How can I check popularProduct.xib file loaded into HomeViewController - swift

In my HomeViewController have four section:
Popular Product
New Product
Old Product
All are .xib files and they are working fine.
Now I want to add ActivityIndicator in my HomeViewController
So now I want to show ActivityIndicator on HomeViewController until all the .xib's file not fully loaded in HomeViewController as .xib's ActivityIndicator should hide.
Now, the problem for me is that how can I get the confirmation about .xib's loaded to HomeViewController or not?

As a pretty simple direct solution, you could follow the delegation approach. So, when "Popular Product" View complete the needed process, you should fire a delegate method which will be handled by the view controller.
consider that in PopularProduct class you are implementing a method called doSomething() which need to get called and finish its work to hide the activity indicator from the view controller and it should send Data instance to the view controller. You could do it like this:
protocol PopularProductDelegate: class {
func popularProduct(popularProduct: PopularProduct, doSomethingDidPerformWith data: Data)
class PopularProduct: UIView {
// ...
weak var delegate: PopularProductDelegate?
func doSomething() {
// consider that there is much work to be done here
// which generates a data instance:
let data = Data(base64Encoded: "...")!
// therefore:
delegate?.popularProduct(popularProduct: self, doSomethingDidPerformWith: data)
// ...
Therefore, in ViewController:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// ...
var popularProduct: PopularProduct!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// show indicator
// ...
extension ViewController: PopularProductDelegate {
func popularProduct(popularProduct: PopularProduct, doSomethingDidPerformWith data: Data) {
// hide indicator
Furthermore, you could check my answer for better understanding for delegates.


Sending data using protocols

I have issues with using protocols to send data back to previous controller. I have studied SO questions and guides, but for some reason my data doesn't get transferred back.
In my second class I create data, that is later being sent back to first class:
protocol ImageEditorDelegate {
func sendImage(image: UIImage, id: String)
class PhotoEditorViewController: UIViewController {
var delegate: ImageEditorDelegate?
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func didPressSave(_ sender: UIButton) {
delegate?.sendImage(image: finalImage, id: imageThatWasSelected)
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
And in my receiving class I have:
class NewProductViewController: UIViewController, ImageEditorDelegate {
var imageEditor: PhotoEditorViewController?
override func viewDidLoad() {
imageEditor?.delegate = self
func sendImage(image: UIImage, id: String) {
print("Receiving images", image, id)
switch id {
case "1":
selectedImages[1] = image
productImage1.image = image
case "2":
selectedImages[2] = image
productImage2.image = image
case "3":
selectedImages[3] = image
productImage3.image = image
But nothing happens, this func never gets called. I think my delegate is nil, or so, but how could I fix this issue? I have Also, I'm using VIPER as architecture with slightly customized segues, may this be the issue? I have tried simple segues, but had same issue.
I understand that this is rather simple question, but I couldn't understand what I doing wrong after I have read articles about protocols.
Thanks for your help!
What you're doing is very wrong. You have two view controllers with property references to one another:
class PhotoEditorViewController: UIViewController {
var delegate: ImageEditorDelegate?
class NewProductViewController: UIViewController, ImageEditorDelegate {
var imageEditor: PhotoEditorViewController?
Those are not weak references, so if you ever do get this to work — that is, if you ever arrange things so that the NewProductViewController's imageEditor is a PhotoEditorViewController whose delegate is that NewProductViewController — you will have a nasty retain cycle and a memory leak.
This suggests that you have not understood the protocol-and-delegate pattern. Only the presented view controller should have a delegate property pointing back to the presenter, and it should be weak. The presenter does not need any property pointing to the presented view controller, because it presents it.
you need to instantiate your photoEditor, like
photoEditor = PhotoEditorViewController()
before attempting to set its delegate.
you dont' have to do this next part, but I'd suggest making the delegate variable a weak variable to avoid any retain issues, like so
weak var delegate: ImageEditorDelegate?
and you'll need to mark the protocol as class like so
protocol ImageEditorDelegate : class {

Destination of navigation back button swift

I connected UITableViews with Show segue. I want to change some variable of destination tableView whenever I tap the Back button on navigation bar. Let's say I'm not allowed to create a new back button, how can I detect/call the destination tableView when the back button is tapped? Like in prepareforsegue we have segue.destination, is there some thing like "backbutton.destination"?
What you should be doing here (I think) is not trying to find the destination of the back button but passing in the interested object when going forwards.
On you detail view you could have something like...
protocol DetailViewDelegate {
func detailViewDidChange()
Then in the detail view controller...
class DetailViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: DetailViewDelegate?
// you could call this from viewWillDisappear or something
func doThisWhenYouWantToUpdateTheTableView() {
Now in the tableview...
func prepareForSegue(...) {
if let vc = segue.destination as? DetailViewController {
vc.delegate = self
extension MyTableViewController: DetailViewDelegate {
func detailViewDidChange() {
// respond to the change here.

Swift - How to use a closure to fire a function in a view model?

