Can we configure same node as master and slave in Kubernetes - kubernetes

I am having two linux machines where I am learning Kubernetes. Since resources are limited, I want to configure the same node as master and slave, so the configuration looks like (master and slave) (slave)
How to perform this setup. Any help will be appreciated.

Yes, you can use minikube the Minikube install for single node cluster. Use kubeadm to install Kubernetes where 1 node is master and another one as Node. Here is the doc, but, make sure you satisfy the prerequisites for the nodes and small house-keeping needs to done as shown in the official document. Then you could install and create two machine cluster for testing purpose if you have two linux machines as you shown two different IP's.
Hope this helps.


What is minikube config specifying?

According to the minikube handbook the configuration commands are used to "Configure your cluster". But what does that mean?
If I set cpus and memory then are these the max values the cluster as a whole can ever consume?
Are these the values it will reserve on the host machine in preparation for use?
Are these the values that are handed to the control plane container/VM and now I have to specify more resources when making a worker node?
What if I want to add another machine (VM or bare metal) and add its resources in the form of a worker node to the cluster? From the looks of it I would have to delete that cluster, change the configuration, then start a new cluster with the new configuration. That doesn't seem scalable.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Answering the question:
If I set cpus and memory then are these the max values the cluster as a whole can ever consume?
In short. It will be a limit for the whole resource (either a VM, a container, etc. depending on a --driver used). It will be used for the underlying OS, Kubernetes components and the workload that you are trying to run on it.
Are these the values it will reserve on the host machine in preparation for use?
I'd reckon this would be related to the --driver you are using and how its handling the resources. I personally doubt it's reserving the 100% of CPU and memory you've passed in the $ minikube start and I'm more inclined to the idea that it uses how much it needs during specific operations.
Are these the values that are handed to the control plane container/VM and now I have to specify more resources when making a worker node?
By default, when you create a minikube instance with: $ minikube start ... you will create a single node cluster capable of being a control-plane node and a worker node simultaneously. You will be able to run your workloads (like an nginx-deployment without adding additional node).
You can add a node to your minikube ecosystem with just: $ minikube node add. This will make another node marked as a worker (with no control-plane components). You can read more about it here: Docs: Tutorials: Multi node
What if I want to add another machine (VM or bare metal) and add its resources in the form of a worker node to the cluster? From the looks of it I would have to delete that cluster, change the configuration, then start a new cluster with the new configuration. That doesn't seem scalable.
As said previously, you don't need to delete the minikube cluster to add another node. You can run $ minikube node add to add a node on a minikube host. There are also options to delete/stop/start nodes.
Personally speaking if the workload that you are trying to run requires multiple nodes, I would try to consider other Kubernetes cluster built on top/with:
This would allow you to have more flexibility on where you want to create your Kubernetes cluster (as far as I know, minikube works within a single host (like your laptop for example)).
A side note!
There is an answer (written more than 2 years ago) which shows the way to add a Kubernetes cluster node to a minikube here : Answer: How do I get the minikube nodes in a local cluster
Additional resources: Docs: Setup: Production environment: Tools: Kubeadm: Create cluster kubeadm Kubernetes sigs: Kubespray

Expandable single node K8s cluster

I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
I am aware of solutions such as minikube and microk8s but they are not expandable. I am trying k3s at the moment exactly because it is offering this feature but I have some problems with storage and other stuff that I am working on them.
Now my questions:
What other solution for this exists?
What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?
You can use kubeadm to setup a single node "cluster". Then you can use the join command to add more nodes
You can expand k3s cluster via k3sup join.Here is guide.
Key Kubernetes services such as kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler should be available and running smoothly at all times on master nodes. Therefore, it is essential to have dedicated resources for the master nodes, and avoid having other non-critical workloads interfere with the functioning of the master services
What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?
Failure of the worker will of course bring down your applications. When you recover it or spin up another one, K8s will recover your apps for you.
Failure of the master will not adversely affect your systems only the cluster's ability to manage itself and its self-healing capabilities (which will affect uptime at some point).
I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as single node production ready k8s cluster.
For something small and simple you can check Rancher.
What other solution for this exists?
kubeadm allows you to install everything on a single node. Install kubeadm on the node, "kubeadm init", install a pod network, then remove the master taint.
Another solution you may be interested in is the Kubespray.
Some "honorable mentions" are:
Charmed Kubernetes by Canonical allows you to do everything on one node; however it should be quite a big node, so may be not the case here (but still worth mentioning).
If you don't really require all the k8s power (with only one small node), then Nomad could be an alternative.
Let me know if that helps.

