Issue with custom exim filter - email

I am attempting to create some rules to help deal with the outbound spam we've seen lately from our customers being compromised. To do this I'm using an Exim filter and I need to discard the emails which includes numbers from 0-9 for example:
$sender_address: contains ""
$header_subject: contains "^([0-9]+)\#domain\.com"
However, the filter is not working as expected. I want to discard the emails which are received from like |
I tried many tricks, but none of them was working.

For the regex matching, try using matches instead of contains
$header_subject: matches "^([0-9]+)\#domain\.com"


Add date header to incoming email with Sieve

I'm looking for a way to do in Sieve something that I've been doing in Procmail for years, which is to insert an unambiguous date header in incoming messages that makes it clear to me -- independent of buried "received" headers from possibly multiple servers and however my mail client interprets the date the message was sent -- when my server received the message. This is how I did it in Procmail:
# First create the "date_received" variable for my time zone:
date_received=`/bin/date -ud '+2 hour' +'%A %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0200'`
# Second, insert the header containing the date_received variable:
:0 fh w
| formail -i "X-Local-Date-Received: $date_received"
I found "addheader" (RFC 5293) which will, obviously, add a header, but due to something else I read (sorry, don't remember where) I believe that Sieve won't run the "date" command in the shell due to either a limitation or an intended (and understandable) preference not to run shell commands for security reasons.
Other possibly useful information: I'm doing this through Roundcube 1.3.6, but I have a feeling (also due to something I read) that Roundcube might overwrite a custom Sieve filter set if I edit the raw code within Roundcube. If necessary I'm quite happy to edit or create a Sieve configuration file on the server directly to achieve this for all users on the server, but having run Sendmail and Procmail for years I'm unsure of the best place to do this.
As a test in Roundcube I added this at the top of my Sieve filter set:
require ["fileinto","editheader"];
# rule:[test editheader]
if true
addheader "X-Test-Header" "This is a test header.";
I didn't actually add the line "require ["fileinto","editheader"];"; I just added "editheader" to the existing line at the top of the filter set, like so:
require ["copy","fileinto","regex","editheader"];
I expect this to add ...
X-Test-Header: This is a test header.
... to every incoming message, but Roundcube won't let me save it:
An error occurred.
Unable to save filter. Server error occurred.
A search for this error returns one related result, with no solution posted.
I'm not intending to focus on Roundcube, however. Like I said earlier, I'll add this Sieve filter from the command line if necessary.
The Pigeonhole Sieve Editheader extension isn't available by default. Per its documentation, you need to ensure it's added in your list of sieve extensions on the server:
plugin {
# Use editheader
sieve_extensions = +editheader
If you want to run arbitrary scripts using sieve on Dovecot like you can with procmail, then you can use its external programs plugins, configure in Dovecot which external programs you want to allow users to use, and then the users can use the "vnd.dovecot.execute" extension to run those programs. You might be able to use this to port over whatever scripts you used with procmail.
In the general case, the purpose of sieve is for users to be able to configure their own mail filtering, while it seems like you're trying to actually do something globally for the server. Dovecot should add its own Received header when it processes the mail, which is the standard method for marking when a mail system gets a message, so it's not clear to me why you're not just using that, or what changes you want to make to its default behavior. It may be that what you're looking to do may be better handled in your mail transport agent rather than in your mail delivery agent.
Here is my sieve script that converts Received to Date:
require "editheader";
require "regex";
require "variables";
if not exists "Date" {
if header :regex "Received" "^from[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+by[[:space:]][[:space:]]+with[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+for[[:space:]]+.*;(.*)$" {
addheader :last "Date" "${1}";
Note that is a stand-in for the actual mail server address, which means it only matches the header when the message was received on a specific mail server. I made this work with dovecot-
You can use date plugin. See: rfc5260:
require "date";
require "editheader";
if currentdate :matches "std11" "*" {
addheader :last "X-Local-Date-Received" "${1}";

Exclude multiple senders in gmail filter

I've been trying to set up a Gmail filter which should include all mail that was CC'ed to user A, but not those emails which are also addressed to user B or C (or both of them).
In other words, I want the filter to select emails that were sent only to user A, but if it was also sent to anyone else on the team (B or C), it should not select them.
This is what I was trying to write, but it didn't work: -{ or}
This what I did and it worked fine: -{} -{}
You may refer with this forum. Try removing the unwanted label manually from the already labeled emails. Also based from this thread, if you want to exclude emails sent to from a search, the syntax you would be using would be -to:''.

