PayPal Sandbox - Subscribe Using Debit Or Credit Card Not functional - paypal

We have integrated the Sandbox PayPal to our development website in order to check with creation of subscription and the payment process. During the check out process when we proceed with the PayPal check out in Sandbox environment the sign up and the payment then the process is going on well smoothly.
I am able to complete the payment and create a subscription whereas if I select "Subscribe using a debit or credit card" during PayPal Checkout, then an error message is getting displayed after sometime as "We are sorry. Things don't appear to be working at the moment". Every time when I try to subscribe using this "Credit or Debit Card" option in sandbox environment of PayPal, we are getting that error. Can you please suggest on how can I test the creation of subscription by clicking on "Subscribe using Credit or Debit Card"?


paypal sandbox - verify identity

I am testing my payment integration using PayPal Sandbox
When I go to make payment using a sandbox account, the following message displays on the payment page
To use your balance next time, go to your PayPal account for an
identity check.
If I log into the sandbox account, I am not seeing any way to do this.
How do I set up the sandbox account so that it can use PayPal funds for the payment rather than the credit card option?
It doesn't matter how you are funding the payment in sandbox. There's no actual reason for you to be bothering to care about this issue, since the result of a completed PayPal payment on the receiver end will be identical.
But since you ask, you can create a bank verified account via

Test paypal in sandbox, making a paypal (not credit card) payment from an account with no credit

I would like to test what happens when a payment is made from an account with no credit. I am using the paypal payment method; not a credit card payment.
The advice I have found suggests changing the amount value to 107.55
and activate the Negative Testing in my sandbox account, but that is only working with credit card payment methods.
Is there a way to handle the equivalent error with paypal payment method?
you can negative test PayPal Express checkout amount error's; here is a doc on error testing this: enter link description here
Now as far as account related errors you cannot negative test if that's what your looking for as shown in this doc

Paypal sandbox card payments not working configured cards

I have tried adding credit cards from the sandbox site Profile -> Credit/Debit Cards, and then used those cards that i added to test via the sandbox site. But none of those cards seem to work.
Further I've also tried the cards that are created via the Even those cards aren't working and i get the same error as below each time.
However the payments does go through the default buyer paypal account created in the site. But the card configured for the same account seems to fail
Can someone point me where i might be going wrong ?
The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different debit or credit card number.
Further I've also ensured my "Payment Receiving Preferences" in profile page is enabled to receive all payments.

paypal website standard for subscription, cancelling subscription

Please help me with my requirement to implement using paypal.
My requirement is this :
The user can subscribe to a service, using paypal account or credit card ( without paypal account ) . The user can unsubscribe later if he/she wishes to .
I implemented the first part using Subscription button of "website standard" where paypal gave me a button and upon clicking it will lead to paypal website.
I am getting the notifications using IPN
Now there are two problems:
How to test credit card, I could test paypal account payment using the sandbox test users, but for the credit card, I dont have dummy credit cards. If I use the credit cards of the paypal accounts, it says "paypal users should use paypal to pay "
I want to cancel the subscription. The paypal user can go to the paypal account and cancel the subscription. That works fine. But how can we cancel the subscription from my website, or how can we cancel the subscription of the creditcard payer. The paypal SDK says the subscription profile ID is invalid.
Did anyone tried this kind of implementation.
Any help would do, be it links or places to search .
Thanks a lot
First, Guest Checkout (paying with a credit card without signing into PayPal) is only available without recurring payments. When using recurring payments it will force the person to create a PayPal account. You would need to use Payments Pro in order to do recurring payments directly with credit cards, and then the person would never even be redirected over to PayPal at all.
For test cards, any old expired card you have would work, or what you can do is login to your PayPal sandbox account, go into the profile, and go through the process to add a new credit card to the account. It will actually fill in a card number for you, but DO NOT add this card to the account. Just copy that card number and then cancel out of this screen. Now you can use that card number for testing on the PayPal system.
In order to refund using the API you'll need to create the profiles using the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile API. The profile ID that gives you will be compatible with all API calls to manage it in the future.

How to do PayPal Payflow Test Transactions?

I was trying to create Payflow Pro Sandbox account but i got to know that we have to use live account for testing. I created it by entering false credit card info but when i use false credit card information on click of 'Buy Now' Button it throws error "Credit card information is incorrect".
Can anybody help me in doing credit card test transactions through Payflow.
You do not need a "paid" Payflow account for testing. Go here and select Payflow Pro. Don't let the $99 set-up fee scare you away. You will be able to create the account without paying for testing purposes. You can submit test payments and see the transactions appear in your transaction history. That way you can get your code working before taking the plunge in activating your account for real live payments.
If you're sure you have Live Payflow Pro credentials, you can simply submit your API calls to instead of
Note: As you mention 'Buy now button', I'd double-check your actually using Payflow Pro, since PayPal's standard buttons are referred to 'Buy now buttons' as well. For these, you would use the Sandbox at and