Swift Charts how to get chartValue using mouse hover instead of mouse click in MacOS - swift

I use Charts framework to draw charts in MacOS application. I have CombinedChartView with candleData. When I click by mouse a candle, chartValueSelected executed and I can receive information about selected candle. I need to do the same using UIHoverGestureRecognizer instead of mouse click. How to get information about a chartValue that mouse is hover?

The only one way I found is to add UIHoverGestureRecognizer to BarLineChartViewBase.swift


Set mouse cursor behavior globally

I'm currently developing a windows app with flutter. I experienced that the default mouse cursor changes when hovering over a button that is clickable or shows an "forbidden" sign if a button is deactivated. This does not feel right for me and I think in most Windows programs there is just the standard cursor.
I know about the MouseRegion class where I can set the cursor for one button. Is there a way to change the cursor globally for the entire application?
In my opinion, overall, the cursor topic is still in progress for Flutter. We have been developing a Desktop application for almost two years now and I can definitely tell that, there is a progress but still it is a problem.
What we do most of the time is to create our own buttons and arrange all of them together.
However, to answer your question :) Assuming that you are using new material buttons on the latest Flutter version, in the new Material Buttons shared here. You can see that, ButtonStyle class has a field called final MaterialStateProperty<MouseCursor> mouseCursor; which is the mouseCursor that you can use for your own buttons.

How to create using Flutter the _showMenu function, which dynamically builds the popup menu and allows to handle the selected option

The problem is this: I wrote using flutter, graphics editor, which allows to draw various shapes using gestures. I want to add an option: delete shape. To do this, need to tap on the shape and then a popup menu should appear with the option "delete". It is necessary to select "delete" and remove the object from scene. I need a simple function of type _showPopupMenu (). In it, need to build a menu and process the selection of the "delete" option. And it's all. Flutter has the function showMenu, but I do not understand how to use it in this case. I've found the link: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/12931 and tried to use the code, but I didn't succeed.

Why does the click event listener break after the first click?

I'm using the angular-leaflet-directive within Ionic Framework. I set up a listener on a map marker and it works on the first click after the page is loaded. After that, though, it stops responding to the left mouse button (but confusingly still responds to the right mouse button).
Here's a demo. Any idea what's wrong?
I've got the same issue, use data-tap-disabled="true" in the tag leaflet worked to me.

How to change a unity UI Button's state in code?

I'm now using unity 4.6,the new UI system , since i won't use mouse to control my game,could anyone tell me how can i change a button's state in script ?
I would recommend you to start by trying to make your system work with keyboard, using the UI navigation system.
You could manually set a button to selected state by using EventSystem.Current.SetCurrentlySelectedGameobject(yourGameObject);
If this button has an onLeft/OnRight etc. value setted, you will be able to interact with it with input Horizontal vertical axis, and to press it with a "Submit" value in input manager.
Once you're happy with it, you should try to catch your kinnect gestures and use them to send correct events I guess.

selecting by mouse clicks instead of press-drag action in MFC

I am quite new to MFC. I am currently using the CrectTracker class of MFC to draw a selection rectangle to select an area on a graphic in MFC based application. However, I would like to do the selection using mouse clicks instead of L button press and drag and release action.
Can somebody point me to an example where the crectracker class can be used to select an area using mouse clicks, first click to start the selection and second to end? Or do I have to implement my own OnLButtonUp actions for this?
You need to implement the MouseMove event.
This functions gives you 2 Parameters.
Flag : Here you can check the Left Mouse Button is Clicked
Point : Position of the Mouse cursor.