Add date header to incoming email with Sieve - email

I'm looking for a way to do in Sieve something that I've been doing in Procmail for years, which is to insert an unambiguous date header in incoming messages that makes it clear to me -- independent of buried "received" headers from possibly multiple servers and however my mail client interprets the date the message was sent -- when my server received the message. This is how I did it in Procmail:
# First create the "date_received" variable for my time zone:
date_received=`/bin/date -ud '+2 hour' +'%A %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0200'`
# Second, insert the header containing the date_received variable:
:0 fh w
| formail -i "X-Local-Date-Received: $date_received"
I found "addheader" (RFC 5293) which will, obviously, add a header, but due to something else I read (sorry, don't remember where) I believe that Sieve won't run the "date" command in the shell due to either a limitation or an intended (and understandable) preference not to run shell commands for security reasons.
Other possibly useful information: I'm doing this through Roundcube 1.3.6, but I have a feeling (also due to something I read) that Roundcube might overwrite a custom Sieve filter set if I edit the raw code within Roundcube. If necessary I'm quite happy to edit or create a Sieve configuration file on the server directly to achieve this for all users on the server, but having run Sendmail and Procmail for years I'm unsure of the best place to do this.
As a test in Roundcube I added this at the top of my Sieve filter set:
require ["fileinto","editheader"];
# rule:[test editheader]
if true
addheader "X-Test-Header" "This is a test header.";
I didn't actually add the line "require ["fileinto","editheader"];"; I just added "editheader" to the existing line at the top of the filter set, like so:
require ["copy","fileinto","regex","editheader"];
I expect this to add ...
X-Test-Header: This is a test header.
... to every incoming message, but Roundcube won't let me save it:
An error occurred.
Unable to save filter. Server error occurred.
A search for this error returns one related result, with no solution posted.
I'm not intending to focus on Roundcube, however. Like I said earlier, I'll add this Sieve filter from the command line if necessary.

The Pigeonhole Sieve Editheader extension isn't available by default. Per its documentation, you need to ensure it's added in your list of sieve extensions on the server:
plugin {
# Use editheader
sieve_extensions = +editheader
If you want to run arbitrary scripts using sieve on Dovecot like you can with procmail, then you can use its external programs plugins, configure in Dovecot which external programs you want to allow users to use, and then the users can use the "vnd.dovecot.execute" extension to run those programs. You might be able to use this to port over whatever scripts you used with procmail.
In the general case, the purpose of sieve is for users to be able to configure their own mail filtering, while it seems like you're trying to actually do something globally for the server. Dovecot should add its own Received header when it processes the mail, which is the standard method for marking when a mail system gets a message, so it's not clear to me why you're not just using that, or what changes you want to make to its default behavior. It may be that what you're looking to do may be better handled in your mail transport agent rather than in your mail delivery agent.

Here is my sieve script that converts Received to Date:
require "editheader";
require "regex";
require "variables";
if not exists "Date" {
if header :regex "Received" "^from[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+by[[:space:]][[:space:]]+with[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+for[[:space:]]+.*;(.*)$" {
addheader :last "Date" "${1}";
Note that is a stand-in for the actual mail server address, which means it only matches the header when the message was received on a specific mail server. I made this work with dovecot-

You can use date plugin. See: rfc5260:
require "date";
require "editheader";
if currentdate :matches "std11" "*" {
addheader :last "X-Local-Date-Received" "${1}";


Why is the DATA in SMTP not null terminated?

I was reading the original RPC about the SMTP Protocol and came across this section:
SMTP indicates the end of the
mail data by sending a line containing only a period.
Why did Postel decide to use the period as the terminator? Would it not be easier to use the already existing null terminator?
I see, that he would not want the users content to interfere with the protocol, but I would naively assume, that a user is more likely to use a period in one line than a null terminator?
Added to that, would the implementation of the mail client not just cut of the text if the user came to use the null terminator his mail contents?
IMHO: SMTP has be designed long time ago to be human readable/writable.
It is pretty simple to test (send simple SMTP messages) typing them by hand via telnet program.
"Human readable" makes null terminator a suboptimal choice.
EMSMTP design is a fossil of pre-spam era. It is bad (by current standards) but it is so widely implemented and sufficiently good (after fixes) to make any quick revolution "not sufficiently urgent".
Extra info: Seen RFC 3030 for BDAT alternative to DATA command.