Adding what special characters make two email addresses same (Eg: adding . makes ==

I know that in Google if we use == both are considered same. Similarly adding what characters make two email addresses same?
This will depend on the recipients email provider, gmail do ignore '.' in the first part of the email as you say. But I wouldn't assume that hotmail, yahoo, corporates etc do the same.
Similarly, if you find another character that is ignored by one provider, I would be very careful about assuming other providers do the same.

How can I be sure an email address is unique?

There's a pub in my town whereby, if you sign up to their newsletter using their website and provide a "unique" email address, you get a free drink. On a whim, I decided to sign up a second time using It let me. I'm now sitting on a nice comfy pile of free drink vouchers.
This got me thinking about a system we have here, where the email address is considered the unique identifier. Checking the code, sure enough, if we were offering vouchers in our business, someone else would be sitting pretty.
The basic, stab-in-the-dark, fix is to check for the "+" character and ignore everything after it (up to the #), and compare using that. But I am unsure if this was the intent for the + character. Would that work?
Secondly, are there any other caveats that would allow a user to sign up multiple times with a seemingly different email address, but which actually would always end up in the same mailbox?
This question is language-agnostic.
While using a plus sign as an e-mail address alias is a known feature of gmail, other mailers do either not allow it or use a minus sign instead. '+' is a legitimate character to be used as part of an email address according to the RFC.
The use of '.' is also a gray area. and send also both to the same email address and look different.
In order to validate the uniqueness of an email address you will have to prepare a rule base for your application, keep it up to date and still expect surprises...

Is it possible to include comments inside a non email host name?

I am working on a more complete email validator in java and came across an interesting ability to embed comments within an email both in the "username" and "address" portions.
The following snippet from has this to say about comments within an email.
Comments are text surrounded by parentheses (like these). These are OK but don't form part of the address. In other words mail sent to will go to the same place as first(a).last(b)#example(c).com(d). Strange but true.
Do emails like this really exist ?
Is it possible to form hosts like this ?
I tried entering an url such as "google(ignore).com" but firefox and some other browsers failed and i was wondering is this because its it wrong or is it because they dont know about host name comments ?
That syntax -- comments within an addr-spec -- was indeed permissible by the original email RFC, RFC 822. However, the placement of comments like you'd like to use them was deprecated when that RFC was revised by RFC 2822... 10 years ago. It's still marked as obsolete in the current version, RFC 5322. There's no good excuse for emitting anything using that syntax.
Address parsers are supposed to be backwards-compatible in order to cover all conceivable cases, including 10-years-deprecated bits like the one you're trying to take advantage of here. But I'll bet that many, many receiving mail agents will fail to properly parse out those comments. So even though you may have technically found a loophole via the "obsolete addressing" section of the RFC, it's not likely to do you much good in practice.
As for HTTP, the syntax rules aren't the same as email syntax rules. As you're seeing, the comment section from RFC 822 isn't applicable.
Just because you can do it in the spec, doesn't mean that you should. For example, Gmail will not accept that comment format for address.
Second, (to your last point), paren-comments being allowed in email addresses doesn't mean that they work for URLs.
Finally, my advice: I'd tailor the completeness of your validator to your requirements. If you're writing a new MTA (mail transfer agent), you'll probably have to do it all. If you're writing a validator for a user input, keep it simple:
look for one #,
make sure you have stuff before (username) and after (domain name),
make sure you have a "dot" in the hostname string,
[extra credit] do a DNS lookup of the hostname to make sure it resolves.