Can't zoom out in visual studio code - visual-studio-code

I accidentally hit CTRL + = and my IDE is too much zoomed now. I tried the shortcut to zoom out as stated in the official vscode doc, (CTRL + -) but this is not working.
Some help would be appreciated.

On-Screen keyboard did not work for me. But managed to click the reset zoom setting under View>Appearance>Reset Zoom.
Zoom Out option was not working. However, Zoom was reset after clicking Reset Zoom option.

For that press ctrl+shift+p then type "resetZoom" without inverted commas
its work for me.

Found the solution by opening the on-screen keyboard, activating the numeric pad, and using its -. The - is not working on my laptop.

On my installation the keyboard shortcuts are working as stated in documentation (CTRL+-). For a workaround you can perhaps use the menu items under View > Zoom Out as also written in documentation in Chapter Zoom.

You can reset your zoom by ctrl+0.
By this command your zoom setting will reset

You can try CTRL + Numpad Subtract

It's simple I just found out, hold ctrl + -. This should zoom out and zoom in again just do what you did to zoom in. There are many ways to do it, this is just one of them.

I found I had installed the Visual Studio keybindings extension, which conflicted with VS Code. Removing that extension solved the problem for me.
Alternative you can check your keybindings and re-assign manually. Ctrl+K then Ctrl+S to open key bindings, where you can search or manually inspect and edit all.

use the ctrl+ or ctrl-which is next to your right not those + and - which is for volume on the top of your keyboard

Visual Studio Code Linux keyboard shortcuts &
Visual Studio Code Windows keyboard shortcuts
for zoom in/out:
In My case,
in: Ctrl + =
out: Ctrl + -

ctrl+shift+j then search zoom then click view : zoom out

step setting.json after u comand to zoom and looking eror
step setting json
search "window.zoomLevel"
delete "window.zoomLevel" or change value in "window.zoomLevel": 0
save setting.json
i hope this work to you

Zoom-in   : Left-click
Zoom-out : Left-click + Ctrl

You might have to open setting by going: ⌘,
Then search up zoom
click the first checkbox on.
now you can zoom by hitting ⌘ then scrolling


How to reset VS Code's window zoom setting?

While changing VS Code's "windows zoom" setting, I accidentally changed the zoom setting to 10, so now it is zoomed so much that I can't change it to default.
click the reset zoom setting under View>Appearance>Reset Zoom.Otherwise you can use the hotkey which is (CTRL + -).
Use (Ctrl+-) to zoom out. Its simple you can google it as well
You can do Ctrl + - to dezoom.
Go to this path C:\Users\<your admin name>\AppData\Roaming\Code\User
then open the settings file with any text editor at the end of the file change the window.zoomLevel to 0
after changing :
"window.zoomLevel": 0

How to Move a Line Up or Down in Visual Studio Code on Chromebook

I know how to do it on Mac, Linux and Windows, but it doesn't work on Chromebook. You'd expect it to be alt-up/down like Win/Linux, but that is treated like home and end.
Anybody know the trick?
Alt + Up/Down and Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down are reserved by Chromebook. You could open File --> Preferences --> Keyboard Shorcuts in VS Code and change Move Line Up/Down settings to something else.
Chromebook keyboard shortcuts
Chromebook keyboard shortcuts image
There's a easy way.
Just open google-chrome and type chrome://flags in the URL bar,go to the Experiments page.
Search Deprecate Alt based six-pack , then Enable this feature.
Then you can use the default shortcut to move line up/down in VSCode.

How to scroll without moving my cursor in Visual Studio Code from the Keyboard

I used to be able to scroll in Visual Studio 2015 using some keyboard shortcuts in Windows doing something like ctrlshiftdown. It would effectively behave like a line by line viewport bump that did not modify where my cursor was inserted at. This is much like how scrolling with a mouse wheel does not move the cursor except its achieved from the keyboard.
I can't figure out how to do this on Visual Studio Code on a Mac.
On my Mac Ctrl+Page Up/Down works similar to mouse scroll. This doesn't affect the cursor position.
For me on mac what worked out was CMD + fn + Up/Down Arrow
fn + ctrl + up/down arrow did the trick for me on Mac for moving just one line at a time.
On Windows it is ctrl+Down Arrow. On Mac I believe it will be cmd key instead of ctrl
You can move one window height with fn+Up/Down Arrow
Learning how to fish 🎣
If you're not using default shortcuts - such as when you came from a different editor and "imported the keybindings" (see Keymap extensions), you may want to:
Go to the Keyboard Shortcuts editor at File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts. (Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts on macOS)
Search for scrollLine
Check or change your current keybindings for scrollLineUp and scrollLineDown
Use ctrl + Up/Down Arrow to move. I have linux and the vim extention for vscode.
This command scrolls the view but not the cursor. So, keep that in mind.
you can push the shift and mouse roller

How to toggle between opened tabs in VS Code

I was looking at default keybindings but didn't find it.
Is it even possible by default to toggle between opened tabs in VS Code?
If no, maybe you know extension for doing so?
On a Mac, ctrl-tab does exactly what you're asking for. I'm not sure what the equivalent is for Windows or Linux.
In windows CTRL+PgUp to previous tab and CTRL+PgDown to next tab.
When using Visual Studio Code on Linux/Windows, you can use CTRL + PAGE_UP to switch to the previous tab, and CTRL + PAGE_DN to switch to the next tab. You also have the ability to switch to tabs based on their (non-zero relative) index. You can do so, by pressing and holding ALT , followed by a number (1 through 9).
For more details: check here

Does anyone know how to zoom in on NetBeans code?

I want to enlarge the code I've written in NetBeans so it's easier to read. I can enlarge the output by using ctrl and '+', but it doesn't work on the code. Does anyone know how to do this?
Alt+Scroll Wheel (on mouse) will do it. If you want to change the font size, go to Tools>Options>Fonts&Colors [note: this is a large icon/tab]. From there, in the Syntax tab (default) click Default, then the '...' button next to Font. Change the font size here, and click Okay. Other fonts inherit this size, so that should be the only change.
Happy coding!
press { ALT (your keyboard) + Scroll wheel (your mouse) };
NetBeans 7.2 changes the behaviour slightly – now you need to initiate a press down click on the scroll wheel whilst scrolling to increase/decrease the font size. No keyboard assistance required!
- ref
Just press "alt" and scrool and normally it's oke
Visit here and download the zooming plugin.
Steps to Install Plugin:
Open Tools
Select Plugin
Goto Available Plugins Tab
Search for Zoom and install the plugin
Restart NetBeans
If you want to zoom In/Out the code file /source window use this below method.
press Alt key+ scroll Mouse wheel up for Zoom In and scroll Mouse wheel down for Zoom Out
If you want to zoom In/Out the output window/terminal use this below method.
press Ctrl key+ scroll Mouse wheel up for Zoom In and scroll Mouse wheel down for Zoom Out
Lots of "mouse driven" answers here. But not everyone uses a mouse anymore. To Zoom In/Out of the Output Window of Netbeans 11.x do this, it's simple.
Press Ctrl while pressing the Arrow Up (to zoom in) and Arrow Down (to zoom in) keys on your keyboard.