Are there any sites which creates and stores database for iPhone apps? - iphone

I know about which allows us to easily create database for iphone and store it there. They also let you create APIs to connect to this database.
Only problem is that I am not sure whether we can access this database for viewing it on a website.
I would like to know if there are any other sites which does similar thing?

You can access Kumulos from an asp.NET using the JSON protocol.
There is example PHP code and its very simple to do, would be easy to accomplish the same thing in ASP.


How to Learn/Create a Database iPhone App?

I have a rather simple idea for an iPhone app. What I need to accomplish:
Allow login of users (which means I'll have to store usernames, passwords, and other account info).
Allow users to submit strings that other users can view.
Attributes attached to each string that must be tracked (i.e. "votes, views, comments, etc.).
As such, I assume I'll need to start learning about databases and working between a server and client. I've gotten my feet wet in OSX/iOS programming (specifically Objective-C) before. I want to learn how one can accomplish a data-based application and the needs I listed above.
I've done some light research and discovered something called SQLite (free and open-source is always good). Is this the right path to achieve what I want to do? I'm a total "noob" when it comes to this field of server/client/data "stuff".
Your help is greatly appreciated.
SQLLite is more like a local database. Really, the database that you will use is unimportant. It sounds like a project with webservices. Inside your webservices, you might connect to a Microsoft SQL Server or anything you want.
I think you should study how to setup a webservice that can be accessed in your code. Webservices is not an Objective-C topic, it applies to any platform. Your project is more like a web development project.
You can save user's credentials in keychain.
#Kinderchocolate is right about introducing database into your project.
It hears about a app which need transmitting data among clients.It means your need server database and local database.
For server database,I recommend you to use Parse.Parse is a platform which provide a convenient way to use their server database with Objective-c in your app.This tool will save many times and energy(it's not necessary to learn PHP,Apache,Mysql).Parse is not free of course,but it has a free period and enough for you to examine your idea.
Here's Parse!.
For local database,I recommend you to use Core Data,Which is provided by XCode.Core data is so strong to meet your need.You can find a way to use Core Data in many books.
Go try Firebase for database in the cloud. (On the server). In Swift 4 there is complete support for Firebase and SQLite

What is the best way to connect an iphone app to a mysql database?

I want the way with the fastest execution time. I'm not feeling comfortable of using web service because i need to create separate php pages and retrieve data as xml. If you think its good to use web service please tell me why. I want to code my database queries right on my c/objective c pages.
I've been searching for libraries. I saw this sequel pro - won't i have any problems on using this - like licensing issues? I also saw this libmysqlclient of cocoa but some say its not working well. I've also read about a library developed by Karl Kraft found here but don't know if i could trust this.
I would really appreciate you help.
Definitely build a web service to act as an abstraction layer to your database. Here are some significant reasons in my opinion:
Since you want speed, you will be able to add caching when using the webservice, so you will essentially eliminate the need for identical queries to run (sometimes).
If you need to change your data model later, you just have to modify the webservice backend and don't have to update your app.
You can better control security by not exposing the database to the world, and keep it safe behind the web service.
Your database credentials should not be stored in an app. What if you needed to change those?
I strongly suggest a web service. Hope this helps.
Connect to your DB by PHP and output the result as JSON
is much better and faster then xml and less coding if use JSON Framework.
and never never try to connect to your DB from your iphone because it easy to sniff out the request from iphone.
Being safe then Sorry, keep that in mind

iPhone SDK & MySQL Remote Database

I've tried looking around but honestly not finding much help. I am mostly seeking for advice as to how I should approach to develop what I am thinking.
I want to accomplish something like this.
Imagine a website, with a backend database. This database contains information fed by users themselves. The website is fully functional, now I want users to be able to have the same functionality on their iPhones. I don't use a local database because I want all users to be able to have access to the same database, and this changes constantly.
What would be the best approach to:
Allow users to access all the information currently available on the website (database perspective).
Able to edit & add new entries to the database
I don't know if me creating an array to hold all this data would be wise to do. Specially with large amounts of data. I dont know how well it can scale.
Should I create a duplicate SQL lite database on the phone itself duplicating that of that website? What do you guys feel would be a good approach to this?
Comments, links, references would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like the perfect time to create an API for your website. If the size of you application is not very big, you can use the same database, but would be good to run the API separated from the web server.
Essentially, such an API should allow you to make requests to certain URLs for retrieving, updating and deleting information from the database.
Depending on what server-side platform you are currently using, there are many options.
Client-side, your iPhone app can use or if you feel confident.

