Paypal sandbox card payments not working configured cards - paypal

I have tried adding credit cards from the sandbox site Profile -> Credit/Debit Cards, and then used those cards that i added to test via the sandbox site. But none of those cards seem to work.
Further I've also tried the cards that are created via the Even those cards aren't working and i get the same error as below each time.
However the payments does go through the default buyer paypal account created in the site. But the card configured for the same account seems to fail
Can someone point me where i might be going wrong ?
The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different debit or credit card number.
Further I've also ensured my "Payment Receiving Preferences" in profile page is enabled to receive all payments.


Bank wasn't able to verify your VISA while payment

I am new to PayPal integration I am testing the payment process but facing some issue while checking out. I tried all mention cards in PayPal website but didn't work any.
Error Message:
Sorry, your bank wasn't able to verify your VISA x-**** at this time.
Please choose another way to pay.
Go to the PayPal Dashboard from the account from which you created the Sandbox accounts and PayPal app. There in the Mock section in the side navigation go to Credit Card Generator. Here select the country that you have chosen while making the business sandbox account and click Generate CC.
Now copy the details of the card generated. Now go to the site where you have integrated PayPal checkout and while making payment instead of choosing the default card click on add Debit/Credit card and add a card with the details the card that you generated. You'll be redirected to a payment page, fill a random password there and your dummy transaction will be completed if everything else in the code is fine.
You need to go to your paypal developer account and then find the mock menu and then select credit card generator
Generate a credit card based on your county
Now try to add a new card on the Paypal page where you are getting error.
Enter the details of the mock card
Then again try to do that payment.
You may be asked to enter a password. Just click on the new-user/forgot password link.
Everything will work fine
I faced this similar issue while integrating Paypal with my app. What I did found that Paypal integration for sandbox account does have an issue while payment if the currency used, is other than USD.
Yes, other solution may work if you want to generate a fake credit card and add it to the Paypal page.
But if you don't want to add any other credit card to the Paypal account and use it for testing purposes, what you can do is to change the country of both business and personal accounts to USA & currency to USD, also set the app to accept the payment in USD.
It will work fine.

Cannot pay in PayPal sandbox?

I am using Express Checkout, and when testing in sandbox, I used to fill in fake but valid credit card numbers, like those produced by this site:
It all worked fine until recently I found that PayPal sandbox no longer accepts these numbers. The page keeps showing "The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit or debit card number."
However I did find one card number 4444333322221111 that makes PayPal sanbox show a different error: "You might already have an account, Please login." Maybe this means that PayPal does not simply reject any card number.
I also tried creating a test account in Dashboard > Sandbox > Accounts, and use the card number inside the Profile section, but that didn't work either. So how should I test in PayPal sandbox?
When making a testing in Sandbox for credit card, you must make sure the card number hasn't been used anywhere in PayPal. Use to get a fresh card number.
paypal provides a list of creditcard numbers for testing purposes

PayPal sandbox which credit card to use?

I am using the sandbox url for accepting test payment through paypal.
When a user clicks a button he is redirected to paypal sandbox site. On the paypal sandbox site the user is presented with an option to pay using credit card. However when I try test credit card 4111-1111-1111-1111 it gives me the following error "The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different debit or credit card number."
I am not sure what am I missing?
The numbers provided in the documentation are used so much that the sandbox servers just don't accept them anymore. They really need to update the docs.
I would recommend generating fresh credit card numbers to use. I always use this site for that. The numbers it generates will work fine in the sandbox.

PayPal Sandbox Accounts Blank

Accounts I create through the PayPal sandbox (created on are created with zero balance and no credit card regardless of what I set when creating the account.
This results in:
On payment page, a request for me to enter a credit card for the account
No paypal balance (tested by logging into the paypal sandbox).
I have tried creating multiple accounts, several with balances of $3,000 USD, one with a credit card set, another with paypal set, and always with credit card type of Visa. Always they are created blank.
Is this a PayPal related problem, or am I not creating sandbox accounts correctly?
We were able to reproduce this issue and PayPal is working to resolve it right now. I will reply back as soon as this is fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

PayPal Express Chekout no pay by credit/debit card option

I have a website which is using PayPal Express Checkout as a payment method.
It was working for 2 years without a problem but yesterday I noticed that the payment options are changed before there were 2 payment option presented to the user
Login and pay with PayPal account.
Do not have PayPal account pay by credit/debit card.
But now the second option is replaced by Create a PayPal account. There is no option to pay without having a PayPal account.
I have not changed anything.
Anybody knows why the Pay by credit/debit card is gone.
First make sure in your Paypal/Sandbox account the PayPal Account have
Optional: ON
Go to -->
PayPal account's Profile -> More Options -> My Selling Tools -> Website Preferences screen.
And then set SolutionTypeType to Sole while making request for setExpressCheckout this will enable the option to Pay with your debit or credit card.
And you are done :)
What I know is earlier when you pay with credit card on paypal using express check out API it also create an account for that user and let user process different things like link bank account with paypal or credit card payment.
It is default behavior of paypal express checkout according to their new View
PayPal displays different options for Express Checkout depending upon the COUNTRY selected (it will detect your IP address and set the country if no country is passed to the page). eg Indonesia (etc) forces you to create a Paypal account whereas USA (etc) does not (and provides other options).