How do I prevent the .dccache file from being created? - visual-studio-code

vscode keeps adding a file named .dccache. How can I prevent this?
It messes up the github diffs and I keep on having to add .dccache to the .gitignore for several different projects.
I can't find anything about why .dccache is being created in the first place

It can also be created by the Snyk extension.

I have the same file, I believe this is being created from DeepCode:
This is a code analysis tool to try to find issues. Check if you installed the DeepCode extension in VSCode if you want to get rid of this file, otherwise ignoring it should be fine.

The DeepCode plugins or the CLI is using this file to create a cache for the source code bundles send to the analysis engine. Without this cache, the collection and upload would be very time-consuming.
As it only serves as a caching mechanism, you can exclude it from git uploads and ignore it otherwise.

Snyk extention has a Help&Feedback tab, on the FAQ there is a 'Add custom .dcignore file to your workspace'.
Sometimes git ignore doesn't work for me
I used this file:
just create .dcignore and copy all contents to that. I manually add .dccache and .dcignore just in case.

I had the same issue and when I disabled Snyk extension on VS code editor is disappeared, if you don't have Snyk installed and still have .dccache appearing every now and them, just keep an eye on the other extensions, disable each one at a time and see which one is creating the .dccache file


Custom referenced file from launch.json for Visual Studio Code

we have a project in which there are a number of launch/debug options referenced in the top-level Visual Studio Code's .vscode/launch.json file.
The issue is that this file needs to be edited for custom local debug options so it constantly triggers Git issues when doing a pull (stash etc) and at worst, sometimes gets committed with changes people needed locally. Yes, I know that's what PRs are for but somehow they keep sneaking in...
Unfortunately there are plenty of entries in the launch.json that need to be shared between devs so ignoring it is not an option.
Ideally I'd like to keep launch.json clean and have it reference another file that devs can tinker with and keep that one out of source.
Is there a way to do this or maybe have an approach that amounts to the same thing?
with the extension Command Variable you can use the command extension.commandvariable.file.content to read parts of a file and use it in your launch config. You can place the file in your .vscode directory and place that file also in your .gitignore.
The file can be a Key-Value text file or a JSON file.

Eclipse local file history

In eclipse, you can right click in a file and then select Team / Show local history. This shows your local saves and is pretty useful.
Now, I made some changes to a file. I am 100% certain I made them. But they have disappeared. Overwritten by someone else I guess. But when I check my local history I can't see my file changes.
My question is:
Does Eclipse always update the local file history for every save? How reliable is it?
Note: I appreciate people are thinking how can someone else overwrite your files. I am working in a project. When you make changes to a file they are push to a central server. There is source control per se. It is like everyone working with a shared folder.
It depends. Each Eclipse plugin dealing with workspace artifacts can optionally set a flag for local history in its API calls to the workspace resource management when deleting or changing files. If the flag is set, changed files surely get copied into local history. But every plugin can set this flag different.
So even if you might have an editor plugin which always uses local history when saving the edited file, another plugin might delete/modify the file without using local history and therefore interfere.
Summary: Local history is not a reliable way to go back to previously saved versions of a file.
If anyone else runs into this issue, check to make sure you didn't accidentally edit a file in a build or target directory. For instance if you are working on a jsp page and make edits, swear you changed it but they are no longer there in the editor or the local history when you open the file, check to make sure you weren't editing the built version by accident.
This sometimes happens if you are quick to use ctrl-shift-R shortcut to open resources. To avoid this, you can set your build or target folder to derived by right clicking on the folder and checking the derived checkbox. This will prevent the resource from showing in the Open Resource view which could save you headaches later.
To get the code back, I opened the target version and used undo to get to the edited version.

How to combine all the packages of the eclipse?

