how to catch right mouse click event on echarts graph element? - echarts

myChart.on('click', function(params) {
the code given above handles whenever you click a chart element, it returns necessary object information. However, this is for left mouse click. What i wanted is to handle right mouse click for echarts graph. Is this feature possible with echarts? Thank you in advance
See Fiddle:

Well, they said they won't support rightClick event, since it's a web lib not client lib.
Detail in this issue


Swift Charts how to get chartValue using mouse hover instead of mouse click in MacOS

I use Charts framework to draw charts in MacOS application. I have CombinedChartView with candleData. When I click by mouse a candle, chartValueSelected executed and I can receive information about selected candle. I need to do the same using UIHoverGestureRecognizer instead of mouse click. How to get information about a chartValue that mouse is hover?
The only one way I found is to add UIHoverGestureRecognizer to BarLineChartViewBase.swift

How to have fusioncharts time marker mouse click event keep tooltip open

I'd like to be able to trigger a mouse click event on this: so that the tooltip does not close.
Is there anyway to do this?
As of now FusionCharts do not have support for triggering timeMarkerClick or timeMarkerRollover event to keep the tool-tip of the time marker open without any actual timeMarkerClick or timeMarkerRollover action over it.
Hope this would help.

Why does the click event listener break after the first click?

I'm using the angular-leaflet-directive within Ionic Framework. I set up a listener on a map marker and it works on the first click after the page is loaded. After that, though, it stops responding to the left mouse button (but confusingly still responds to the right mouse button).
Here's a demo. Any idea what's wrong?
I've got the same issue, use data-tap-disabled="true" in the tag leaflet worked to me.

Implementing "onclickout" with GWT

I need a way of capturing onclick event when a user clicks out of a FocusPanel(in the form of a dialog box). I need to warn the user to save their work before clicking outside thus losing the panel. I know how to do it in JavaScript but it I am stuck with GWT. Any assistance will be appreciated.
Every click event provides coordinates of a click. Check that these coordinates are outside of your popup panel.
Alternatively, make your PopupPanel modal, so that users can exit it only by clicking on UI elements that you provide, for example, submit and cancel/close buttons.

Click events of each dc.js chart

I am using dc.js for showing some of the charts on my dashboard. What I am looking for is to handle each chart's click event (e.g. bar chart click event, pie chart click event and mouse up event for ranged charts etc.) and save the history of clicked charts in the database. This way user will be able to see the clicks user has made for any of the chart after login.
I have checked dc.js for click events but I am not getting that properly.
Can anybody help me? Any help would be appreciated.
It might be easier, and more helpful, to watch the 'filtered' event:
chart.on('filtered.monitor', function(chart, filter) {
// report the filter applied
I say easier, because you don't have to worry about watching different events for different charts. More helpful, because 'filtered' shows you the result of clicking without further processing, so you can show what was actually looked at rather than just what was clicked.
.monitor in the example above is an event namespace. You can use whatever string you want there, but do use some namespace to avoid stepping on other watchers of the same event.
If you really want click events, you can override chart.onClick by assigning to it and calling the old handler (yuck), or you can use e.g.
chart.selectAll('').on('click.monitor', ...)
But now you'll have to look at the source to figure out what to select in each chart. And the namespace here is essential because you don't want to interfere with internal event processing.