Get Queue ID during execution of Postfix before-queue (perl) milter

Trying to write a milter for Postfix to tie the presence of certain headers in an email to the destination IP address and TCP Port of the outbound relay host.
Following the Postfix milter guide it seems I need to implement a before-queue milter.
Doing so using the Sendmail::Milter perl module.
I can get at everything I need in the headers, envelope, etc except for the ultimate destination (IP and port) that it will be relayed to. Obviously that makes sense for a before-queue milter.
Where to get the relay information?
Looking at our Postfix logs I can see messages of the following format:
TIMESTAMP HOST postfix/qmgr[pid]: XXXXXXXXXX: log message here
TIMESTAMP HOST postfix/smtp[pid]: XXXXXXXXXX: log message here
TIMESTAMP HOST postfix/smtpd[pid]: XXXXXXXXXX: log message here
Some of the log lines have the relay information I'm looking for, i.e:
<TIMESTAMP> <HOST> postfix/smtp[pid]: XXXXXXXXXX: to=EMAIL, relay=HOST[ADDR]:PORT, ...
That ADDR and PORT is exactly what I'm looking for. The XXXXXXXXXX is what seems to tie it all together in the logs. I'm led to believe that this is called the 'Queue ID' or 'Job ID' depending on what you're talking about.
If I could get at that XXXXXXXXXX Queue/Job ID from the milter, then it'd be no problem to tie the logs together.
It looks like I might be able to get at some vendor specific information by calling $ctx->getsymval SYMNAME from the callbacks.
Additional information is passed in to the vendor filter routines using symbols.
Symbols correspond closely to sendmail macros. The symbols defined depend on the
context. SYMNAME is the name of the symbol to access.
This function returns the value of the symbol name SYMNAME.
The milter guide has code like the following to get at the 'Queue ID':
/* Determine the job ID for logging. */
if (dfc->mctx_jobid == 0 || strcmp(dfc->mctx_jobid, JOBIDUNKNOWN) == 0) {
char *jobid = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "i");
if (jobid != 0)
dfc->mctx_jobid = jobid;
I just can't figure out if I can get at that jobid via getsymval (and what the SYMNAME might be), or via some other context method.
Any ideas?
Use below to get queue_id.
my $queue_id = $ctx->getsymval('i');

phpmailer error codes for outcome processing

I am building a mailout capability and it is working OK as far as it goes. However, I want to distinguish between various potential (high level) outcomes in order to determine what happens to each message after the current send attempt.
This must be a common requirement so I seem to be missing something pretty obvious, but I can't find anything that addresses it, either here or via Google or on PHPMailer site or .. . Possibly because there are so many questions about specific errors that I just can't find anything useful in all the other results.
At very high level:
Attempt send, and assess resulting error/result. Identify whether this message has been sent, must be retried later, or failed permanently.
- success -> update message status as 'SENT: OK'
- sent, but some issues (e.g. one recipient failed, others processed OK)-> 'SENT: some error'
- failed, due to temporary problem (e.g. connection problem, attachment open) -> 'TRY LATER'
- failed, due to message-specific problem that we should NOT try to resend-> 'FAILED: some error'
As I was unable to find an existing resource with e.g. a table of errors, I spent some time working through the phpmailerException code to try to build one myself, but it's not simple because a) they don't appear to have been designed in terms of this kind of grouping logic, b) it is not easy to uniquely identify a particular error: PHPMailer provides human-friendly messages, which are different in different languages, rather than an identifiable code - given that my solution will need to work across different language installations that's a problem!
Obviously SMTP itself provides a range of errorcodes which I could potentially use for this purpose, but how do I access these via PHPMailer? (This would work for me as I only use SMTP at this point - however, this would NOT work if other message transport like sendmail was used, so I would prefer a PHPMailer solution)
If you want individual result codes for individual address, you really need to send each message separately. If you do get errors on some recipients, they will be listed in the ErrorInfo property - look in the smtpSend function to see how the error string is assembled. I agree that it's not especially easy to parse that info out. The error messages in PHPMailer are generally more for the developer than the end user, so the translations are not that significant. You can get slightly more information about errors if you enable exceptions rather than relying only on return values.

