Destination of navigation back button swift - swift

I connected UITableViews with Show segue. I want to change some variable of destination tableView whenever I tap the Back button on navigation bar. Let's say I'm not allowed to create a new back button, how can I detect/call the destination tableView when the back button is tapped? Like in prepareforsegue we have segue.destination, is there some thing like "backbutton.destination"?

What you should be doing here (I think) is not trying to find the destination of the back button but passing in the interested object when going forwards.
On you detail view you could have something like...
protocol DetailViewDelegate {
func detailViewDidChange()
Then in the detail view controller...
class DetailViewController: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: DetailViewDelegate?
// you could call this from viewWillDisappear or something
func doThisWhenYouWantToUpdateTheTableView() {
Now in the tableview...
func prepareForSegue(...) {
if let vc = segue.destination as? DetailViewController {
vc.delegate = self
extension MyTableViewController: DetailViewDelegate {
func detailViewDidChange() {
// respond to the change here.


Get destination view controller when pressing back on navigation bar

When we perform a segue, it is easy to get the destination view controller so we can pass data to it using the prepare(for:) method.
I'd like to know the correct way to do this when the back button of a navigation controller is pressed.
I've managed to piece together something that works, but it feels wrong to be using my knowledge of the hierarchy of the view controllers within the navigation controller rather than getting the destination dynamically. Maybe i'm overthinking it?
override func willMove(toParent parent: UIViewController?) {
super.willMove(toParent: parent)
// This method is called more than once - parent is only nil when back button is pressed
if (parent == nil) {
guard let destination = self.navigationController?.viewControllers.first as? MyTableViewController else {
print("destination is \(destination)")
// set delegate of my networking class to destination here
// call async method on networking class to retrieve updated data for my table view
As a general rule, trying to do that makes for too tight of a coupling. The VC you are navigating away from shouldn't need to know about where it's headed.
Probably better to implement your networking class methods in viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear inside your MyTableViewController class.
However, you could give this a try:
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// make sure we're in a navigation controller
guard let navC = navigationController else { return }
if navC.viewControllers.firstIndex(of: self) != nil {
// we're still in the nav stack, so we've either
// pushed to another VC, or presented a full-screen VC
// (or maybe something else)
// we've been removed from the nav stack
// so user tapped Back button
print("back button tapped")
// see if we're navigating back to an instance of MyTableViewController
guard let destVC = navC.viewControllers.last as? MyTableViewController else {
// do something with destVC...
print("on our way to", destVC)
Note: I just did this as an example... it would need plenty of testing and possibly additional case handling.

How can I check popularProduct.xib file loaded into HomeViewController

In my HomeViewController have four section:
Popular Product
New Product
Old Product
All are .xib files and they are working fine.
Now I want to add ActivityIndicator in my HomeViewController
So now I want to show ActivityIndicator on HomeViewController until all the .xib's file not fully loaded in HomeViewController as .xib's ActivityIndicator should hide.
Now, the problem for me is that how can I get the confirmation about .xib's loaded to HomeViewController or not?
As a pretty simple direct solution, you could follow the delegation approach. So, when "Popular Product" View complete the needed process, you should fire a delegate method which will be handled by the view controller.
consider that in PopularProduct class you are implementing a method called doSomething() which need to get called and finish its work to hide the activity indicator from the view controller and it should send Data instance to the view controller. You could do it like this:
protocol PopularProductDelegate: class {
func popularProduct(popularProduct: PopularProduct, doSomethingDidPerformWith data: Data)
class PopularProduct: UIView {
// ...
weak var delegate: PopularProductDelegate?
func doSomething() {
// consider that there is much work to be done here
// which generates a data instance:
let data = Data(base64Encoded: "...")!
// therefore:
delegate?.popularProduct(popularProduct: self, doSomethingDidPerformWith: data)
// ...
Therefore, in ViewController:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// ...
var popularProduct: PopularProduct!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// show indicator
// ...
extension ViewController: PopularProductDelegate {
func popularProduct(popularProduct: PopularProduct, doSomethingDidPerformWith data: Data) {
// hide indicator
Furthermore, you could check my answer for better understanding for delegates.

