Ionic Creator exported, how to make database and server? - ionic-framework

So I am making a hybrid app and have used Ionic Creator to design the UI which I have now exported. So I now have an Ionic wrapper (I think) with all the pages and tabs linking nicely. However, no functionality e.g database. Please could someone tell me what to do next as I am very confused. Do I need to set up a server as well? And which is the best database solution to work with Ionic?
Thanks in advance.
Not just a C dummy, also a web dummy

Yes, You have to Set up Server by yourself.
you can use any Back-end Language for this e.g
1) Node.Js
2) PHP
3) C#
4) Java
5) Python
For Nodejs see this Example Nodejs Example Server
Your can use Any data base of your choice. like MySql, Sql server, MongoDB or Firebase.


is there any other way to make backend in flutter without firebase

currently, I am using firebase for the backend but is there any path I have to learn to do backend without using firebase since it's limited free
Yes you can create backend with nodejs and connect nodejs with your flutter app. There are plenty of resources for learning how to connect nodejs backend with flutter app
Yes. You can use Python, node js, PHP-laravel.. It depends on the projects. According to the project, you can choose the backend.
"backend in flutter" ? , Flutter is framework in which we use dart programming language so the question is wrong. But perhaps you want to ask something else, which I was also exploring during my initial years.
For realtime database you can use mongo with polling (with or without even any server since you can even poll and crud in database with flutter itself).
For firebase cloud functions you either make your own APIs (with any backend say nodejs , Django , php..) and call them with Cron jobs or use mongo trigger.
For app performance monitoring , you first need to take data from your app itself and then store it in database and then need to make a web panel for showing that data in interactive manner.
Firebase hosting can't be your case so skipping it.
I hope that clears your doubt.
try supabase or rethinkdb + rust

Ionic Framework different databases

I am new to Ionic, currently learning to develop using Ionic. I just have a question, I don't know if it is possible.
My plan is to create an Ionic app, one application/code base only, for browser as admin, and mobile app for the user. I will limit their access based on the user.
Is it possible that I have two different database on my app?
On my browser I will use REST API to connect to MySQL.
On the generated mobile app, I will use an offline database.
Hope you can enlighten me. The goal is to develop a one application for web and mobile app. But I don't know if it is possible.
Thank you.
Your question is not very clear, I will try to answer according to what I understood.
You didn't mention the back-end, so I am assuming you are using the same data structure for both, e.g(user has id and name and phone, in both, identically)
In this case you can create a setting file where you will save your constant connection strings along with any necessary information(create a any-name.ts file in your root folder and just write down
export let example = {...}
and whenever you need, just import your any-name.ts and use the object inside.
If the data structure is also different, I thinks you will be doing massive works to maintain such an app, but the idea would be creating 2 of each functionalities having the same output but different inputs.
P.S in both cases I mentioned you will need to detect the platform to define which function/information is adequate.

Connect with Backend Server

I'm new in developing Xamarin app and I'm not a backend developer. I use VS 2017 to develop Mobile App.
Can anyone please give me links how to create a REST API (Json type) to connect with Backend server? I need to retrieve data from my company server.
The app will take many parameters as database name, table name and return a dataset of all the records. I know that the RESTful can be build for specific table but how can I code the RESTful API can take parameters as databases and tables bases on the input on my Xamarin app.
Please help. and how can I display the record in list view on Xamarin app as I did for my Android app. Thank you.
If you have other way to connect with .NET core server.Please tell me solution.
Use Refit, install with nuget. They have very detailed docs and how to use:
You could use Restsharp for your problem: It's a easy to use and quite popular REST/HTTP Client Libary.

Connect existing Drupal page with PhoneGap iOS App

I have an existing page based on Drupal and going to develop a phoneGap iOS App. That means I just need the information of the existing page and want to fill these data in the new app.
My Question is now, do somebody know weather there is a work around or work flow to do so resp. how can I connect the existing page with another page or in my case phoneGap to get just the data? I'm new with Drupal and phoneGap so maybe you have some pages with information, tutorials or some help how to do this.
Thanks in advance yves
Drupal offers a module called "Services" which will allow you to get data or services from your website. You may need to create your own methods on that module to get the information you want to retrieve.
As for the iOS side, you can retrieve the data via XML-RPC, Rest or whatever communication protocol you choose at the server side, or go all the way with drupal-ios.
You should start looking for the Services module and play with it. You will have an embedded console on that module to test the methods.
Once you're finish with that, take a look at drupal-ios or go deep with your own implementation via XML-RPC or whatever.

How to store data client side?

I'm working on a web app using eclipse and gwt. I need to store some data. If I was building this for android, I'd use an sqlite db. But I'm making this for a Chrome Packaged App, the data needs to be stored with the client and remain there. I can't think of what to search for, does anybody have an example or tutorial or guidance? thanks
If you are allowed to use HTML5, Local storage will suit you best.
More info here and here.
GWT actually already has this.
Check it out:
You have tagged this as HTML 5 so I suggest trying localStorage?
The Chrome browser supports sqlite as well; should work more or less straight out of the box (at least it does for my apps). At least on modern Chrome releases.
Because you're building a Chrome Packaged App, you can use any storage API supported by Chrome. That includes Web Storage and Web Database, as others have already said, but also (on recent versions of Chrome, so it depends on your schedule) File API and Indexed DB.
Everything you can do in JS, you can do it in GWT.
As others have said, GWT gives you built-in access to Web Storage. The gwt-mobile-webkit project brings you Web Database. If you prefer the File API or Indexed DB, then you can use JSNI to access them from your GWT code (unless someone else already wrote a wrapper library).
If you choose the Web Database (which is just SQLite accessible from JS), you might want to set the unlimitedStorage permission.