Expandable single node K8s cluster - kubernetes

I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
I am aware of solutions such as minikube and microk8s but they are not expandable. I am trying k3s at the moment exactly because it is offering this feature but I have some problems with storage and other stuff that I am working on them.
Now my questions:
What other solution for this exists?
What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?

You can use kubeadm to setup a single node "cluster". Then you can use the join command to add more nodes

You can expand k3s cluster via k3sup join.Here is guide.
Key Kubernetes services such as kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler should be available and running smoothly at all times on master nodes. Therefore, it is essential to have dedicated resources for the master nodes, and avoid having other non-critical workloads interfere with the functioning of the master services

What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?
Failure of the worker will of course bring down your applications. When you recover it or spin up another one, K8s will recover your apps for you.
Failure of the master will not adversely affect your systems only the cluster's ability to manage itself and its self-healing capabilities (which will affect uptime at some point).
I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as single node production ready k8s cluster.
For something small and simple you can check Rancher.
What other solution for this exists?
kubeadm allows you to install everything on a single node. Install kubeadm on the node, "kubeadm init", install a pod network, then remove the master taint.
Another solution you may be interested in is the Kubespray.
Some "honorable mentions" are:
Charmed Kubernetes by Canonical allows you to do everything on one node; however it should be quite a big node, so may be not the case here (but still worth mentioning).
If you don't really require all the k8s power (with only one small node), then Nomad could be an alternative.
Let me know if that helps.


Running other non-cluster containers on k8s node

I have a k8s cluster that runs the main workload and has a lot of nodes.
I also have a node (I call it the special node) that some of special container are running on that that is NOT part of the cluster. The node has access to some resources that are required for those special containers.
I want to be able to manage containers on the special node along with the cluster, and make it possible to access them inside the cluster, so the idea is to add the node to the cluster as a worker node and taint it to prevent normal workloads to be scheduled on it, and add tolerations on the pods running special containers.
The idea looks fine, but there may be a problem. There will be some other containers and non-container daemons and services running on the special node that are not managed by the cluster (they belong to other activities that have to be separated from the cluster). I'm not sure that will be a problem, but I have not seen running non-cluster containers along with pod containers on a worker node before, and I could not find a similar question on the web about that.
So please enlighten me, is it ok to have non-cluster containers and other daemon services on a worker node? Does is require some cautions, or I'm just worrying too much?
Ahmad from the above description, I could understand that you are trying to deploy a kubernetes cluster using kudeadm or minikube or any other similar kind of solution. In this you have some servers and in those servers one is having some special functionality like GPU etc., for deploying your special pods you can use node selector and I hope you are already doing this.
Coming to running separate container runtime on one of these nodes you need to consider two points mainly
This can be done and if you didn’t integrated the container runtime with
kubernetes it will be one more software that is running on your server
let’s say you used kubeadm on all the nodes and you want to run docker
containers this will be separate provided you have drafted a proper
architecture and configured separate isolated virtual network
Now comes the storage part, you need to create separate storage volumes
for kubernetes and container runtime separately because if any one
software gets failed or corrupted it should not affect the second one and
also for providing the isolation.
If you maintain proper isolation starting from storage to network then you can run both kubernetes and container runtime separately however it is not a suggested way of implementation for production environments.

Should server node be on different server than agent nodes, and how to achieve that?

I need advice for k3s architecture. I would like to create small cluster with one master and 3 agent nodes, but in my opinion master node should be in separate server so it have resources only for itself. But I can't see in k3s documentation --disable-agent anymore, and I read that it is buggy so they removed it, so I am wondering how can I have only server setup on one node and is it a good practice at all?
Having master node separated is a typical architecture that Kubernetes utilizes since it runs all the vital components (API Server, Controller manager, etcd and scheduler) necessary to manage your cluster. So it a good idea to have it running on another node (In K8s it is the only way although it is possible to schedule pods on master node if you untaint it)
Here`s a good article about having multinode k3 cluster that relates to your desire state.
Alternative way would be to a solution suggested in this github issue related to --disable-agent and taint the master with NoExecute key.

In a Kubernetes cluster. Does the Master Node need always to run alone in a cluster node?