how to segue to storyboard viewcontroller from xib view with swift 3

I'm having the hardest time finding an answer for this.
I have a xib view that is within a scrollview that is within a view controller. In the xib I have a button with an action and I need to segue to a view controller I have in my storyboard. I also would like to be able to use a custom segue.
So far, I have read that I can instantiate the viewcontroller from the storyboard to segue to it. But then I don't know how to present that controller.
thanks for any help...
this is the code I'm using to perform the segue.
In parent ViewController:
static var referenceVC: UIViewController?
override func viewDidLoad() {
LevelSelectViewController.referenceVC = self
code in xib view file
let vc = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "sightWordController")
let parent = LevelSelectViewController.referenceVC!
let segue = InFromRightCustomSegue(identifier: "test", source: parent, destination: vc)
As noted in the comments, Segues are typically confined to storyboard usage as noted in the documentation. You can implement a custom xib view in a storyboard via #IBDesignable like approaches and have you're view load from the xib into the storyboard file/class. This way, you gain the benefits of both worlds. Otherwise, you may want to approach this in another fashion (such as delegates/target-action events, etc).
You may also climb the responder chain and call a segue related to the VC loaded from the storyboard (the segue doesn't necessarily have to be attached to any particular action) via getting a reference to the VC and calling the segue. You can climb the responder chain in a manner such as the example code below:
protocol ChildViewControllerContainer {
var parentViewController: UIViewController? { get }
protocol ViewControllerTraversable {
func viewController<T: UIViewController>() -> T?
extension UIView: ViewControllerTraversable {
func viewController<T: UIViewController>() -> T? {
var responder = next
while let currentResponder = responder {
guard responder is T else {
responder =
return responder as? T
extension UITableViewCell: ChildViewControllerContainer {
weak var parentViewController: UIViewController? {
return viewController() as UIViewController?

Delegate between Container View and ViewController in Swift

I asked that question before, and I got the solution to what he sought. Now, I need to amplify my question. Using delegates, how can I create a Delegate to the ViewController send data to the ContainerView and ContainerView send data to the ViewController?
Well, I don't know if this is entirely what you're looking for, but what I've always done in this situation is kept a record of each view controller inside the other's class.
For example if your container view has the embed segue with identifier "Embed Segue" then your classes might look like:
Superview Class
Class ViewControllerOne: UIViewController {
var data = "This is my data I may want to change"
var subView: ViewControllerTwo?
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "Embed Segue" {
let destinationVC = segue.destinationViewController as! ViewControllerTwo
destinationVC.superView = self
self.subView = destinationVC
Embedded Class
Class ViewControllerTwo: UIViewController {
var data = "This is the other view controller's copy of that data"
var superView: ViewControllerOne?
Then you can pass data between these View Controllers simply by referencing and respectively.
Edit: For ViewControllerTwo to pass data back to ViewControllerOne, it would then simply have to reference e.g:
Class ViewControllerTwo: UIViewController {
var data = "This is the other view controller's copy of that data"
var superView: ViewControllerOne?
func passDataBack() { =
This would then update the data variable in the first view controller.

Swift, Pass data back from popover to view controller

I have sorted the original array in popover controller. Now I want to send that array back to the original view controller for tableview and map view.
Below is my code
If propertyNameSrt == false
if ascSorting == false
My array is properties which includes custom object.
How can pass this to my original view controller?
Thanks in advance,
You can use delegate(protocol) methods to send back data to previous view controller.
protocol MyProtocol: class
func sendArrayToPreviousVC(myArray:[AnyObject])
Make a var in your class.
weak var mDelegate:MyProtocol?
Now call the protocol method when you pop the view controller, with your "properties" array as parameter.
In your previous VC, set the mDelegate property to self, when you push the current VC.
currentVC.mDelegate = self
Now implement the protocol method in your previous VC.
func sendArrayToPreviousVC(myArray:[AnyObject]) {