The main reason why I need to use google maps is because of the GPS functionality, so the user will know where they currently are on the map.

Georeferencing is how you "pin" your image to the world. It is a tricky process, but not too hard once you dig into it.
You've already found the TileMap example code - that is the first step.
Next, check out MapTiler.org. There you will find links and some binaries that you can use to process your image into georeferenced tiles.
If you don't know the lat/long coordinates for your image, you can use Google Earth to interactively overlay the image onto the map, and then copy the coordinates out.
Good luck!


How do I disable the tiles happening in leaflet? I just want my image to show fit to window and zoom single image

Leaflet framework seems like perfect solution, however it is using tiles to zoom. I want to source a single file and have it fit to window and zoom based on image being much larger than container.
I cannot find anywhere to disable tile feature. If I did would it break zoom functionality?
Welcome to SO!
Sounds like you overlooked Leaflet Image Overlay.
There is also a tutorial, although you may not need the CRS.Simple part.

Custom tiles yet geo accurate in LeafletJS

I'm interested in custom map tiles, and using advice from here and here, I've experimented with exactly that. For a prototype I did a very geeky map of the Star Trek Federation, with episode links moving you around the planets/systems etc.
While that's all fine and dandy for fantastical locations, I'd also be interested in using heavily stylised renditions of real world locations, yet still using real lat,lng points. So, for example, a bespoke, yet mostly geo accurate, map of London, chopped into tiles, but if you passed in lat,lng coords for Camden Tube (51.53911 -0.14235), you would move to that location.
Any ideas how you configure LeafletJS to do this, without going the route of using Google Maps with custom tiles?
If I understand correctly, you have 2 different applications:
Your Star Trek map, for which you are satisfied.
Stylised map of real world, for which you would like real lat,lng coordinates to be accurate?
Then your question is how to create your custom tiles, so that Leaflet shows the stylised view of London when passed the real London coordinates?
In that case, it would be probably just a matter of correctly numbering your tiles. Or the reverse, modifying the tile numbers used by Leaflet to build the tiles URL. For the latter solution, see Specifying Lat & Long for Leaflet TileLayer
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "mostly geo accurate". It sounds like you probably just want to generate your own map tiles from some kind of source like OpenStreetMap. In that case, TileMill (although kind of obsolete) is probably the easiest way to go.
There are basically three parts:
Generate some map tiles (eg TileMill)
Host them (eg TileStream)
Point Leaflet at them

draw route on static image map iphone

I'm developing a campus navigation app.
I have an image which displays building on the campus.
I want draw a route from the user location to destination building the use wants to go.
Wondering how to draw a route on static custom image.
Been searching on internet but cannot find any clue how to develop.
All documentation on internet are about drawing route on Google map.
any hint will be much much appreciated.
You'll have to manually collect latitude and longitude information for each of your map image's four corners. You'll also have to manually specify, in terms of co-ordinates on the image, the position of every possible turning point in the building's corridors, stairs etc. Then you can get the device's current latitude and longitude (see the Location Awareness Programming Guide), translate it into a position on your image, and overlay a transparent view with a red line on it stopping at each of your manually collected waypoints. There remains the graph theory problem of finding the shortest route through the network of waypoints. I suggest the A* algorithm.

Use an Image as an MKOverlayView (iPhone MKMapKit)

We want to use MapKit / MKOverlayView to create a map that looks totally customized. We would create a PNG that has the local streets / points of interest, and match that up to MapKit map.
I am finding some info that seems to infer that this is possible, but all the tutorials and examples I find are dealing with drawing lines and polygons, which is not what we want.
I have also considered the possibility of creating the PNG, grabbing the user's location and mathematically calculating their position on the image... but that seems like a bigger task than potentially using a MKOverlayView
Any ideas about how to get started would be much appreciated.
You could start by looking at Open Maps I believe you can customise their maps by creating your own XML file (different styles of roads etc..) You can then download the map tiles as PNGs or lazy load them in your app.
Google maps on the other hand you are not allowed to modify or store in you application.
However if you choose the open maps approach you have to effectively roll your own MapKit. This is tricky but very much possible. Start by looking at the apple developer videos on tiled scroll views.

Using custom map with MKMapKit

I am creating an iPhone app for OS4.0, and I am attempting to integrate a custom map with a standard MKMapView. I have been provided a map in .eps format (vector image), and I want to somehow overlay this on an MKMapView in and restrict the scrolling boundaries of the map so users cannot scroll outside the boundaries of the custom map. What's the best way to go about this?
I have read some stuff about hosting map tiles on a server, but this seems overly complex for my application. This would just be a map for an attraction roughly the size of a public zoo, so I would think that it would be conceivable to just convert the .eps to a .png file, and overlay it, but this might not give the best performance.
I understand that I could conceivable use a UIScrollView to do the job, but the problem is that I have dynamically generated MKPinAnnotationViews placed on the map, whose position must be based on latitude and longitude, so I can't think on an elegant or reasonable way to do it with a scrollview. Any ideas?
Apple has a great bit of example code that will show you what you need to do. Check out the TileMap sample - it is available as part of the (free) WWDC 2010 samples download.
It shows you how to use the gdal2tiles utility to convert an input map into a tree of overlay tiles.
Another good bit of Apple sample code to check out is HazardMap, which is part of the regular SDK samples.