select2 value not updated - select

I am using Vue 2.5.17 and Select2 4.0.6-rc.1.
I have a input field where I can select options. I want to pass the selected option to a store object.
This is the code in the component:
<select2 type="text" :options="bereiche" v-model="bereichInput" class="form-control">
computed: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.bereichInputStore
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('setBereichInput', value)
This is the code in the store:
setBereichInput(state, bereichInput)
state.bereichInputStore = bereichInput;
console.log("Test bereich"+state.bereichInputStore+"!!!!");
When I test ist I got the following message in the console:
"Test bereich!!!!"
Ergo nothing was passed!
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!!

You can't use v-model with vuex when using that component. You'll need to handle the changing of the value yourself, and use :value for the binding capturing #input to determine when the value changes. Observe:
<select2 #input="updateBereiche"
Then you're going to add a new method called updateBereiche
methods: {
updateBereiche(value) {
this.$store.commit('setBereichInput', value)
Remove your setter, it's not needed anymore.


form submit method is not working with vuelidate

Quick questions.
I have a form with vuelidate, When the form is submitted improperly the validations works perfectly.
but when all the validations are passed(all the fields are filled correctly) I don't get any response from the form(I did console log to present some message)
Submit btn:
<input type="submit" class="formBtn">
Submit method:
submitForm () {
if (!this.$v.$invalid){
Form configured like this:
<form #submit.prevent="submitForm">
If the validations are not correct, error spans are appearing correctly, but if all the fields are correct, nothing happens when I press the submit btn.
I see you are not using v-model to bind the data two ways as described in the documents
if that's the case I think you might wanna try this simple example from official document
it goes like this:
<input type="text" :value="name" #input="setName">
import useVuelidate from '#vuelidate/core'
import { required } from '#vuelidate/validators'
export default {
setup: () => ({ v$: useVuelidate() }),
data: () => ({ name: '' }),
validations () {
return {
name: { required }
methods: {
setName ($event) {
// do some silly transformation = $
"In case you don't want to modify your model directly, you can still use separate :input and #event bindings."

React Native - How to validate Textinput correclty?

How to validate Textinput correclty? I want to validate my form correctly with custom form validation and after validation display errors in Text component, but how? Please, guys show me example!
install react-native-snackbar to show error messages.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text, TextInput } from 'react-native';
import Snackbar from 'react-native-snackbar';
export default class LoginPasswordScreen extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
password: ''
validate = () => {
//include your validation inside if condition
if (this.state.password == "") {
() => {
setTimeout(() => {{
title: 'Invalid Credintials',
backgroundColor: red,
}, 1000);
else {
// navigate to next screen
render() {
return (
onChangeText={(password) => this.setState({ password })}
<Text onPress={this.validate}>Next</Text>
Every field, you have to do a comparison and show the error message and as I see there is no direct form validation even though there is form component available in react native.
In One of my react native project, I added a form and later on click of Submit, I had written one validate function to check all my inputs.
For this, I used one nice javascript library-
npm library- validator
And for showing error message, you can use, Toast, ALert or Snackbar
Would be nice if you provide some thoughts or code on how you would think it can be approached. But the way i did it was pretty simple, on my component state i got the following object:
this.state = {
loading: false,
username: {
text: '',
valid: false
password: {
text: '',
valid: false
isLoginValid: false
Then on the TextInput for username, i would first, bind its value to this.state.username.text, also, during onChangeText I just do a simple validation of the field, if the form is quite big, you may have a switch(fieldtype) where you have for each field, what treatment you want to apply a.k.a validation.
onChangeText={ (text) => { this.validateInput(text, 'username')}} (username would be the form input on the state object)
For instance, for username you want only to be length != 0 and length <= 8 characters, for email you may run a RegExp() with the email validation and also its length, for password a different logic, etc... after that i just simply save the state for that field input and if it's valid or not. Like this:
validateInput(text, fieldname) {
let stateObject = {
text: text,
valid: text.length !== 0
this.setState({ [fieldname]: stateObject }, () => {
In checkValidation I check for all the input fields and if every one is valid, i set formValid to true.
This formValid would for example, allow the user to tap on the "Login" button otherwise it applies an opacity of 0.5 to it and disables it.
The rest you may guess, is just playing around with the valid variables of each field to what you want to display and what not.
In a Register form I also added an X or a "Tick" icon if the input text field is ok or not. Let your imagination guide you.
Hope it helps.

backgrid.js - how to prevent multi-row selection?

I am new to backgrid and using it in a form to allow the user to select a row (via a checkbox) and then click "Submit". I cannot figure out how to configure my grid to behave like "radio buttons" in that only one row can be selected. Is this something backgrid natively supports or do I need to write a handler to "unselect" previously selected rows?
Here is a quick-n-dirty method:
wellCollection.on('backgrid:selected', function(model, selected) {
if (wellGrid.getSelectedModels().length > 1) {
model.trigger("backgrid:select", model, false);
alert('Only one selection is allowed.');
The downside is this approach requires the use of "SelectAll" which is really counter-intuitive to the user. I would prefer to be able to not use "SelectAll" but it is required to get the getSelectedModels object populated.
You could create a custom cell that renders radio buttons. The implementation below may need some more work but something like this will get you started:
var RadioCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
events: {
"click .selectedRadio": "makeSelected"
render: function () {
this.template = Mustache.to_html($("#radioCell").html(), this.model.toJSON());
return this;
makeSelected: function () {
// set all to inactive
this.model.collection.invoke('set', { "SomeModelAttrib": false });
// check if radio is checked and set the value on the model
var radioValue = $("input[name='someSelection']").is(":checked");
this.model.set("SomeModelAttrib", radioValue);
and the mustache template:
<script type="text/template" id="radioCell">
<input type='radio' class='selectedRadio' name='someSelection' value="{{SomeModelAttrib}}" {{#SomeModelAttrib}}checked{{/SomeModelAttrib}}>