How to make an email bot that replies to users not reply to auto-responses and get itself into mail loops

I have a bot that replies to users. But sometimes when my bot sends its reply, the user or their email provider will auto-respond (vacation message, bounce message, error from mailer-daemon, etc). That is then a new message from the user (so my bot thinks) that it in turn replies to. Mail loop!
I'd like my bot to only reply to real emails from real humans. I'm currently filtering out email that admits to being bulk precedence or from a mailing list or has the Auto-Submitted header equal to "auto-replied" or "auto-generated" (see code below). But I imagine there's a more comprehensive or standard way to deal with this. (I'm happy to see solutions in other languages besides Perl.)
NB: Remember to have your own bot declare that it is autoresponding! Include
Auto-Submitted: auto-reply
in the header of your bot's email.
My original code for avoiding mail loops follows. Only reply if realmail returns true.
sub realmail {
my($email) = #_;
$email =~ /\nSubject\:\s*([^\n]*)\n/s;
my $subject = $1;
$email =~ /\nPrecedence\:\s*([^\n]*)\n/s;
my $precedence = $1;
$email =~ /\nAuto-Submitted\:\s*([^\n]*)\n/s;
my $autosub = $1;
return !($precedence =~ /bulk|list|junk/i ||
$autosub =~ /(auto\-replied|auto\-generated)/i ||
$subject =~ /^undelivered mail returned to sender$/i
(The Subject check is surely unnecessary; I just added these checks one at a time as problems arose and the above now seems to work so I don't want to touch it unless there's something definitively better.)
RFC 3834 provides some guidance for what you should do, but here are some concrete guidelines:
Set your envelope sender to a different email address than your auto-responder so bounces don't feed back into the system.
I always store in a database a key of when an email response was sent from a specific address to another address. Under no circumstance will I ever respond to the same address more than once in a 10 minute period. This alone stopped all loops, but doesn't ensure nice behavior (auto-responses to mailing lists are annoying).
Make sure you add any permutation of header that other people are matching on to stop loops. Here's the list I use:
X-Loop: autoresponder
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
Precedence: bulk (autoreply)
Here are some header regex's I use to avoid loops and to try to play nice:
I also avoid responding if any of these are the envelop senders:
if ($sender eq ""
|| $sender =~ /^(?:request|owner|admin|bounce|bounces)-|-(?:request|owner|admin|bounce|bounces)\#|^(?:mailer-daemon|postmaster|daemon|majordomo|ma
ilman|bounce)\#|(?:listserv|listsrv)/i) {
That really sounds like something that's probably available as a module from CPAN, but I didn't find anything clearly relevant in five minutes of searching. Mail::Lite::Mbox::Processor looks like it might do what you want:
Mail::Lite::Message::Matcher is a
framework for automated mail
processing. For example you have a
mail server and you have a need to
process some types of incoming mail
messages automatically. For example,
you can extract automated
notifications, invoices, alerts etc.
from your mail flow and perform some
tasks based on content of those
but its docs are sparse enough that it isn't immediately obvious whether it provides those example functions itself or if you have to provide the code to drive them.
In any case, though, if you haven't already checked CPAN, that's where I would start if I wanted to do something like this.
My answer here only deals with bounces which is more straightforward.
Using DSN (Delivery Status Notification) identifier will help you detect a DSN/bounced message. It should go to Return-Path and not Reply-To.
Here's a sample of a typical DSN message. The header information includes the message id, content type has specific values (delivery-status) etc.
Not able to provide you any codes in perl, just my 2 cents of idea.
PS: Do note that not all mail servers or MTA conforms to this, but I guess most do.
There should be a standard way of dealing with this, but the problem is that you'd have to assume that systems that send auto-replies comply to that standard, when most the time, they just don't.
How do you get the address that you reply to? I hope you aren't using the From: header. Check the Reply-to: header first and if that doesn't exist, use the Return-path:.
But whatever you do, you will simply have to keep a log of what you sent to whom and throttle your bot to some sensible value of messages per time.

Correct format of an Return-Path header

My application uses sendmail to send outbound email. I set the 'From:' address using the following format:
Fred Dibnah <>
I'm also setting the Reply-To and Return-Path headers using the exact same format.
This seems to work in the vast majority of cases but I have seen at least one instance in which this fails, namely when the name part of the above string contains a period (full stop):
Fred Dibnah, Inc. <>
This fails deep inside the TMail code (I'm using Ruby) but it seems like a perfectly valid thing to do.
My question is, should I actually be setting the Return-Path and Reply-To headers using only the email address as opposed to the above Name + Email format? E.g.
In a situation like this, it is best to turn to the RFCs.
Upon reading up on your question, it appears as if You shouldn't be setting the Return-Path value ever. The final destination SMTP server is supposed to be setting this value as it transitions the message to your mailbox ( starting at 4.4).
According to the Reply-To field can have the following formats
local-part "#" domain ( for example)
display-name (Fred Dibna for example)
I would recommend using option 1 as it seems to be the most basic, and you will likely have less issues with that format. In choosing option 1, your Reply-To field should look like the following: