Watson speech-to-text getting disconnected immediately on Unity - unity3d

I am using the latest unity SDK 2.12.0 and Unity 2017.4.
My unity project is available here:
Please note that you will need an IBM Apikey to access the API functionality.
I followed the following video tutorial for setting up the SDK:
While running the ExampleStreaming sample as shown in the video, I'm getting the following log:
[SpeechToText.SendStart()][DEBUG] SendStart() with the following params: {"action":"start","content-type":"audio/l16;rate=22050;channels=1;","inactivity_timeout":-1,"interim_results":true,"max_alternatives":0,"profanity_filter":false,"smart_formatting":true,"speaker_labels":false,"timestamps":true,"word_confidence":true
[SpeechToText.OnListenClosed()][DEBUG] OnListenClosed(), State = DISCONNECTED
[SpeechToText.KeepAlive()][DEBUG] KeepAlive exited.
I have thoroughly searched for this issue. Seems like many people have faced a similar issue, but none of the posts have a satisfactory solution. Can anyone help me with this?

This has to do with the move to TLS 1.2. Only Unity 2018.2 and above support TLS 1.2 using .NET 4.x equivalent Scripting Runtime Version. https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/unity-sdk#streaming-outside-of-us-south-region
Since you are using Unity 2017.4 you will need to create your Speech to Text instance in US South (Dallas). This is the only region that still supports TLS 1.0.
Alternatively, you can update to Unity 2018.2 or above and switch to Scripting Runtime Version .NET 4.x equivalent.


Microsoft.MixedReality.QR is nonexistent despite NuGet installation

I am working on a project in MixedReality using mainly MRTK and its features. I found out that MRTK can use QR codes to read data, and I wanted to use it and try multiples ideas.
The problem is that, currently, is seems any QR feature is nonexistent in my project.
I Installed the NuGet package Microsoft.MixedReality.QR and its corresponding Microsoft.VCRTForwarders.14 package, as indicated in
But anything I try in code, from my project, will tell me in the console window that the namespace could not be found, and all cascading items (properties, classes, functions) could not be found either, none of them.
It is weird since everything should be installed and up to date ( I verified this directly in Visual Studio and everything is there).
Any kind of help would be much appreciated, thanks !
For Unity projects, you need to import NuGet for Unity to install Mixed Reality QR NuGet package. Meanwhile the tutorial you are referring is not an official document. Some types/classes are defined by the author and are not included in Microsoft.MixedReality.QR namespace.
Please refer to the new QR sample on https://github.com/yl-msft/QRTracking and all the C# API references are listed on QR Code tracking API reference
I've been developing an app that uses QRcode on the hololens as well. I ran into that issue before, and the console seemed to throw that error for me because I was using the wrong version of the MRTK services in the Microsoft Mixed Reality Feature Tool. I would recommend using version 2.6.1 for all your services. Do you by any chance have a problem where "QR tracking is not supported" for the Unity Project you are building?

ACL is not supported in Mono (Unity3D)

I have a problem trying using NamedPipe in Unity3D:
My project requires to communicate with other application, i found out NamedPipe from Microsoft documentation, but while i am starting the project in the editor it throw me that exception ("NotImplementedException: ACL is not supported in Mono")
I had the same issue but when I set the TokenImpersonationLevel to None the issue went away.

Reference to type 'Matrix4x4' claims it is defined in 'System.Numerics', but it could not be found

I am building a Unity project for Hololens 2 which is using the library System.Numerics from .NET
I imported this project from git as is, but I am getting several errors similar to:
System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 converted4x4LocationMatrix = ConvertRightHandedMatrix4x4ToLeftHanded(suObject.GetLocationAsMatrix());
error CS7069: Reference to type 'Matrix4x4' claims it is defined in 'System.Numerics', but it could not be found
System.Numerics seems to be missing as well Vector3 and Vector2 classes.
The project is a few years old, so probably the version of Unity which I am using needs to change something in the configuration to make it compatible with a 'System.Numerics' version where Matrix4x4 would be present. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I am using Unity 2019.2.4f1 with Windows Build Support IL2CPP.
Ok, it seems the error was due to the .Net version used in the project by default was the wrong one. I had to change it to 4.x, the steps were:
Build Settings -> Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Api Compatibility Level and select .Net 4.x

Is it possible to use Unity Asset Server with Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye?

I am investigating how we can use a code review tool in conjunction with Unity3D development.
We are using the Unity Asset server as our repository. Obviously this repository is not supported out of the box by Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye, and I was not able to find any plugin support for it.
Has anyone been able to figure out a work around configuration? Perhaps using SVN in conjunction with Unity Asset Server, or some other approach?
Or another code review tool that is compatible with Unity3D Asset Server?

ASM library: Version incompatibility between GAE and Spring

I'm currently working on a project based on Spring 3.1.2 which needs to run over GAE.
After researching the logs, I think I know why I'm getting a 500 Internal Server Error whenever I need to interact with the App. The problem I'm facing is related with ASM (http://asm.ow2.org/).
It seems like GAE relies on ASM 4.0, while the project runs fine locally if I use ASM 3.1.
However, I found impossible to make it work when ASM 4.0 :(
I'm completely new to Google App Engine, so ... any tip to solve this issue is welcome! (I've already lost the whole morning finding what the problem was and trying too many different ways to solve it ... but no way).
Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions ;)
I found some information about that, try to upgrade your spring version to 3.2 M2. This version support cgilib 3.0 with asm 4.0!
Visit https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPR-9669