How to trigger Form Validators in Angular2

In angular2 I want to trigger Validators for some controls when a another control is changed. Is there some way that I can just tell the form to re-validate? Better still, can I request validation of specific fields?
Given Checkbox X and input P.
Input P has a validator that behaves differently based on the model value of X.
When X is checked/unchecked I need to invoke the validator on P. The Validator on P will look at the model to determine the state of X and will validate P accordingly.
Here's some code:
constructor(builder: FormBuilder) {
this.formData = { num: '', checkbox: false };
this.formGp ={
numberFld: [this.formData.num, myValidators.numericRange],
checkboxFld: [this.formData.checkbox],
next: (value) => {
// I want to be able to do something like the following line:
Anybody have a solution? Thanks!
I don't know if you are still looking for an answer, so here is my suggestions:
Have a look at this: Angular 2 - AbstractControl
I think what you could do is following:
next: (value) => {
This should trigger and run the validators. Furthermore the state gets updated as well. Now you should be able to consult the checkbox value within your validator logic.
FormControl Documentation
with my ControlGroup I do this because I have errors divs checking if touched
for (var i in this.form.controls) {
(this.form is my ControlGroup)
With the help of this blog
blog link
I have came across a solution with the combine of Nightking answer
Object.keys(this.orderForm.controls).forEach(field => {
const control = this.orderForm.get(field);
this.orderForm is the form group
This did the trick for me
There are more elegant ways of modeling this behavior - for example, putting your state into a ReplaySubject and observing that, and then using async validators observing the state - but the pseudo-coded approach below should work. You simply observe the value changes in the checkbox, update the model as appropriate, then force a re-validation of the numberFld with the updateValueAndValidity cal.
constructor(builder: FormBuilder) {
this.formData = { num: '', checkbox: false };
const numberFld = builder.control(this.formData.num, myValidators.numericRange);
const checkbox = builder.control(this.formData.checkbox); => {
this.formData.checked = bool;
numberFld.updateValueAndValidity(); //triggers numberFld validation
this.formGp ={
numberFld: numberFld,
checkboxFld: checkbox
You can trigger validation in this way:
static minMaxRange(min: number, max: number): ValidatorFn {
return (control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors | null => {
if (Validators.min(min)(control)) { // if min not valid
return Validators.min(min)(control);
} else {
return Validators.max(max)(control);
Here is another similar way that also uses markAsDirty and updateValueAndValidity, particularly good if you use angular material where markAsTouched is not enough.
export function forceValidation(form: AbstractControl) {
if (form instanceof FormGroup || form instanceof FormArray) {
for (const inner in form.controls) {
const control = form.get(inner);
control && forceValidation(control);
} else {

input type=reset and knockout

Knockout doesn't update observables when a form reset button is clicked.
<input type="text" data-bind="value: test" />
<input type="reset" value="reset" />
<p data-bind="text: test"></p>
function ViewModel() {
this.test = ko.observable("");
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
Clearly the change event of the input box isn't being fired, as seen with this jQuery test:
How would we go about forcing all observables bound to form inputs to update without having to manually specify them if the reset button isn't firing of change events?
It would be easy enough to use jQuery to find all inputs inside the form and trigger change events, but lets assume we've a knockout only controlled form.
I copied and modified the default Knockout submit binding in order to create a similar binding for the form reset event:
ko.bindingHandlers['reset'] = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
if (typeof valueAccessor() !== 'function')
throw new Error('The value for a reset binding must be a function');
ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, 'reset', function (event) {
var handlerReturnValue;
var value = valueAccessor();
try {
handlerReturnValue =['$data'], element);
} finally {
if (handlerReturnValue !== true) {
if (event.preventDefault)
event.returnValue = false;
You'd bind this like:
<form data-bind="reset: onFormReset">
and onFormReset would be on your view model:
function ViewModel() {
this.onFormReset = function () {
//Your custom logic to notify or reset your specific fields.
return true;
In your reset handler, if you return true, then JavaScript will continue to call its reset function on the form. If you are setting observables that are bound to value, though, you don't really need to have JavaScript continue to reset the form. Therefore, you could technically not return anything, or return false in that scenario.
Someone else could extend this further to notify all the bound observables in the form automatically, but this worked for my purposes.
As you mentioned, the change event isn't fired when a form is reset. If you're only using KnockOut, I don't think you really have may options unless you create custom bindings that can register for the reset event and detect changes - that would still involve manual JS, but at least it would be centralized.
A more general approach, although it does require jQuery, is to create a function to handle the form's reset event, and detect changes on the form inputs at that time.
Here's an example of an event handler that might work. Please be aware, this is not production-ready code. I would look at it with a good jQuery eye before using :)
$('form').on('reset', function (evt) {
$(this).find('input, select, textarea').each(function () {
if ($(this).is('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]')) {
if ($(this).is(':checked') !== $(this)[0].defaultChecked) {
} else {
if ($(this).val() !== $(this)[0].defaultValue) {
Here's a fiddle that demonstrates the idea: