Size of main memory in Wobmat? - marie

What is size of main memory in Wombat.
And what is size of main memory in MARIE.
Is it 4K×16 for both.
But isn't word size In Marie is 8 bit . and 16 in wombat?


How do you index any location of a program whose size is bigger than the virtual memory?

Virtual memory is something that can be indexed by CPU alone, a 32 bit architecture is capable of generating 2^32 locations(say byte addressable machine then 2^32 bytes=4GB).
Surely we can use demand paging if process size is bigger than RAM, but what if the process size is bigger than virtual memory itself ?
Surely, you can again use demand paging, but my question is, how can CPU locate any bytes greater than 2^32 ? Say program is written has size of 5GB, how does cpu index the bytes greater than 5GB ? It can only generate locations till 4GB.

how do I get the cache memory and Main memory using block size?

I'm learning the concept of directed mapped cache, but I don't get it how to get cache memory size and main memory size by using block size. (The unit is bytes.) the given values are 2^3 words = 2^5 bytes of block size, 4 bits of tags(0000~1111) and 3 bits of the index(000~111).
the questions >>
what's the size of cache memory and main memory in each?
and which address do we insert in each data part?
I already tried to separate the part tag and the cache index. I insert the tag on 3 upper order bits and insert the cache index(29 bits) on the remaining space. I got the main memory size, 4GB, and the cache size, 2^29 bytes. but I think something is wrong. I feel that I don't understand the concept of this.
Your answer is incorrect, because you are assuming address is 32 bits and it is byte addressable, hence the 4GB memory size. This is not true and we must first compute these values.
8 words = 32 bytes = block size
So offset=3 bits (to address 8 words in a block)
and word size=4 bytes/word (32 bytes/8 words)
We have now the width of an address: 4 bits (tag) + 3 bits (index) + 3 bits (offset)= 10 bits.
With 10 bits address, main memory is 2^10 words=2^12 bytes=4kB
Cache has 8 blocks (3 bits index), each block has 32 bytes and cache size=8*32 bytes=256B.

Out of memory on a rather small matrix

I am doing motion detection on a fairly small video. 56 frames of 288x384xRGB. I keep two copies of it, so it should amount to about 40 Mb tops, including my other variables.
Now, this line gives me an out of memory error
output = uint8(zeros(this.videoHeight,2.*this.videoWidth,3,size(this.originalFrames,4)));
typing memory reports
>> memory
Maximum possible array: 202 MB (2.114e+08 bytes) *
Memory available for all arrays: 863 MB (9.045e+08 bytes) **
Memory used by MATLAB: 527 MB (5.526e+08 bytes)
Physical Memory (RAM): 3071 MB (3.220e+09 bytes)
* Limited by contiguous virtual address space available.
** Limited by virtual address space available.
I'm new to MATLAB, but not totally new to programming. What am i not understanding?
So i did som disp'ing:
So, it is actually smaller than i suggested...
You should use
zeros(..., 'uint8')
rather than
to avoid creating the array in double-precision first, and then copying it to a uint8 array.
I haven't looked in detail but I would be surprised if there weren't quite a bit of overhead imposed by Matlab. You're probably using a lot more memory than you might suspect.
Try dialing down the number of frames you process to see if that fixes the problem.

is there stack size in iphone?

Every RAM must have stack and heap (like CS,ES,DS,SS 4 segments).but is there like stack size in iphone,is only heap available?some tutorial say when we increase stack size , heap will be decreased,when we increase heap size ,stack will be decreased it true..? or fixed stack size or fixed heap size ? any help please?
RAM does not have stack and heap (these are program use constructs and not part of the memory physically), nor do the Intel segment registers apply to ARM.
An application's thread, since it is a C application, has a stack. The stack size is bounded on the device, and in most cases cannot exceed a certain size (1MB for the main thread on iPhone OS), nor can it be shrunk.
Heap is also limited. The only way your stack size can influence the available heap is by creating threads, where the new stacks will occupy memory which could be used by the heap allocator. On iPhone OS, the minimum stack size is 16KB. For more information, read the threading documentation.

Maximum array size in MATLAB?

