My code is:
use Time::Piece;
use Time::HiRes;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my $i = 1;
my $starttime = localtime->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M');
open my $file, '>', '' or die $!;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++){
print $file "Start_time_$i = $starttime\n";
sleep (120);
close $file;
In the above code I am creating an file and writing a variable called Starttime and assigning date and time in a format of YYYYMMDDHH24MM and iterating the variable for 10 time with sleep time 2 mins, but sleep is not working and after adding sleep function to the Script, it's just creating a file not writing anything into it.
For each iteration of for loop I need 2 mins of sleep like:
Start_time_1 = 201812141350
Start_time_2 = 201812141352
The output should be like above.
You set $starttime outside of the loop and never change it. Therefore it always has the same value. If you want it to change in the loop, then you need to change it in the loop.
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++){
my $starttime = localtime->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M');
print $file "Start_time_$i = $starttime\n";
sleep (120);
Of course, at that point, you have to wonder if there's any good reason to have the variable at all.
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++){
print $file "Start_time_$i = ", localtime->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), "\n";
sleep (120);
And, please make your maintenance programmer's life easier by using a foreach loop there.
foreach my $i (1 .. 10) {
print $file "Start_time_$i = ", localtime->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), "\n";
sleep (120);
Here is the problem:
Generating 10 iterations of 50 iterations and accessing the 50 character string outside the inner foreach loop.
I have tried putting the 50x iteration inside a sub function and calling it, but that was unsuccessful.
Thus far, I only get a single character outside the foreach loop whether it's in a sub function or not. I'm fairly certain this is a scope issue that I'm failing to see.
So, code:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #dna = ('A','G','T','C');
my $i;
my $str;
for ($i=1; $i<11; $i++){
#print $i . " ";
my $nt = int(rand $#dna + 1);
$str = $dna[$nt];
#correct here all 50 nts
print $str;
#single nt here
#print $str;
print "\n";
Output: Corerct, but I need to access $str as is below but outside the foreach loop and within the first for loop.
I removed the extra space in the string. It was superfluous.
This was another attempt at getting to the variable to no avail:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str;
my #dna = ('A','G','T','C');
for (my $i=1; $i<11; $i++){
print $str;
sub fifty {
foreach (1 .. 50){
my $nt = int(rand $#dna + 1);
$str = $dna[$nt];
return $str;
for (my $i=1; $i<11; $i++){
Infiftyyou return something but you discard ist, as you do no assignement like $str= fifty();
print $str;
And here you print something that has no value yet as it seems - in fact you assign a value in fifty- but you shouldn't use global variables.
sub fifty {
foreach (1 .. 50){
my $nt = int(rand $#dna + 1);
$str = $dna[$nt];
Here you discard whatever is in $str and assign one letter instead. Also you assign to a global variable - which you should avoid.
return $str;
And here you directly leave fifty and return just the one character - which you (see above) discard.
I found this to work perfectly: Turns out to be scope as far as I could tell and not sure why I was stuck. Regardless, moving on now.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #dna = ('A','G','T','C');
my $i;
my $str;
for ($i=1; $i<11; $i++){
my $filename = "seq_" . $i;
open(my $OUT, '>', $filename) or die("Can't open $filename($!)");
my $nt = int(rand $#dna + 1);
$str = $dna[$nt];
print $OUT $str;
close $filename;
I need to iterate through and compare all files passed in as command line arguments in a perl script.
For example:
./script f1.txt f2.txt f3.txt
I'll need to compare
f1 & f2,
f1 & f3,
f2 & f3,
So that all files are compared to each other in some way, and not repeated.
I can do the internal 'comparing' of the files just fine, it's the way to get the files paired up which is the problem for me.
Any help to discover a way for this would be muchly appreciated!
You just want to compare every argument against every argument past itself. The ones before it would have been compared already, so you just have to look beyond. Something like this:
for (my $i = 0; $i < #ARGV; ++$i)
for (my $j = $i + 1; $j < #ARGV; ++$j)
my $f1 = $ARGV[$i];
my $f2 = $ARGV[$j];
say "Comparing $f1 to $f2";
Assuming that comparing "p" and "q" is the same as comparing "q" and "p", then you can do something like this. Here, #filelist is a changing list of files that haven't yet been the left-hand side of the compare. In each iteration of the outer loop, we take one element out of that, and compare it against all the rest.
my #filelist = #ARGV;
while (#filelist) {
my $p = shift #filelist;
foreach my $q (#filelist) {
compare($p, $q);
You could do the same thing with indices instead. Here, $p counts from 0 to the number of files you have, and $q starts counting from $p.
foreach my $p (0..$#ARGV) {
foreach my $q ($p+1..$#ARGV) {
compare($ARGV[$p], $ARGV[$q]);
If comparing "p" and "q" is different than comparing "q" and "p", then it gets a bit easier:
foreach my $p (#ARGV) {
foreach my $q (#ARGV) {
compare($p, $q) unless $p eq $q;
When ever I run this bit of code. it doesn't display any output. Anyone see anything wrong?
