I am new to backgrid and using it in a form to allow the user to select a row (via a checkbox) and then click "Submit". I cannot figure out how to configure my grid to behave like "radio buttons" in that only one row can be selected. Is this something backgrid natively supports or do I need to write a handler to "unselect" previously selected rows?
Here is a quick-n-dirty method:
wellCollection.on('backgrid:selected', function(model, selected) {
if (wellGrid.getSelectedModels().length > 1) {
model.trigger("backgrid:select", model, false);
alert('Only one selection is allowed.');
The downside is this approach requires the use of "SelectAll" which is really counter-intuitive to the user. I would prefer to be able to not use "SelectAll" but it is required to get the getSelectedModels object populated.
You could create a custom cell that renders radio buttons. The implementation below may need some more work but something like this will get you started:
var RadioCell = Backgrid.Cell.extend({
events: {
"click .selectedRadio": "makeSelected"
render: function () {
this.template = Mustache.to_html($("#radioCell").html(), this.model.toJSON());
return this;
makeSelected: function () {
// set all to inactive
this.model.collection.invoke('set', { "SomeModelAttrib": false });
// check if radio is checked and set the value on the model
var radioValue = $("input[name='someSelection']").is(":checked");
this.model.set("SomeModelAttrib", radioValue);
and the mustache template:
<script type="text/template" id="radioCell">
<input type='radio' class='selectedRadio' name='someSelection' value="{{SomeModelAttrib}}" {{#SomeModelAttrib}}checked{{/SomeModelAttrib}}>
I am trying to add a click listener to a button in a leaftlet popup in my ionic app.
Here I am creating the map & displaying markers, also the method I want called when the header tag is clicked is also below:
makeCapitalMarkers(map: L.map): void {
let eventHandlerAssigned = false;
this.http.get(this.capitals).subscribe((res: any) => {
for (const c of res.features) {
const lat = c.geometry.coordinates[0];
const lon = c.geometry.coordinates[1];
let marker = L.marker([lon, lat]).bindPopup(`
<h4 class="link">Click me!</h4>
map.on('popupopen', function () {
console.log('Popup Open')
if (!eventHandlerAssigned && document.querySelector('.link')) {
console.log('Inside if')
const link = document.querySelector('.link')
link.addEventListener('click', this.buttonClicked())
eventHandlerAssigned = true
buttonClicked(event) {
When I click this header, Popup Open & Inside if are printed in the console, so I know I'm getting inside the If statement, but for some reason the buttonClicked() function isn't being executed.
Can someone please tell me why this is the current behaviour?
I just ran into this issue like 2 hours ago. I'm not familiar with ionic, but hopefully this will help.
Create a variable that keeps track of whether or not the content of your popup has an event handler attached to it already. Then you can add an event listener to the map to listen for a popup to open with map.on('popupopen', function(){}). When that happens, the DOM content in the popup is rendered and available to grab with a querySelector or getElementById. So you can target that, and add an event listener to it. You'll have to also create an event for map.on('popupclose', () => {}), and inside that, remove the event listener from the dom node that you had attached it to.
You'd need to do this for every unique popup you create whose content you want to add an event listener to. But perhaps you can build a function that will do that for you. Here's an example:
const someMarker = L.marker(map.getCenter()).bindPopup(`
<h4 class="norwayLink">To Norway!</h4>
function flyToNorway(){
],3,{animate: true, duration: 5})
let eventHandlerAssigned = false
map.on('popupopen', function(){
if (!eventHandlerAssigned && document.querySelector('.norwayLink')){
const link = document.querySelector('.norwayLink')
link.addEventListener('click', flyToNorway)
eventHandlerAssigned = true
map.on('popupclose', function(){
document.querySelector('.norwayLink').removeEventListener('click', flyToNorway)
eventHandlerAssigned = false
This is how I targeted the popup content and added a link to it in the demo for my plugin.
So yes you can't do (click) event binding by just adding static HTML. One way to achieve what you want can be by adding listeners after this new dom element is added, see pseudo-code below:
makeCapitalMarkers(map: L.map): void {
makeCapitalPopup(data: any): string {
return `` +
`<div>Name: John</div>` +
`<div>Address: 5 ....</div>` +
`<br/><button id="myButton" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" >Click me!</button>`
addListener() {
document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', onClickMethod
Ideally with Angular, we should not directly be working with DOM, so if this approach above works you can refactor adding event listener via Renderer.