Use laptop as a worker node with separate master node

my problem is the same: i have an extra laptop and want use it like a kubernetes worker node, instead having the master node and worker node in the same machine(like minikube).
the machine with the master node and the laptop with worker node are on the same LAN.
but i have no idea about the technology which i have to use (openshift or something else)
thanks for all
If you opt for creating Highly Available Clusters on bare metal, just follow official's tutorial: Creating Highly Available Clusters with kubeadm, take option: with stacked control plane nodes.
The easiest for this purpose will be kubeadm: You basically doing kubeadm init on master, and kubeadm join on every worker.

Is it possible to join the kubernetes worker node to kubernetes master without enabling ssh

I am installing kubernetes cluster on bare metal. One of the Prerequisites
An SSH key pair on your local linux machines. This ssh key pair is used to join the worker node with master.
Is it possible to join the kubernetes worker node to kubernetes master without enabling ssh?
Well, SSH is required only, if you want to control all nodes from a single machine actually. I mean here operations like transferring all binaries/config files/certs required by minions.
If you want to setup Kubernetes cluster in really hard way, without SSH protocol part, you need to find a way (alternative to SSH) to be able to run on each worker node a similar command* to this (assuming the rest of prerequisites are already in place):
kubeadm join –discovery-token abcdef.1234567890abcdef
*I'm assuming you are bootsraping your cluster with kubeadm, if not please check this tutorial.

Creation of nodes in VMs by using Kubernetes kubeadm and minikube

I am trying to create Kubernetes cluster with different number of nodes using same machine. Here I want to create separate VMs and need to create node in those VMs. I am currently exploring about kubeadm and minikube for these tasks.
When I am exploring I had the following confusions:
I need to create 4 number of nodes each need to create in different VMs. Can I use kubeadm for these requirement?
Also found that Minikube is using for creating the single node structure and also possible to use to creation of VMs. What is the difference between kubeadm and minikube ?
If I want to create nodes in different VMs which tool should use along with installation of Kubernetes cluster master?
If I am using VMs, then can I directly install VMware workstation / virtualbox in my Ubuntu 16.04 ?
In AWS EC2, they already giving the Ubuntu as a virtual machine. So is possible to install VMware workstation on ubuntu? Since it is VMs on another VM.
Kubeadm should be a good choice for you. It is quite easy to use by just following the documentation. Minikube would give you only single node Kubernetes. As of minikube 1.10.1, it is possible to use multi-node clusters.
Kubeadm is a tool to get Kubernetes up and running on already existing machine. It will basically configure and start all required Kubernetes components (for minimum viable cluster). Kubeadm is the right tool to bootstrap the Kubernetes cluster on your virtual machines. But you need to prepare the machines your self (install OS + required software, networking, ...). kubeadm will not do it for you.
Minikube is a tool which will allow you to start locally single node Kubernetes cluster. This is usually done in a VM - minikube supports VirtualBox KVM and others. It will start for you the virtual machine and take care of everything. But it will not do a 4 node cluster for you.
Kubeadm takes care of both. You first setup the master and then use kubeadm on the worker nodes to join the master.
When you use Kubeadm, it doesn't really care what do you use for the virtualization. You can choose whatever you want.
Why do you want to run virtual machines on top of your EC2 machine? Why not just create more (perhaps smaller) EC2 machines for the cluster? You can use this as an inspiration: There are also some more advanced tools for setting up the whole cluster such as (for example) Kops.