Attach zip file to new issue in pydev tracker - pydev

I was attempting to create a new issue in the Pydev issue tracker but I was unable to find a way to attach a zip file to the issue description. Is this possible?

No, you're expected to provide code as a project on github or as a gist and images on an imaging service (such as imgur).


How do I prevent the .dccache file from being created?

vscode keeps adding a file named .dccache. How can I prevent this?
It messes up the github diffs and I keep on having to add .dccache to the .gitignore for several different projects.
I can't find anything about why .dccache is being created in the first place
It can also be created by the Snyk extension.
I have the same file, I believe this is being created from DeepCode:
This is a code analysis tool to try to find issues. Check if you installed the DeepCode extension in VSCode if you want to get rid of this file, otherwise ignoring it should be fine.
The DeepCode plugins or the CLI is using this file to create a cache for the source code bundles send to the analysis engine. Without this cache, the collection and upload would be very time-consuming.
As it only serves as a caching mechanism, you can exclude it from git uploads and ignore it otherwise.
Snyk extention has a Help&Feedback tab, on the FAQ there is a 'Add custom .dcignore file to your workspace'.
Sometimes git ignore doesn't work for me
I used this file:
just create .dcignore and copy all contents to that. I manually add .dccache and .dcignore just in case.
I had the same issue and when I disabled Snyk extension on VS code editor is disappeared, if you don't have Snyk installed and still have .dccache appearing every now and them, just keep an eye on the other extensions, disable each one at a time and see which one is creating the .dccache file

'${workspaceFolder}' can not be resolved. Please open a folder.' on Visual Studio Code

wondering if you could assist. Really challenging in determining a solution to this from my research.
Ive downloaded Visual Studio code two weeks ago and has come across an error once I try to debug a file. The file appears to open but once I run the debugger it shows accordingly:
'${workspaceFolder}' can not be resolved. Please open a folder.
Can't seem to find or replicate a similar solution. I've also tried to reinstall Visual Studio code (no easy feat). I'm trying to at least understand the problem and its source.
The file is a .js file that I've been working on, running a simple function. It is not meant to operate in tandem with a larger workspace/program.
In VScode go to file --> Add folder to workspace and select the folder where the program files are located.
If you are using the latest Visual Studio 1.44, make sure to upgrade to 1.44.2.
The issue microsoft/vscode issue 94725 has been resolved.
It featured the same error message:
After some investigation the problem is the following for the workspace configuration our debug extensions appends the following attribute
And the configuration resolver properly tries to resolve this and complains because the scope of the folder is not specified.
In a multi root workspace scope has to be specified, otherwise the resolver does not know against which folder to resolve the variables.
Proposed fix: the node extension which adds this attribute should scope it if it sees that we are in a multi root folder.
So instead of ${workspaceFolder} use ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder}.
This is fixed in commit ae97613.
Replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder} in your *.code-workspace file. (from [here][1])
By the way, same goes to ${workspaceRoot}, you can replace it with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceRoot}.
Any more folder variables ca be fixed with this FOLDER_NAME: prefix? My workspaces did not use them so far.
Worked for me in Version: 1.44.2.
I know this question is very old already and the answers may have been correct but none worked for me on vscode v1.57.1 at the time of this comment on 30.06.2021
I had to replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${workspaceFolder:my-folder-name} in my *.code-workspace file
Ref: Variables scoped per workspace folder
I recently had this problem and so did I read the answers above but being a beginner I was unable to solve it .In my answer I don't have exactly what you should do but I will show what worked for me.
Go to the explorer and you will see there is no folder added.
Browse for .vscode folder and select it.
Issue solved {this atleast worked for me.It**(.vscode)** had .json extension file in it}.
I was having the same issue, but I solved it this way:
1- open VS Code as administrator
2- open the sheet
3- debugging with no problem :)
enter image description here
I just create a file.json that they can debug.

Sandcastle Help File Builder publish online

I just recently started using Sandcastle Builder, I am wondering if there is a way to publish the generated index.HTML to a web host so it can be seen from any browser.
This is possible and you may want to give it a try.
I generated a dummy help including some conceptual topics for testing in other context. So, navigate and open the uploaded files from server Sample Web Help and see what happens.
Go to Project Properties > Build and check Website as shown below.
After you have successfully generated your help project you will find all files for upload. The default is a .\Help folder relative to the project folder.
The following screenshot shows the structure of the generated WebHelp for the link above.

How to distribute Eclipse Update Site

I can't find a free repository allowing to distribute Eclipse Update Site.
The main requirement is that it should provide access to raw content so that Eclipse can use the URL to retrieve all the binaries of my projects.
GitHub provided access to raw url but it seems it stopped.
Do you know if bitbucket does it? any different solution?
Actually, you can host an eclipse update site easily on github using raw url. I know because I have done it recently and it works.
It is true that you get a 404 when you try to access the repos 'raw' directory. However, that is actually not a problem because when you use the Eclipse (or Marketplace) installer to install something from an update site the installer does not access the folder directly. Rather it will only access files like 'catalog.xml'. This means that if you point the Eclipse installer at your raw update-site folder then it will be able to read the contents of the site without any problem.
Here is an example:
The corresponding raw url is this:
Yes, that will give a 404 when you click it. But that is okay, just open "Help >> Install New Software" and paste the link into the "Work with" field of the dialog and it works fine:
It works because raw urls like this one are all the installer needs:
Github also allows this. You need to create github page and upload your p2 repository there. On the website github pages is explained how to achieve that. Just scroll and the steps will appear on the page (fancy javascript). For your project there is a second repository, where you have to put your repository.
I prefer to use sourceforge for the update site of my Eclipse projects. I recently published a blog post detailing all the steps to achieve that

Where is libYAJLIPhone

Where can i get the libYAJLIPhone-0.2.2 for my iphone project?
I can only find the source code and old version links that don't work
The links below all give the error further below:
1 2
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The GIT site Says to copy the Copy YAJLiOS.framework to your project directory. But i cant find this file on the master branch...
Best regards!
The latest file can be found in Here