Also I am not familiar with Leaflet library - but for the above approach to work you need to account for any async methods (if any), so that you were calling getElementById only after such DOM element was successfully added to the DOM.
I have a requirement for my app and I need to change the event handler of a common button depending on the status of the workflow.
Basically I need to change the function called when you press the button and vice-versa and was looking to achieve this by using the event handler functions detachPress and attachPress.
My Button (XML View):
<Button text="Edit" width="50%" id="_editButtonEmail" press="editPIN"/>
On my controller I want to change the function editPIN by cancelEditPIN.
Some things I've tried:
editPIN: function(oControlEvent) {
//change button
var editButton = this.getView().byId("_editButtonEmail");
//detach this function on press
cancelEditPIN: function() {
//do something else
editPIN: function(oControlEvent) {
//change button
var src = oControlEvent.getSource();
None of these seem to work and if I check my console the function editPIN is still attached to my mEventRegistry press event.
There are few things worse than checking your GUI texts to determine what action should be done.
A different approach uses two buttons. Only one is visible at a time
visible="{= ${myModel>/State} === 'show' }"
press="editPIN" />
visible="{= ${myModel>/State} === 'edit' }"
press="cancelEditPIN" />
In this case {myModel>/State} is a local JSON model where the current state of your workflow is stored.
If you really want to use your attach/detach approach: It probably didn't work because you were calling the methods while passing them as a parameter to attach/detach. So for example try src.detachPress(this.editPIN); instead of src.detachPress(this.editPIN());
Following the idea from #Jorg, I created another function checkPIN with an if statement that compares the text in the button and then fires the appropriate function depending on it.
I do have to phrase that I am using my i18n file to provide texts to my view, this way my textID will not change on whatever language the user is using.
My Button:
<Button text="Edit" width="50%" id="_editButtonEmail" press="checkPIN"/>
My Controller:
checkPIN: function(oControlEvent) {
var src = this.getView().byId("_editButtonEmail").getText();
var oBundle = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle();
//call cancelEditPIN
var editCancelPinText = oBundle.getText("editCancelPIN");
//call editPIN
var editPinText = oBundle.getText("editPIN");
//change button
if (src === editPinText) {
} else if (src === editCancelPinText) {
editPIN: function(oBundle) {
//do stuff here
//change button text
var editButton = this.getView().byId("_editButtonEmail");
cancelEditPIN: function(oBundle) {
//do different stuff here
//change button text
var editButton = this.getView().byId("_editButtonEmail");
Not really the answer I was looking for because I would like to use detachPress and attachPress so if you know what I should have done in order to implement those please let me know.
Knockout doesn't update observables when a form reset button is clicked.
<input type="text" data-bind="value: test" />
<input type="reset" value="reset" />
<p data-bind="text: test"></p>
function ViewModel() {
this.test = ko.observable("");
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
Clearly the change event of the input box isn't being fired, as seen with this jQuery test:
How would we go about forcing all observables bound to form inputs to update without having to manually specify them if the reset button isn't firing of change events?
It would be easy enough to use jQuery to find all inputs inside the form and trigger change events, but lets assume we've a knockout only controlled form.
I copied and modified the default Knockout submit binding in order to create a similar binding for the form reset event:
ko.bindingHandlers['reset'] = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
if (typeof valueAccessor() !== 'function')
throw new Error('The value for a reset binding must be a function');
ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, 'reset', function (event) {
var handlerReturnValue;
var value = valueAccessor();
try {
handlerReturnValue = value.call(bindingContext['$data'], element);
} finally {
if (handlerReturnValue !== true) {
if (event.preventDefault)
event.returnValue = false;
You'd bind this like:
<form data-bind="reset: onFormReset">
and onFormReset would be on your view model:
function ViewModel() {
this.onFormReset = function () {
//Your custom logic to notify or reset your specific fields.
return true;
In your reset handler, if you return true, then JavaScript will continue to call its reset function on the form. If you are setting observables that are bound to value, though, you don't really need to have JavaScript continue to reset the form. Therefore, you could technically not return anything, or return false in that scenario.
Someone else could extend this further to notify all the bound observables in the form automatically, but this worked for my purposes.
As you mentioned, the change event isn't fired when a form is reset. If you're only using KnockOut, I don't think you really have may options unless you create custom bindings that can register for the reset event and detect changes - that would still involve manual JS, but at least it would be centralized.
