Enable mobile data using Flutter - flutter

I am trying to enable mobile network using a button in my Flutter App. I am unable to find a plugin that can allow me to do so.
Enable Mobile Internet (4G)
Please suggest me an answer that allows me to provide this functionality.

As far as I know, it's not possible on both Android and iOS platforms so you can't do it in Flutter too since it's relying on those platforms. All you can do now is to show a dialog and guide your users to open their mobile data or open the settings app so that users can enable it.


Is it possible to create a custom share sheet in Flutter?

I want to build this custom share sheet shown in the screenshot depending on the apps that are on the mobile, could anyone tell me if it's possible? screenshot
i am currently using flutter's share_plus package, but the share method summons the platform's share sheet, is it possible to customize my own share sheet and use it for both platforms android and ios?
Using the Flutter Availability package you can customize this by styling BottomSheet from scratch. Still, this package is only for Android devices. Unfortunately, iOS does not provide any API to get the installed APPs information.
I guess You'll have to work with a modalBottomSheet and https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher
You can check if an application is installed, but this would work only for android Is there any way to identify that a particular application is installed in my android/ios device through flutter and dart?

Is there a way to run flutter project on mobile browser?

I am trying to make a website using flutter and want to test it on a mobile browser. Is there any way to run the project on a mobile browser?
I think you should use your browser Inspector and then use toggle device toolbar to set browser size to your intended mobile size.
Or you can get web output of your website and put it on some server (like Github-pages) and then see your website in a real mobile browser.
But I suggest the first way more.

Flutter for web : Can we use Internationalization?

I develop a web/mobile app with Flutter. Until now, I didn't have any difficulties. But I try to use Internationalization.
It works on mobile devices (Android). But not for web browser, I tried Chrome and Safari.
Docs says that Internationalization uses local device's preferences.
So, does someone know if it is possible to use Internationalization with Flutter for Web ?
Since 1.19.* you'll be able to access current locale in Flutter. Here's the related PR. It's already available in beta channel and should be present in next stable release.

MediaDevices.getUserMedia() on IOS, android native app by ionic?

I've made voicecalling/videocalling/screensharing app for browser by webRTC/node.js/socket.io
And making PWA application for mobile users by ionic now.
Then, I can get user's (video and so on) track using MediaDevices.getUserMedia() on basic browser app and pwa
But unable to get on IOS, android native app created by ionic.
Maybe, I guess this is since MediaDevices is webAPI, and ionic is not supposed to translate for that. But I'm not sure, I have really limited knowledge about this.
does someone know there is possible way? Or simply it is impossible with ionic?
Thank you very much

How to get available WiFi list in IOS in ionic?

I am creating a hybrid application where I'm scanning available WI-fi list and trying to connect it via app. To achieve it in android native I'm using hotspot plugin which is working perfectly fine but it is not available for IOS. Can any one suggest me any cordova plugin which I can use to get WI-fi List and to connect via SSID and password in Ios? I will be grateful if any one will provide some sample codes.
iOS has limited functionality as Apple's WifiManager equivalent is only available as a private API. Any app that used these features would not be allowed on the app store.
Connect/Disconnect only works for iOS11+