As I need to develop java, php, c++, I use several eclipse packages.
so I try to simple to copy several packages into one, and then I use these option to start the eclipse:
1. -clean
2. osgi.checkConfiguration=true
but it doesn't work, I only find the last copied packages after the IDE start.
Get one of the packages from their site and use the Install new software... feature under the help menu.
I think the most straightforward way to get the modules for all of the languages to play nicely together, though I admire your DIY spirit.
Try to use Yoxos for building your custom Eclipse distribution.
From luxsie:
How to merge several setup packages of Eclipse?
Whom this is for?
The ones that can not hold back their temper any longer when trying to install another Eclipse function package. Right the installation speed from some countries is too slow to bear, also the Equinox P2 always try to connect the Much to damn.. when your Internet connection closed or reset all of a sudden and got all downloaded files broken. Also OSGi based Eclipse plugins is chaos -- always have some conflict errors.
Oh that is another problem..
Do the following steps:
1 Download the Install Packages that you need from Also please remember verify to see if that is correct package. I choosed J2EE with C/C++.
2 Unpack one package with uncompress softwares, such as 7-zip and WinRAR. unzip all the files to a directory you wanna install to. for example "D:\Eclipse\".
3 open Configurations. Files "\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.source\" and "\configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\" in the installation directory is the ones that need to be merged. also you need "\configuration\org.eclipse.update\platform.xml".
4 open the other packages and fetch their configuration files, and merge files.
Open the with any Functional Text Editor, copy all text begin from the line after "#version={Number}" and paste it to another. [{Number} means any Integer number.]
Similiar with what you did with the If not modified, that line should be the 3rd line in the text file.
to Platform.xml:
Open the file, then find where "feature id=" starts just after the "site" node. Find the "/site" tag and copy all the text between them, paste to another file just before the "/site" tag.
[You can do the similiar also marked feature tags with artifacts.xml]
5 when merging i suggest you to make a new directory and when finished please remember copy the merged file to the one where should it be and overwrite. [I mean where it comes from]
Although not merge "platform.xml" will not cause any functional errors, it will make the About dialog with no button -- to ugly yeah?
[= =|||]Ugly is caused by the artifacts.xml in the installation directory...
6 Open all the package, find "plugins" and "features" extract!
first extract the one you want most. I extracted JEE package.
then extract the other ones. I don't see any problem whether Overwrite the ones or not.
7 do open a console window, and locale in the installation directory, and then execute "eclipse.exe".
Well, somebody ask me why i paid no attention to the Artifacts.xml in the installation directory. That's because Eclipse will never check the file. It seems to be when you want to update using zip files -- however this way is blocked for lacking site.xml file now.
Then guys, wait a several minutes for eclipse to do some sorting and cleaning job for the merged configurations.. and install your plugins!
INFO: if you face some problems after install a new plugin and restart.. that is because you haven't finish a complete artifacts.xml merging.
You may delete all the artifacts.xml 's header [document start to the "artifacts size = '{Number}'"] and its bottom [from "/artifacts" to document end]. just merge the left content. and make one file just contains the header and bottom, paste the merged one in.
Eh..maybe you can calculate the {Number}s' sum and correct the one in the final document.

Synchronise files between Eclipse and FTP Site

I am currently coding with Eclipse PDT, and I need to synchronise the files on my workstation with the files on the FTP server.
I've installed RSE, but I can only download and edit files as far as I can see it. What I want to happen is when I hit save, the file is saved locally, and the file to be updated on the FTP site.
Any ideas of how I can achieve this?
Create an ant builder on your project. See this article about how to do that. The important things you should know after you read the article:
You can use Ant FTP task to
transfer the files.
You can define properties given by
the Eclipse platform to get project
root, list of changed files, change
type (add, modify, delete) and so on.
Use them wisely. You will need
project_loc, resource_loc and so on.
See picture at end to see how to get
other available variables that can be
passed to the script.
Tune your Ant script, since if it run
for each file update, then it can be
slow. If it is slow anyway, then you can create a builder plugin for eclipse, which is not so complicated. I created some before.
Be prepared, that ant script can get
not only one file as changed, but a

Is there an easy way to merge Localizable.strings files?

Problem: Using genstrings to create Localizable.strings files from a project. A few weeks later, some things changed and I run genstrings again. 75% of the new file is already in the old file. How could I merge the new file with the old file, so that the old file contains all of those 25% new key-value-pairs?
I recommend Localizable Strings Merge too. I use it on my projects and it really a simple to use and powerful software.
I just found the Localization Suite. Incredible powerful tool for free. I tried it on my project and it just works. Lacks documentation though.
I use a script to run genstrings with existing translations merged automatically when I build a project. Updated strings are detected by git or another source control you use. The script supports storyboard and xib localization too.
To run the script automatically, put the script into your project root directory, and add a Run Script phase with the following line to a target build phases in your project settings.
./ PathToSourceDir
My script is based on the script in this post. I modified it to support Swift and to add the arguments.
What about 3rd party applications like BBEdit? After all Localizable.strings file is a text file. BBEdit has a find differences feature and you can merge from old to new or opposite.
If you install XCode, there is also a standard application installed to merge files called, you can find it in /Developer/Applications/
I'm not sure but ReSharper may help you. teake a look at it.