iphone built in gallery viewer - iphone

In my application I have a list of UIImages downloaded from web. I need to create a gallery where these images can be rotatable, zoomable and swap to view the next and previous. Is there a way to open images in iphone built in gallery viewer. or I will have to make it all through.

The functionality is known as UIImagePickerController.
Check this for more details :


How to retrieve images path from database and display images path in thumbnail like photo gallery in iphone

I am new to iPhone programming.I have stored images path in database.Now i want to retrieve that images path and after that using that path i want to display images in thumbnail,like photo gallery images.And i can able retrieve that images path from database,i have stored that images path in array,now i want to display all images in thumbnail how to do this.Can any body help me.
For iOS 6 and above I would suugest to use UICollectionView and PSTCollectionView.
The goal is to use PSTCollectionView on iOS 4/5 as a fallback and switch to UICollectionView on iOS6. We even use certain runtime tricks to create UICollectionView at runtime for older versions of iOS. Ideally, you just link the files and everything works on older systems.
Otherwise ,use AQGridView OR ZZGridView

How to show images in grids like iphone photo gallery does on iOS

I'm working on an iphone app and want to have a page showing multiple images in multiple grids (each grid has a image that will response when a user tabs on it), like the default iphone photo gallery app would show image thumbnails.
The first thing came to my mind was tableview with customize cells. Each cell would display some buttons and each button represents an image and set the cell as non-selectable. So the user can tab the buttons (the images) but not the cell itself. But is this the best way? Is this how the built-in photo app does it?
Thanks a lot
There are several open source grid views.
Also previously answered here:
Previous Answer on SO
You might want to wait for iOS 6 (hint, hint).
Login to developer.apple.com and look at the WWDC 2012 Videos (i.e. What's New In Cocoa Touch).

Integrate Photo Gallery + iPhone

I am making an app in which on one of the view I want to display photo gallery photos thumbnails. If I click on any image then It must get zoom, there is also accept and delete functionality on zoom view. If user want to delete the photo then It must get delete from the photo gallery. I have tried a lot to implement this functionality but unable to get the required output.
How should I integrate the default photo gallery with my app? Following are the images which make you more clear about the functionality I want to implement. How can I start to make this functionality?
hi there is a good framework which is capable of this
If you want other similar things goto cocoacontrols
Use KTPhotoBrowser

how to search for an image in iphone

how can i programmatically search for an image in iphone.
as i am developing the application like that which would browse for the image in iphone.
If you need to get the imaes stored in the photo library you can easily do it by using a UIImagePickerController.

Is it possible to make persistent full-screen camera like System camera app?

I am building a custom camera app, and would like to have the camera view similar to the native camera app in iPhone. (i.e., picks videos as a non-modal view, stays in the camera view after each video taken. I found the retake and use views unnecessary). Is there any possible way to do it? Thanks.
you can't do it for videos at present, but you can do it for still pictures in OS 3.1. if you search for "takePicture" and "cameraOverlayView" you should find helpful information; you can resize the preview window to be any size you like.