I am watching the video series
Swift Talk #5
Connecting View Controllers
In this video series they remove all the prepareForSegue and use an App class to handle the connection between different view controllers.
I want to replicate this, but specifically only in my current view model; but what I don't get is how to connect view controllers through a view model (or even if you're meant to)
In their code, at github:
They use do this within their view controller
var didSelect: (Episode) -> () = { _ in }
This runs;
func showEpisode(episode: Episode) {
let detailVC = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("Detail") as! DetailViewController
detailVC.episode = episode
navigationController.pushViewController(detailVC, animated: true)
In the same way, I want to use my ViewController to use my ViewModel for a menu button press (relying on tag).
My code follows;
struct MainMenuViewModel {
enum MainMenuTag: Int {
case newGameTag = 0
func menuButtonPressed(tag: Int) {
guard let tagSelected = MainMenuTag.init(rawValue: tag) else {
switch tagSelected {
case .newGameTag:
print ("Pressed new game btn")
func menuBtnDidPress(tag: Int) {
print ("You pressed: \(tag)")
// Do a switch here
// Go to the next view controller? Should the view model even know about navigation controllers, pushing, etc?
class MainMenuViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var mainMenuBtnOutletCollection: [UIButton]!
var didSelect: (Int) -> () = { _ in }
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func mainMenuBtnPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
let tag = (sender).tag
What I don't understand is how do I connect the command
to the function
func menuButtonPressed(tag: Int)
within my ViewModel
As I understand it, according to the swift talk video is that the idea is that the view controller are "plain" and that the view model handles all the major stuff, like menu button presses and then moving to different view controllers as necessary.
How do I connect the didSelect item to my viewModel function?
Thank you.
You should set didSelect property for your controller like here:
func showEpisode(episode: Episode) {
let detailVC = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("Detail") as! DetailViewController
detailVC.episode = episode
detailVC.didSelect = { episode in
// do whatever you need
// for example dismiss detailVC
self.navigationController.popViewController(animated: true)
// or call the model methods
navigationController.pushViewController(detailVC, animated: true)

Xcode: how to create instances of views and pass info to them?

I'm trying to create a MacOS app that plays audio or video files. I've followed the simple instructions on Apple's website here
But I want to use the File > Open menu items to bring up an NSOpenPanel, and pass that to the View Controller.
So presumably, the Open action should be in the AppDelegate, as the ViewController window might not be open.
And then pass the filename to a new instance of the ViewController window.
Is that right? If so, how do I "call" the View from AppDelegate?
Here's the AppDelegate:
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
#IBAction func browseFile(sender: AnyObject) {
let dialog = NSOpenPanel();
if (dialog.runModal() == NSModalResponseOK) {
let result = dialog.url // Pathname of the file
if (result != nil) {
// Pass the filepath to the window view thing.
} else {
// User clicked on "Cancel"
and here's the ViewController:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var playerView: AVPlayerView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Get the URL somehow
let player = AVPlayer(url: url)
playerView.player = player
There are some details not disclosed in your question, but I believe I can provide the proper answer still.
You can call NSOpenPanel from AppDelegate, nothing wrong with that. Just note that user may cancel the dialog and how to handle that situation.
Considering the view the best thing is to create WindowController that is connected to the ViewController (it is like that by default) in the Storyboard, then access it from the code using NSStoryBoard.instantiateController(withIdentifier:), and then use its window property with something like window.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self) . If you have NSWindow or NSWindowController class in your code then you should initialize the class in the code and again make window key and front.

How to pass a string between viewcontrollers with out the use of a SEGUE

Recently I have been making a app where you can create and quiz yourself on definitions or anything for that matter. I pass data to the next view after it the user hits the create button to make the title of the new notecard. The code I am using right now for that is:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let DestViewController: Card1 = segue.destinationViewController as! Card1
DestViewController.Content = Notetitle.text!
self.saved = self.Notetitle.text!
All of that works but, it will only work if I have a segue between viewcontrollers. I need to be able to pass that data with out a segue because I want the user to be able to create as many notecards as they want and the way I am trying to do that now is by using this code to make a copy of the UIView and then put in the new data (a master view). The new view can only be create using an IBAction. The prepare for segue I cannot use in the IBAction because it is it's own override function.
This is the code I am using to make a the new view:
let newCard =
self.presentViewController(newCard, animated: true, completion:nil)
My hope is that I will be able to make a new view and then pass in the data pass in the data that the user just made to go on the notecard. (Hope this makes any sense at all)
MAIN TOPICS: -Create a new view and pass in new data Problem: Can pass data without a segue dont have one :/ -Be able to pass data between view controllers without a segue :)
I am new to all of this about 5 months. All of my code is in swift. Take it easy on me please. Feel free to ask me with any questions or comments. I have already posted a question on this but I didnt get an answer so have at it.
Thanks, Lucas Mazza
Don't use global variables unless you really need to. Making global static singleton's does not follow best practices. For more information read: What is so bad about singletons?
A better solution
You can use the protocol delegate pattern. I've actually written an article on this topic here:
You'll need a protocol that defines a function that will accept data. Then your other view controller will need to implement the delegate. If you need step-by-step details see the link provided above, alternatively you can simply download the project below and examine the code.
Download Working Example Project
Here's the code to make your protocol-delegate pattern work:
View Controller 1:
class ViewController: UIViewController, PresentedViewControllerDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var textOutlet: UILabel!
#IBAction func doPresent(sender: AnyObject) {
let pvc = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("PresentedViewController") as! PresentedViewController = "important data sent via delegate!"
pvc.delegate = self
self.presentViewController(pvc, animated: true, completion: nil)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func acceptData(data: AnyObject!) {
self.textOutlet.text = "\(data!)"
View Controller 2:
import UIKit
// place the protocol in the view controller that is being presented
protocol PresentedViewControllerDelegate {
func acceptData(data: AnyObject!)
class PresentedViewController: UIViewController {
// create a variable that will recieve / send messages
// between the view controllers.
var delegate : PresentedViewControllerDelegate?
// another data outlet
var data : AnyObject?
#IBOutlet weak var textFieldOutlet: UITextField!
#IBAction func doDismiss(sender: AnyObject) {
if textFieldOutlet.text != "" {
self.presentingViewController!.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
if self.isBeingDismissed() {