Xamarin Forms: Sharing to WeChat with SharePlugin on iOS - plugins

We've implemented SharePlugin to our project.
Everything is great except shares link to WeChat on iOS. It's always shown an oddly thumbnail images.
My question is how could I set this thumbnail images? Or hide this thumbnail images?


Force small image in WhatsApp link preview for IPhone

So when I create the OG tags for my website I have 2 image tags, the first for other social media and the second that is meant to only be used for whatsapp.
I intentionally make the whatsapp one smaller so that it can appear more compact with the image positioned to the left of all the content, as appose to displaying big at the top of the content.
This has worked until recently, but then IPhone changed it to use the bigger image (the one used for other social media platforms), which is a problem for my client (its a branding thing).
Is there a way to force it to use the compact layout in the whatsapp link preview?
EDIT: I say IPhone, but a better term to use would probably be iOS.

Facebook video cannot be embedded

I have a problem embeding cerain videos in my website. Video I uploaded few mounths ago, and was embeded perfectly now shows a dark blue screen with the message "this video cannot be embedded". I checked with other videos I found, they all seams to work with my code. I tried "editing" the video on facebook, and there is a check box "Prohibit embedding", which is not selected. Baside that, I couldn't find anything related.
Why can't I embed my video?

iphone built in gallery viewer

In my application I have a list of UIImages downloaded from web. I need to create a gallery where these images can be rotatable, zoomable and swap to view the next and previous. Is there a way to open images in iphone built in gallery viewer. or I will have to make it all through.
The functionality is known as UIImagePickerController.
Check this for more details :

, how to open and close screen with effect like Facebook?

I'm using three20 for my dashboard.
Now when I select a icon to open a screen
How do I make the screen open like Facebook? (small to big)
And close to return to the dashboard like Facebook? (big to small)
Do I need to modify the ui screens to use three20 aswell? Or the effect is standard iOS effects?
These are custom animations developed by the team who worked on the App.
If you download the Facebook iOS SDK you should be able to have a glimpse at how it's done by looking through the source code and using it as a reference.
Of particular interest to you is the FBDialog class (which is a UIView subclass).

Need way to view an album of pictures on iPhone

I don't need to take pictures or access the iPhone photo album. I simply need to display a bunch of pictures in thumbnail form and then let the user view the larger version when tapped.
Would I use an uiimagepickercontroller or another controller?
If so does anyone have an example of how I load in the pictures to view?
You can use the same tools that the facebook app uses: three20
Joe Hewitt, the developer behind the facebook app has open sourced much of his work. You can get it and many other goodies here: http://github.com/joehewitt/three20