A more general approach, although it does require jQuery, is to create a function to handle the form's reset event, and detect changes on the form inputs at that time.
Here's an example of an event handler that might work. Please be aware, this is not production-ready code. I would look at it with a good jQuery eye before using :)
$('form').on('reset', function (evt) {
$(this).find('input, select, textarea').each(function () {
if ($(this).is('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]')) {
if ($(this).is(':checked') !== $(this)[0].defaultChecked) {
} else {
if ($(this).val() !== $(this)[0].defaultValue) {
Here's a fiddle that demonstrates the idea: http://jsfiddle.net/Fm8rM/2/
I understand that this is a probably a noob-ish question, but I've had no luck with the other threads I've found on the same topic.
I've devised a workaround to hack a views exposed filter to hide and show products with a stock count of "0". The exposed filter for the stock count (input#edit-stock) is hidden with CSS and inside a custom block is a link to manipulate the form and trigger the query (with ajax). This is working great, but with one exception - after resetting the form with the views-provided "reset" button, toggle() will not rebind properly to the link, and click won't fire the first time. Works fine on the 2nd click. I'm sure that the solution is very simple, but I'm at a loss..
How to rebind toggle() effectively?
Sorry, I'm unable to provide a live example. Many thanks for any input.
<a id="toggle" href="#">exclude</a>
$(document).ready(function () {
var include = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', 0).submit();
var exclude = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', '').submit();
$('a#toggle').toggle(include, exclude);
$('input#edit-reset').live('click', function (event) {
$('a#toggle').unbind('toggle').toggle(include, exclude).html('exclude');
if i get the problem right you need to reset the toggle. Why instead of unbind toggle and rebinding it you just don't simulate a click if the link is == to include?
$(document).ready(function () {
var include = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', 0).submit();
var exclude = function () {
$('input#edit-stock').attr('value', '').submit();
$('a#toggle').toggle(include, exclude);
$('input#edit-reset').live('click', function (event) {
//if the link is include, click it so that it resets to exclude, else do nothing
if ($('a#toggle').html() == 'include'){
fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/PSLBb/
(Hope this is what you were looking for)
I have a CheckBox with a handler attached to the select event. In this function is the code to dynamically populate/ display few fields. If I come on the screen and the data brings in a value which makes the checkbox selected already, then those fields are not displayed (because they become visible only when I select the checkbox).
I want to ensure that if the CheckBox is auto selected, still I should be able to process the logic in the function, which has oEvent as an input parameter. But the issue is that if I call this function from another method, that function does not work as it has many statements like oEvent().getSource() which I do not pass.
onCheckBoxSelect: function(oEvent) {
var cells = sap.ui.getCore().byId("cell");
var material= sap.ui.getCore().byId("abc");
var isSelected = oEvent.getParameters("selected").selected;
if (isSelected) {
// ...
someFunction : function(){
// want to call onCheckBoxSelect here
// ...
If you assign an ID to your checkbox, you can get the checkbox in any function you want as long as it is known in the view. By doing that you won't need the oEvent which is only available when an event on the checkbox is executed.
var cb = this.byId('checkboxId');
if(cb.getProperty('selected')) {
// execute code
} else {
// do something else
Decouple the handler body into a separate function so that other functions can call the decoupled function with the right arguments. For example:
onCheckBoxSelect: function(oEvent) {
const bSelected = oEvent.getParameter("selected");
this.doIt(bSelected); // Instead of "doing it" all here
someFunction: function(){
if (/*Something truthy*/) {
const checkBox = this.byId("myCheckBox");
const bSelected = checkBox.getSelected();
doIt(bSelected); // passing the same argument as in onCheckBoxSelect
// ...
doIt: function(bSelected) { // decoupled from onCheckBoxSelect
// ...
if (bSelected) {
// ...
<CheckBox id="myCheckBox"
Or since 1.56:
<CheckBox id="myCheckBox"
Docu: Handling Events in XML Views
By that, you can have a pure, decoupled function that can be called from anywhere.
I would suggest a different approach. Use the same property that you have used in your checkbox binding, to determine the visibility of the other fields, i.e. bind the visible property of each relevant field to that property in your model.
If there is additional post-processing required in populating the fields, you can either use expression binding or custom formatter for field-specific processing, or model binding events if you need to do a bit more "staging" work (in which case you would probably store the resultant data in a client model and bind to that for populating your fields).