How to get available WiFi list in IOS in ionic? - ionic-framework

I am creating a hybrid application where I'm scanning available WI-fi list and trying to connect it via app. To achieve it in android native I'm using hotspot plugin which is working perfectly fine but it is not available for IOS. Can any one suggest me any cordova plugin which I can use to get WI-fi List and to connect via SSID and password in Ios? I will be grateful if any one will provide some sample codes.

iOS has limited functionality as Apple's WifiManager equivalent is only available as a private API. Any app that used these features would not be allowed on the app store.
Connect/Disconnect only works for iOS11+


Enable mobile data using Flutter

I am trying to enable mobile network using a button in my Flutter App. I am unable to find a plugin that can allow me to do so.
Enable Mobile Internet (4G)
Please suggest me an answer that allows me to provide this functionality.
As far as I know, it's not possible on both Android and iOS platforms so you can't do it in Flutter too since it's relying on those platforms. All you can do now is to show a dialog and guide your users to open their mobile data or open the settings app so that users can enable it.

Ionic BLE Connection Issues

I'm using the Ionic Native BLE plugin to scan and connect to bluetooth devices. I'm able to get the plugin to list available devices, but I'm unable to get it to show already paired devices. This is the plugin I'm using:
After searching through the documentation and finding examples, I've come to the conclusion that using this plugin to list already paired devices is just not possible. Is this the correct conclusion?
If so, do you know of any other plugins I could use to facilitate the looking up of paired bluetooth devices? I'm using Ionic 3.
We have been working on a simple BLE button and had the same issues. The only way we found out how to do this was to disconnect the button on app close (which the latest BLE version seems to do). We save the device ID (localStorage) when a user connects a device and then when the app starts up again the user has to wake up the device and the app starts scanning on startup. If the saved device id is the the id as your locally saved id it connects automatically.
If you, or anyone, wants to try other plugin, you can also try this:
I first started using the same plugin that you use. After I encountered some difficult issues due to the strange operations of some bluetooth devices, I tried the second plugin and I found it to be better. That was three years ago and I can't say how the other plugin has improved in the present. One thing I like with the bluetoothle plugin is that it has many methods available and that gives more control to the bluetooth operations. You can look at these methods in its repo:

Windows Phone programmatically connecting two devices and mirroring the screen

We can connect two or more iOS devices(iPhone and iPad both) programmatically via bluetooth and replicate the app's screen on multiple devices using GameKit in iOS. I searched on net if any API supports this kind of feature in Windows Phone 7/8, but I didnt find any luck. Please tell me if it is possible, if yes which API does that.
You can accomplish such functionality only with Windows Phone 8 API. Take a look on Bluetooth API description here StreamSocket can be useful to replicate the app's screen.

is it possible to get device settings on iOS?

android allows u to get a complete system settings dump using dumpsys or the getprop shell commands. there are also the android.provider.settings and APIs that allow us to get a lot of android device data such as bluetooth and wifi settings etc.
is there any such way to do so on iOS. as far as i have researched there are separate APIs for most things like bluetooth which need a lot of hunting...
Apple's official public APIs do not allow an iOS app to access General settings in the Settings app, such as the wifi enable. NSUserDefaults only allows access to those preferences and settings created specifically by that one app for its own use.
But some settings, by using a private API you can access them. However, apparently, using these private API's prevents your app from being accepted into the app store. A Link: Access iOS settings from code.
in iOS 5.0 i was opening Twitter setting from my app . if you want to access Twitter you can do it by :
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs:root=TWITTER"]];
but , this features is removed in iOS 5.1 , hence i can not able to open twitter setting .
This link help you too. :How to open preferences/settings with iOS 5.1?

Phonegap: Can iPhone web app access/check for wifi connections

I have tried looking for some answers but could not get anything concrete from the other questions in here.
I am looking for an answer to these two questions:
Using PhoneGap, if I create an iPhone web app, can I use it as
plain web app (i.e. without using iTunes to deploy it)? Just via a
web url?
Using PhoneGap, can an iPhone web app check for wifi
connectivity? i.e. If wifi/3g is available, if wifi is available,
can it scan for ssids.
Thanks for any help in advance.
You can create host the web app on your own server (or local). Then it is accessible via web url. If you want to use it as a normal app (there are differences - phonegap uses few native plugins for better experience), then you must have a developer license from apple and then deploy it to your device. Otherwise you can only use the simulator. You can also use Safari + USB to debug your app using the browser.
It is possible but limited. Only certain functionalities are available. Check out the following plugin for cordova (phonegap):
Good luck!