I am aware that it is possible to enable the master node to execute pods and that is my concern. Since the default configuration is do not allow the master to run pods. Should I change it? What is the reason for the default configuration as it is?
If the change can be performed in some situations. I would like to ask if my cluster in one of these. It has only three nodes with exactly the same hardware and possibly more nodes are not going to be added in the foreseeable future. In my opinion, as I have three equal nodes, it will be a waste of resources to use 1/3 of my cluster computational power to run the kubernetes master. Am I right?
I have found the following reason in Kubernets documentation.
It is, the security, the only reason?
Technically, it doesn't need to run on a dedicated node. But for your Kubernetes cluster to run, you need your masters to work properly. And one of the ways how to ensure it can be secure, stable and perform well is to use separate node which runs only the master components and not regular pod. If you share the node with different pods, there could be several ways how it can impact the master. For example:
The other pods will impact the perforamnce of the masters (network or disk latencies, CPU cache etc.)
They migth be a security risk (if someone manages to hack from some other pod into the master node)
A badly written application can cause stability issues to the node
While it can be seen as wasting resources, you can also see it as a price to pay for the stability of your master / Kubernetes cluster. However, it doesn't have to be waste of 1/3 of resources. Depending on how you deploy your Kubernetes cluster you can use different hosts for different nodes. So for example you can use small host for the master and bigger nodes for the workers.
No, this is not required, but strongly recommended. Security is one aspect, but performance is another. Etcd is usually run on those control plane nodes and it tends to chug if it runs out of IOPS. So a rogue pod running application code could destabilize the control plane, which then reduces your ability to fix the problem.
When running small clusters for testing purposes, it is common to run everything (control plane and workloads) on a single node specifically to save money/complexity.

how to recover from master failure with kubeadm

I set up a Kubernetes cluster with a single master node and two worker nodes using kubeadm, and I am trying to figure out how to recover from node failure.
When a worker node fails, recovery is straightforward: I create a new worker node from scratch, run kubeadm join, and everything's fine.
However, I cannot figure out how to recover from master node failure (without interrupting the deployments running on the worker nodes). Do I need to backup and restore the original certificates or can I just run kubeadm init to create a new master from scratch? How do I join the existing worker nodes?
I ended up writing a Kubernetes CronJob backing up the etcd data. If you are interested: I wrote a blog post about it: https://labs.consol.de/kubernetes/2018/05/25/kubeadm-backup.html
In addition to that you may want to backup all of /etc/kubernetes/pki to avoid issues with secrets (tokens) having to be renewed.
For example, kube-proxy uses a secret to store a token and this token becomes invalid if only the etcd certificate is backed up.
As per your mention about Master's backup , actually if you mean backup procedures (like traditional/legacy backups tools/techs) isn't mentioned directly in the official documentation (as i know), but you can take your precautions by some Options/Workarounds :
Setup HA Masters (only for GCE)
Set up High-Availability Kubernetes Masters
Setup HA etcd cluster / Master Load Balancer
Set up master Load Balancer
Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes
OS file Systems Snapshot/backup
kubeadm init will definitely not work out of the box, as that will create a new cluster altogether, credentials, ip space, etc.
At a minimum, restoring the master node will require a backup of your etcd data. This typically lives in /var/lib/etcd directory.
You will also need the kubeadm config from the cluster
kubeadm config view should output this. (upward of v1.8)
The step-by-step to restore a master node really isn't so clean cut, which is why they introduce HA - High Availability. This is a much safer way of maintaining redundancy and uptime. Particularly because restoring anything from etcd can be a real pain (in my humble opinion and experience).
If I may go a bit off topic from your question, if you are still getting started with Kubernetes and not deeply invested in kubeadm, i would suggest you consider creating your cluster with kops instead. It supports HA already and I found kops to be more robust and easier to use to either kubeadm and kube-aws (the coreos cluster builder).

How can I protect my GKE cluster against master node failure?

In GKE every cluster has a single master endpoint, which is managed by Google Container Engine. Is this master node high available?
I deploy a beautiful cluster of redundant nodes with kubernetes but what happen if the master node goes down? How can i test this situation?
In Google Container Engine the master is managed for you and kept running by Google. According to the SLA for Google Container Engine the master should be available at least 99.5% of the time.
In addition to what Robert Bailey said about GKE keeping the master available for you, it's worth noting that Kubernetes / GKE clusters are designed (and tested) to continue operating properly in the presence of failures. If the master is unavailable, you temporarily lose the ability change what's running in the cluster (i.e. schedule new work or modify existing resources), but everything that's already running will continue working properly.