Acessing a wordpress database from an iPhone App

I've been asked to create an app that will get data back from a database where the CMS will be Wordpress. I've never used a CMS so I'm trying to get a (overview)picture in my head of how it could all work and what each of the components would be. And what a CMS actually brings to the party.
Creating the app itself is pretty clear. I've done a few already. I've made a database before and shouldnt cause a problem.
But what is going to be in the middle between the app and the database?
Part A:
I'm guessing iphone apps typically would call some php file that's hosted on the server? The php then would make a call to the database and return the data somehow, maybe as xml. But this is really basic and wouldnt require a CMS. Just a database and a phpfile, or am I wrong?
Part B:
If i wanted to run a check on the database every minute to see if any of the data in database was no longer valid and remove it if needed, that would require somekind of program running on the server. So that program would be Wordpress, since it is managing the content, so a content management system is actually needed and is for these kind of taskes. Am i understanding the role of CMS?
Many Thanks,
Part A: Yes, that's definitely how it would normally work. Of course, you're not accessing "a" database, you're accessing the database WordPress creates, but otherwise, sure.
Part B: The role of a CMS is to provide a structured, easily-edited way of presenting information. It abstracts both the database and the user interface stuff, allowing the CMS administrator to CRUD data via the use of simple forms.
In your case, no, you wouldn't (usually) ask the WordPress software to provide information because it's not set up to provide data that's programmatically requested. Instead it's designed to display HTML pages with the data embedded. The WordPress software is specifically for humans to CRUD the data through a human-friendly interface. You'd write your own, as in Part A.
This article shows some basic PHP for retrieving blog entries and user comments, likely most of what you'd want. The WordPress database format is well-documented: here's an article that lays it out and provides more PHP examples for retrieving the information.
Have a look how the Wordpress for iOS team is doing it:
I would not try to access the db directly or through some custom php-code, but use the official WordPress API (which uses xml-rpc) instead.
and this xml-rpc objective-c library might even make this a pretty straightforward exercise?

Online MySQL database in Objective-C

I'm writing a game for iPhone, and I want an online leaderboard using mySQL, which i'm very familiar with.
How do I implement this in my app?
I would assume there's a framework/library i need to obtain?
You don't.
You most certainly DO NOT want to expose and publish your database connection to the "live" internet. That's simply folly.
The database listeners simply aren't designed to work over such an unrestricted domain. They tend to live sheltered lives.
Instead, you should front your database with another service that IS designed for the wilds of the internet. This service can handle the authentication, encryption, load balancing, etc. requirements that good internet servers support.
Most folks today use some variant of web service, posting XML or JSON, but you can do whatever you want.
But don't open the DB connection to the live internet. You're just asking for trouble.
You should abstract the DB technology from the app, wrap your MySQL DB with a simple web service and run it on a web server, then you can use standard HTTP requests to interact with your database from your app.
My suggestions (not by any means the only way to do this)...
Use Django (or some other simple web framework) to wrap your database model, you can ever have django generate the code from your existing DB schema.
Write a few basic views to modify your DB using basic HTTP POST calls and send the username and score data in the POST data
Write a few simple pages that return the data you want in an XML format that you app can parse and display however you want, these are essentially just very simple generated web pages.
Now you have a publicly accessible leaderboard server that your app can interface with by posting scores and retrieving data through simple socket HTTP calls.
This may be outside your scope, but have you considered using OpenFeint instead to do Leaderboards and more? There's no actual framework/library from Apple to create a leaderboard in GameKit. You have to write one yourself from scratch. Although, using the OpenFeint library would give you all this for you, but that's if you want to use it.
More information here on a tutorial to do just what you're asking.