Connect with Backend Server - rest

I'm new in developing Xamarin app and I'm not a backend developer. I use VS 2017 to develop Mobile App.
Can anyone please give me links how to create a REST API (Json type) to connect with Backend server? I need to retrieve data from my company server.
The app will take many parameters as database name, table name and return a dataset of all the records. I know that the RESTful can be build for specific table but how can I code the RESTful API can take parameters as databases and tables bases on the input on my Xamarin app.
Please help. and how can I display the record in list view on Xamarin app as I did for my Android app. Thank you.
If you have other way to connect with .NET core server.Please tell me solution.

Use Refit, install with nuget. They have very detailed docs and how to use:

You could use Restsharp for your problem: It's a easy to use and quite popular REST/HTTP Client Libary.


Ionic Creator exported, how to make database and server?

So I am making a hybrid app and have used Ionic Creator to design the UI which I have now exported. So I now have an Ionic wrapper (I think) with all the pages and tabs linking nicely. However, no functionality e.g database. Please could someone tell me what to do next as I am very confused. Do I need to set up a server as well? And which is the best database solution to work with Ionic?
Thanks in advance.
Not just a C dummy, also a web dummy
Yes, You have to Set up Server by yourself.
you can use any Back-end Language for this e.g
1) Node.Js
2) PHP
3) C#
4) Java
5) Python
For Nodejs see this Example Nodejs Example Server
Your can use Any data base of your choice. like MySql, Sql server, MongoDB or Firebase.

How to maintain app master data at server end?

I'm trying to build an API which can be used to update some master data in my app. It contains various drop-downs for city, country etc. Whenever I add new data in these drop-downs, I need the apps to hit this API once a day and get the latest data. Also, if the API is requested older data (from older apps), it should be able to return such data based on some date query parameter.
What's the best way to create such an API?
Also, the API needs to be RESTful and will be exposed to Android/iOS environments.
API should be able to return so based on some date query parameter.
You can use two columns created_at and updated_at in you tables schema. So how can this will useful for your situation:
Whenever some one hitting api without date parameter, you are return all data which are created before current time.
Whenever some one hitting api with date parameter then you can return data which are created before value of date parameter.
Obviously you have to write complete logic for this at server side
Please explore one of the Mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS) products for your long term needs.
Here are some players:
BaasBox: Open source backend
Backendless: Allows
developers to have an instant backend without writing server-side
Apigee App Services: provides a lot of free storage, push notification, analytics etc.
Appcelerator: An BaaS targeted at the Enterprise audience.
For the short run you may want to try to embed some quick javascript code to return the JSON response for you.
I would put a spin on #Santanu's suggestion of using BaaS. I would recommend using a BaaS during the development phase of your project.
When the iPhone and Android Apps have been developed and tested, replace the Baas-based server components with a in-house built RESTful server.
This approach has a couple of benefits. It lets you divide the effort into two distinct parts: the client changes to your product, and the building of your server component.
I assume your company's current expertise lies in App development, so it should be easier for you all to upgrade your applications to use the BaaS-based APIs.
It will also be much easier to reiterate and refine your data components and models using a mature BaaS server.
With Apps using data requests to populate the drop-downs from a BaaS-based RESTful API, and stable working data models and data sets hosted in the BaaS servers, it will be much faster to start building your own RESTful service.
When you run into issues, you will be confident they are in the server side code. You can run A/B tests with the same Apps against two versions of the server and ensure the client experience is the same.
You could continue to use the BaaS Server for rapid prototyping and developing API extensions.

preparing cms for iphone app development

I have created an iphone app which basically pulls json feeds into my iphone..I have created the JSON file manually and put the jSON file in My FTP far as updation are concered the client gives me the updation via email or skype which i then update my JSON file that is in the server.what i want to develop is a Backened CMS so that the client is able to handle the maintanenece.i m a noob as far CMS is concerned,which is the best place to wordpress a better..Any advice on how this can be achived would be helpful
Appnx has a pretty neat backend.
iPhone-CMS uses TYPO3 as the backend and can generate native apps.
Please take a look at our JSON-based StorageRoom CMS. We built many mobile apps ourselves and always had the content problem, so one day we created our own CMS.

Are there any sites which creates and stores database for iPhone apps?

I know about which allows us to easily create database for iphone and store it there. They also let you create APIs to connect to this database.
Only problem is that I am not sure whether we can access this database for viewing it on a website.
I would like to know if there are any other sites which does similar thing?
You can access Kumulos from an asp.NET using the JSON protocol.
There is example PHP code and its very simple to do, would be easy to accomplish the same thing in ASP.

Searching MySQL with iphone SDK?

I am a bit of a newbie when i comes to iphone dev, but was wondering the best way to retrieve informations form a MySQL database.
I have a load of information via a website all stored on a database which changes daily and wanted to build an app that pulled in the information depending on parameters.
What would be the best way to achieve this? Can you grab info from MySQL or would a XML feed be a safer bet?
Build RESTful web services that hide your MySQL database and then consume them from your iPhone app.