How to reset VS Code's window zoom setting? - visual-studio-code

While changing VS Code's "windows zoom" setting, I accidentally changed the zoom setting to 10, so now it is zoomed so much that I can't change it to default.

click the reset zoom setting under View>Appearance>Reset Zoom.Otherwise you can use the hotkey which is (CTRL + -).

Use (Ctrl+-) to zoom out. Its simple you can google it as well

You can do Ctrl + - to dezoom.

Go to this path C:\Users\<your admin name>\AppData\Roaming\Code\User
then open the settings file with any text editor at the end of the file change the window.zoomLevel to 0
after changing :
"window.zoomLevel": 0


How to customize font size of tab title in visual studio code [duplicate]

My computer is 4k display and the tab font is too tiny now. How to change the size of window tab font in as shown in this picture?
The window.zoomLevel setting can be accessed using:
File > Preferences > Settings and search for "zoomlevel"
VS Code Screenshot of window.zoomLevel Setting
This setting appears to zoom everything in the window, except for the top menubar.
I use a zoomLevel of 0.5.
After changing it to 0.5, I reduced my setting for editor.fontSize, to avoid the fontsize in the code editor becoming too large.
An alternative to modifying window.zoomLevel in settings is to use Ctrl + and Ctrl - to modify window.zoomLevel in increments of 1.
(I don't think VS Code currently has any option to configure only the size of the font used for the tab names.)
Please create a feature request for this on the repository.

Can't zoom out in visual studio code

I accidentally hit CTRL + = and my IDE is too much zoomed now. I tried the shortcut to zoom out as stated in the official vscode doc, (CTRL + -) but this is not working.
Some help would be appreciated.
On-Screen keyboard did not work for me. But managed to click the reset zoom setting under View>Appearance>Reset Zoom.
Zoom Out option was not working. However, Zoom was reset after clicking Reset Zoom option.
For that press ctrl+shift+p then type "resetZoom" without inverted commas
its work for me.
Found the solution by opening the on-screen keyboard, activating the numeric pad, and using its -. The - is not working on my laptop.
On my installation the keyboard shortcuts are working as stated in documentation (CTRL+-). For a workaround you can perhaps use the menu items under View > Zoom Out as also written in documentation in Chapter Zoom.
You can reset your zoom by ctrl+0.
By this command your zoom setting will reset
You can try CTRL + Numpad Subtract
It's simple I just found out, hold ctrl + -. This should zoom out and zoom in again just do what you did to zoom in. There are many ways to do it, this is just one of them.
I found I had installed the Visual Studio keybindings extension, which conflicted with VS Code. Removing that extension solved the problem for me.
Alternative you can check your keybindings and re-assign manually. Ctrl+K then Ctrl+S to open key bindings, where you can search or manually inspect and edit all.
use the ctrl+ or ctrl-which is next to your right not those + and - which is for volume on the top of your keyboard
Visual Studio Code Linux keyboard shortcuts &
Visual Studio Code Windows keyboard shortcuts
for zoom in/out:
In My case,
in: Ctrl + =
out: Ctrl + -
ctrl+shift+j then search zoom then click view : zoom out
step setting.json after u comand to zoom and looking eror
step setting json
search "window.zoomLevel"
delete "window.zoomLevel" or change value in "window.zoomLevel": 0
save setting.json
i hope this work to you
Zoom-in   : Left-click
Zoom-out : Left-click + Ctrl
You might have to open setting by going: ⌘,
Then search up zoom
click the first checkbox on.
now you can zoom by hitting ⌘ then scrolling

How to change size of window tab font in Visual Studio Code?

My computer is 4k display and the tab font is too tiny now. How to change the size of window tab font in as shown in this picture?
The window.zoomLevel setting can be accessed using:
File > Preferences > Settings and search for "zoomlevel"
VS Code Screenshot of window.zoomLevel Setting
This setting appears to zoom everything in the window, except for the top menubar.
I use a zoomLevel of 0.5.
After changing it to 0.5, I reduced my setting for editor.fontSize, to avoid the fontsize in the code editor becoming too large.
An alternative to modifying window.zoomLevel in settings is to use Ctrl + and Ctrl - to modify window.zoomLevel in increments of 1.
(I don't think VS Code currently has any option to configure only the size of the font used for the tab names.)
Please create a feature request for this on the repository.

Is it possible to have the Integrated terminal *always* on the right?

When you open VS Code, the terminal defaults to opening on the bottom. You can click on the icon to move it to the right. I'm wondering if there's a way to set opening on the right as the default.
Yes - introduced in v1.20 there is the setting workbench.panel.defaultLocation with the option of "bottom" or "right".

Is there a way in vscode to only zoom in on the editor

Currently, when you zoom in while using vscode, the editor, side panel, and icons all get magnified.
Does anyone know how to get functionality similar to Atom where only the editor gets larger?
Out of Box solution for zoom in/out for text only:
Ctrl+Shift+P (or View->Command Palette...)
Type Open User Settings
Edit settings.json
Add "editor.mouseWheelZoom": true
Save it.
You can use your mouse wheel to zoom in or zoom out only text in the text box.
Update Version 1.24 - May 2018
There are new commands for to zoom in/zoom out text in editors only:
Editor Font Zoom In
Editor Font Zoom Out
Editor Font Zoom Reset
By default they don't have any keybindings assigned:
You want the FontSize Shortcuts extension.
Ctrl + P
ext install fontsize-shortcuts
Restart Visual Studio Code.
The shortcuts are:
Ctrl + = to increase the font size.
Ctrl + - to decrease the font size.
Ctrl + 0 to reset the font size.
Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette
Type Editor Font Zoom In
Press Enter
Repeat until the font is the desired size
To change the keyboard shortcuts so they only zoom the editor font, you just need to:
Open the Command Palette (Control+Shift+P) and type Keyboard Shortcuts. Choose Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts.
Search for zoom. You'll see a few results, including those for global zoom and editor font zoom.
3)If you want to replace the global zoom shortcuts with editor font zoom, you first need to remove the keybindings from View: Zoom In and View: Zoom Out. You can right-click them and choose Remove Keybinding or select them and hit the delete key.
Add the new keybindings for Editor Font Zoom In and Editor Font Zoom Out. You just select Editor Font Zoom In and click the + on the left hand side, type the keybinding you want (eg. Control+Shift+=) and then press enter.
Note: you might need to open new VS Code windows for these changes to take effect. If the keyboard shortcuts are still zooming the whole interface, you'll need to make sure that you have removed the keybindings from View: Zoom In and View: Zoom Out (see step 3 above)
Go to Settings
Then, Swap to Workspace tab at the top
at last, Change Editor: Font Size
Yes, you can change it as default.
Try these steps:
Open Visual Studio Code.
Type command CTRL + SHFT + P.
Type Settings.
The settings file will open.
Now under User > Text Editor > Font, find Font Size.
Enter your desired font size.
I cannot comment, but this is an update on cezn's answer and wruckie's question beneath it.
I also do not have these options in 1.64.2, however there is an Editor: Mouse Wheel Zoom option. Find it by searching for zoom. Works like a charm by holding ctrl.
Command+Shift+P (or View->Command Palette...)
Search "editor font zoom"
You can zoom in, zoom out or reset to default and only the editor window will be effected.
You can go to the keyboard shortcuts page, then search up "Editor Font Zoom", there should be some shortcuts you can bind to keys.