Exclude multiple senders in gmail filter - email

I've been trying to set up a Gmail filter which should include all mail that was CC'ed to user A, but not those emails which are also addressed to user B or C (or both of them).
In other words, I want the filter to select emails that were sent only to user A, but if it was also sent to anyone else on the team (B or C), it should not select them.
This is what I was trying to write, but it didn't work:
A#gmail.com -{B#gmail.com or C#gmail.com}

This what I did and it worked fine:
A#gmail.com -{B#gmail.com} -{C#gmail.com}

You may refer with this forum. Try removing the unwanted label manually from the already labeled emails. Also based from this thread, if you want to exclude emails sent to C#gmail.com from a search, the syntax you would be using would be -to:'c#gmail.com'.


Issue with custom exim filter

I am attempting to create some rules to help deal with the outbound spam we've seen lately from our customers being compromised. To do this I'm using an Exim filter and I need to discard the emails which includes numbers from 0-9 for example:
$sender_address: contains "#domain.com"
$header_subject: contains "^([0-9]+)\#domain\.com"
However, the filter is not working as expected. I want to discard the emails which are received from domain.com like 123#domain.com | 234567#domain.com
I tried many tricks, but none of them was working.
For the regex matching, try using matches instead of contains
$header_subject: matches "^([0-9]+)\#domain\.com"

IMAP - search for all messages in a conversation thread by references

Please don't mark this as a duplicate of 16816425 because that one has incorrect search syntax which is corrected in this question. It is also not a duplicate of 6088914 because this question is about IMAP, not Gmail's IMAP extension.
I'm working on an IMAP client, and would like to be able to find a list of all messages that are referenced in a conversation thread.
I know that the "References" header includes a list of messages referenced in a conversation, so I tried searching it like so:
C: 3 SEARCH HEADER References {48}
S: + go ahead
C> <C63EF8D6-6874-401B-9E8C-B1D63B633246#gmail.com>
But it returns nothing. I've successfully searched for a single message using the "Message-ID" header, like so:
C: 3 SEARCH HEADER Message-Id {48}
S: + go ahead
C> <8D7F7FD5-9CD8-4D4B-BC8B-E1A3BC217350#gmail.com>
Is there any way to do this using IMAP 4?
Of course, I manually checked that <8D7F7FD5-9CD8-4D4B-BC8B-E1A3BC217350#gmail.com> was in the "References:" field in some emails in that mailbox and that very email is in the same mailbox too.
The above test was done against GMAIL.
NOTE: A google search suggested that gmail doesn't support RFC5256. I am validating if searching "References:" works before falling back to modify the IMAP library to use Gmail-specific IMAP command X-GM-THRID.

change recipient / attach a file to a sent email in outlook

I've been trying to test something out, basically looking to do one of the following things:
Change name of recipient in a sent file. I've tried using Outlook Spy (great tool) but every time I changed the recipient in PR_DISPLAY_TO_W it returned the following error:
Could not edit the property: HrSetOneProp returned MAPL_E_COMPUTED
Attaching a file to a sent email file. (I don't know if this one is possible, but would be useful if it was.)
I appreciate any responses.
PR_DISPLAY_TO / CC / BCC are computed properties. The store provider updates them whenever recipients list is modified.
Use the MailItem.Recipients collection to modify the recipients.

how to notice if a mail is a forwarded mail?

I have a very special problem.
If we create a mail in Outlook, we add a UserProperty which contains a DataBase-ID of our System, so we can Link the mail to the representing DataBase-Item. On the service which reads the mails in each Mailbox and imports them automatically I can read this property by using ExtendedPropertyDefinitions. So far everything is fine...
If the User now forwards the message in Outlook, Olk copies the UserProperty to the new message. And now my problems beginn. Now my Service thinks the new message is also linked to our database and updates DB-Entry with the new Body and new Subject.
So does anyone now how to find out if a message is a forwarded one or how to tell Outlook not to copy the userproperty to the forwarded (new) message?
thx. Jay
What we thought about, but isnt working for our case
- a second userproperty containing a simple tag linke "fromSystem". Cause this would be copied too.
- a second userproperty containing a hashsum calculated from subject and Body. Cause both could be changed by the user. We just create the message, add all properties and Display it. from this Point on we no longer have control what is Happening to the mail until the Service handles it.
Your service consuming EWS should check the ConversationIndex and only update the database if it's 22 bytes long (original source message). Forward emails and reply emails keep appending 5 bytes (10 chars) to the ConversationIndex extending it beyond 22 bytes.
Sample ConversationIndexes
Original: 01CDD15D80E51C1D4522172840ACA96287DA28A15D97
Reply: 01CDD15D80E51C1D4522172840ACA96287DA28A15D970000018630
Forward: 01CDD15D80E51C1D4522172840ACA96287DA28A15D970000018630000000FC30
ConversationIndex represents the sequential ordering of the ConversationTopic (essentially GUID + timestamp). See Working with Conversations on MSDN. ConversationIndex is explicitly defined on MSDN here.
if (message.ConversationIndex.Length == 22)
// update DB body, subject, etc.
Also make sure you load the EmailMessageSchema.ConversationIndex before trying to access its value.

Change the sender for an external email in SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 function

I'm using SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 function to send an email with an attachment both for a sap user and for an external email. So far, so good. I discovered that the sender of these emails is the sap user that fired the report and the function doesn't have the sender exportation parameter like the old SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 has. The problem is that I need the sender to be an external email. I've been searching and couldn't make this happen. Can anyone help or give me an idea? Thanks
As I have already stated in an answer to another question of yours, stop using the old API and use the new BCS API. The documentation contains an example on how to change the sender address:
DATA: lr_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
lr_sender TYPE REF TO cl_cam_address_bcs.
lr_sender = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( 'foo.bar#baz.com' ).
lr_send_request->set_sender( lr_sender ).
Just try to copy the example report BCS_EXAMPLE_1 to your local namespace and exchange the line that sets the sender (line 50 in my release, might be a different one on your system).