I'm writing a MATLAB program that will generate a matrix with 1 million rows and an unknown amount of columns (at max 1 million).
I tried pre-allocating this matrix:
but I received the error:
"Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded."
I have a feeling that not pre-allocating this matrix will seriously slow the code down.
This made me curious: What is the maximum array size in MATLAB?
Update: I'm going to look into sparse matrices, because the result I am aiming for in this particular problem will be a matrix consisting for the larger part of zeros.
Take a look at this page, it lists the maximum sizes: Max sizes
It looks to be on the order of a few hundred million. Note that the matrix you're trying to create here is: 10e6 * 10e6 = 10e12 elements. This is many orders of magnitude greater than the max sizes provided and you also do not have that much RAM on your system.
My suggestion is to look into a different algorithm for what you are trying to accomplish.
To find out the real maximum array size (Windows only), use the command user = memory. user.maxPossibleArrayBytes shows how many bytes of contiguous RAM are free. Divide that by the number of bytes per element of your array (8 for doubles) and you know the max number of elements you can preallocate.
Note that as woodchips said, Matlab may have to copy your array (if you pass by value to a subfunction, for example). In my experience 75% of the max possible array is usually available multiple times.
The Limits
There are two different limits to be aware of:
Maximum array size (in terms of number of elements) allowed by MATLAB, regardless of current memory availability.
Current bytes available for a single array -- the (current) maximum possible array size in bytes.
The first limit is what causes "Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded", not the second limit. However the second one is also a practical limit of which you must be aware!
Checking the Limits
The maximum number of elements allowed for an array is checked as follows:
>> [~,maxsize] = computer
maxsize =
According to the documentation for the computer command, this returns:
maximum number of elements allowed in a matrix on this version of MATLAB
This is a static MATLAB limit on number of elements, not affected by the state of the computer (hardware specs and current memory usage). And at over 2 petabytes for a double array of that length, it's also way higher than any computer of which I am aware!
On the other hand, the largest practical array size that you can create at any given moment can be checked by the memory command:
>> memory
Maximum possible array: 35237 MB (3.695e+10 bytes) *
Memory available for all arrays: 35237 MB (3.695e+10 bytes) *
Memory used by MATLAB: 9545 MB (1.001e+10 bytes)
Physical Memory (RAM): 24574 MB (2.577e+10 bytes)
* Limited by System Memory (physical + swap file) available.
As the message says, these values are based on actual current memory availability, taking into account both physical memory and the swap file (collectively, virtual memory).
If needed, these values can accessed programmatically by m = memory;.
Adjusting the Limits
The first limit (the hard limit) has been fixed up until R2015a, where it can now be changed (but only reduced to a fraction of system memory) through the following setting:
You can't increase it beyond your system limits.
The second limit obviously has no "setting" in MATLAB since it's based on available memory and computer configuration. Aside from adding RAM, there's not a lot you can do: (1) pack to consolidate workspace memory and perform "garbage collection", but this may only help on certain platforms, and (2) increasing page file size to allow other stuff to swap out and give MATLAB more physical memory. But be cautious when relying on your page file as your computer may become unresponsive if page file thrashing happens.
In older versions of Matlab that don't include the memory command, you can use:
feature memstats
Physical Memory (RAM):
In Use: 738 MB (2e2c3000)
Free: 273 MB (11102000)
Total: 1011 MB (3f3c5000)
Page File (Swap space):
In Use: 1321 MB (529a4000)
Free: 1105 MB (45169000)
Total: 2427 MB (97b0d000)
Virtual Memory (Address Space):
In Use: 887 MB (37723000)
Free: 1160 MB (488bd000)
Total: 2047 MB (7ffe0000)
Largest Contiguous Free Blocks:
1. [at 4986b000] 197 MB ( c585000)
2. [at 3e1b9000] 178 MB ( b2a7000)
3. [at 1f5a0000] 104 MB ( 6800000)
4. [at 56032000] 77 MB ( 4d3e000)
5. [at 68b40000] 70 MB ( 4660000)
6. [at 3a320000] 54 MB ( 3610000)
7. [at 63568000] 45 MB ( 2d48000)
8. [at 35aff000] 40 MB ( 2821000)
9. [at 60f86000] 37 MB ( 25ca000)
10. [at 6f49d000] 37 MB ( 25b3000)
======= ==========
842 MB (34ac0000)
ans =
You can't suppress the output, but it returns the largest memory block available ( 207,114,240 Bytes / 8 = 25,889,280 doubles )