How to do PayPal Payflow Test Transactions? - paypal

I was trying to create Payflow Pro Sandbox account but i got to know that we have to use live account for testing. I created it by entering false credit card info but when i use false credit card information on click of 'Buy Now' Button it throws error "Credit card information is incorrect".
Can anybody help me in doing credit card test transactions through Payflow.

You do not need a "paid" Payflow account for testing. Go here and select Payflow Pro. Don't let the $99 set-up fee scare you away. You will be able to create the account without paying for testing purposes. You can submit test payments and see the transactions appear in your transaction history. That way you can get your code working before taking the plunge in activating your account for real live payments.

If you're sure you have Live Payflow Pro credentials, you can simply submit your API calls to instead of
Note: As you mention 'Buy now button', I'd double-check your actually using Payflow Pro, since PayPal's standard buttons are referred to 'Buy now buttons' as well. For these, you would use the Sandbox at and


Sandbox Paypal Account Credit Card asking IPIN/WEBPIN for payment

I have created a PayPal sandbox account Credit Card - Visa and linked this account to Braintree. In my application, when I am trying to pay using this sandbox account it is asking for IPIN/WEBPIN. Where can I get this IPIN from?
Full disclosure, I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, please contact Support
Based on the URL, this is a production PayPal flow, not sandbox. If you meant do do sandbox testing, I recommend using a sandbox account. You can sign up for a sandbox account and begin testing. I recommend following Braintree's developer docs for PayPal for testing.
This looks like 3D Secure verification within PayPal. The card issuer associated with the card you are using is asking for the IPIN or WEB PIN associated with that card for verification, because it is a valid production card. If this is not your credit card, please do not use it in that production flow. If PayPal happened to generate that card for sandbox use, please only use it in the sandbox environment.

DPRP is disabled. for this merchant in sandbox paypal

I'm trying to integrate paypal payments through card into rails app.
Normal one-time payments are working well. But I keep on getting the above response when I'm trying to make recurring payments. I've tried to enable that feature in paypal developer website but it says
Note: Live credentials are disabled for direct credit card processing in your app. We are processing your information and will email you when live API credentials are enabled.
But it is saying same from past few days. I've tried contacting them through online contact us but after three days they replied saying I have to add my credit card to the account. Do I need to add credit card for testing sandbox also?
You need to contact PayPal technical team at , provide your sandbox PayPal account, they will enable DPRP for you.

Woocommerce Paypal Pro Checkout

I'm currently testing a website made with Woocommerce and Paypal Pro Entension. I'm working with a sandbox bussiness pro account.
Right before the checkout, i got this warning saying :
Pay with your credit card via PayPal Website Payments Pro. TEST/SANDBOX MODE ENABLED. In test mode, you can use the card number 4007000000027 with any CVC and a valid expiration date.
Since I'm in test mode, I am using the given credit card number but when I checkout, it loads...indefinitely. And the transaction never go threw.
Since I dont get any error message, I'm having trouble to find out what causes the problem and theres no "fake money" deposit made in my Paypal Sandbox Bussiness pro account.
Can you help me?
Thanks you.

How can I test paypal micropayments in the paypal sandbox?

Is there a way to test paypal micropayments in the sandbox? I can see where to upgrade the test account to paypal payments pro. But i don't see one for micropayments. I am trying to verify smaller transactions.
While it does not make much sense to see the pricing of sandbox transactions change, you can contact MTS under
give them the e-mail address of the sandbox merchant account you want to enable Micro Payments for and they should be able to activate it for that account.

How to create PayPal Payflow Pro test account

I need a PayPal Payflow Pro test account in order to create and test/use a WordPress plugin for payment with this method. I've done something similar for PayPal Website Payments Pro product and have set up testing in PayPal sandbox. The Payflow Pro product apparently doesn't work that way and PayPal documentation refers to vendors and partners as if it's necessary to have a live account in order to do testing.
An answer in this forum (How to do PayPal Payflow Test Transactions?) says it's possible "to create the account without paying for testing purposes" but when I go through that process I'm asked for payment information.
Can anyone point to information on how to set up a Payflow Pro test account?
The answer is surprisingly simple: when you're at the point that it's asking you for your payment information, simply close your tab / window. The account will remain in a 'Test' state and you'll be able to use it for Payflow transaction testing.
(Yes, I'm aware that's hardly an intuitive way of setting up a test account. We're on it.)
Go to . This will sign you up for a trial account.