I am trying to display this in the out put:
$A = 3;
$B = 1;
$i = 1;
$output = "";
$j = 1;
while ($i <= $ARGV[0]) {
while ($j <= $i) {
if ($A == 0 && $B == 0) {
$A = 3;
$B = 1;
if ($A > 0) {
$output.= "A";
else {
$output.= "B";
print($output . "\n");
It works for me when I run it with a numeric argument (number of lines).
An idea how to simplify the code:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $count = shift;
my $A = 3;
my $B = 1;
my $string = q();
$string .= ('A' x $A) . ('B' x $B) while $count > length $string;
print substr($string, 0, $_), "\n" for 1 .. $count;
It uses a different algorithm - it creates the longest possible string, and then outputs parts of it.
if there is no #ARGV, while ($i <= $ARGV[0]) never runs.
#ARGV is an array of the command line arguments provided when the script is executed. you did not provide any command line arguments. if you had use warnings in effect, you would be warned that $ARGV[0] is uninitialized.
As from ikegami comment. You cann't pass the input at when the program is compile. For example, consider your file name is Can you run your program with
perl 10
Here 10 is the input value of the program. In program value is retrieve by the $ARGV[0]
so in your program looks like while ($i <= $ARGV[0]).
If you want pass the several values like perl 12 data1 data2In your data retrieve by $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] $ARGV[2] for more information see here.
If you want pass the input at the time of execution used STDIN
use warnings;
use strict;
my $A = 3;
my $B = 1;
my $i = 1;
my $output = "";
my $j = 1;
print "Enter the value: ";
chomp(my $value = <STDIN>);
while ($i <= $value) {
while ($j <= $i) {
if ($A == 0 && $B == 0) {
$A = 3;
$B = 1;
if ($A > 0) {
$output.= "A";
else {
$output.= "B";
print($output . "\n");
It should be a simple nested foreach loop but it's not working and really starting to annoy me that I can't figure this out! Still a perl beginner but I thought I understood this by now. Can someone explain to me where I'm going wrong? The idea is simple: 2 files, 1 small, 1 large with info I want in the small one. Both have unique id's in them. Compare and match the id's and output a new small file with the added info in the small file.
I have 2 pieces of code: 1 without stricts and 1 with and both are not working. I know to use stricts but i'm still curious as to why the one without stricts isn't working either.
if ($#ARGV != 2){
print "input_file1 input_file2 output_file\n";
open(INFILE1,$inputfile1) || die "No inputfile :$!\n";
open(INFILE2,$inputfile2) || die "No inputfile :$!\n";
open(OUTFILE_1,">$outputfile1") || die "No outputfile :$!\n";
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
foreach ( #infile1 ){
#elements = split(";",$infile1[$i]);
$id1 = $elements[3];
print "1. $id1\n";
$lat = $elements[5];
$lon = $elements[6];
$lat =~ s/,/./;
$lon =~ s/,/./;
print "2. $lat\n";
print "3. $lon\n";
foreach ( #infile2 ){
#loopelements = split(";",$infile2[$j]);
$id2 = $loopelements[4];
print "4. $id2\n";
if ($id1 == $id2){
print OUTFILE_1 "$loopelements[0];$loopelements[1];$loopelements[2];$loopelements[3];$loopelements[4];$lat,$lon\n";
$j = $j+1;
#elements = join(";",#elements); # add ';' to all elements
#print "$i\r";
$i = $i+1;
The error without is the second loop will not start if i'm not mistaken.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $inputfile1 = shift || die "Give input!\n";
my $inputfile2 = shift || die "Give more input!\n";
my $outputfile = shift || die "Give output!\n";
open my $INFILE1, '<', $inputfile1 or die "In use/Not found :$!\n";
open my $INFILE2, '<', $inputfile2 or die "In use/Not found :$!\n";
open my $OUTFILE, '>', $outputfile or die "In use/Not found :$!\n";
my $i = 0;
my $j = 0;
foreach ( my $infile1 = <$INFILE1> ){
my #elements = split(";",$infile1[$i]);
my $id1 = $elements[3];
print "1: $id1\n";
my $lat = $elements[5];
my $lon = $elements[6];
$lat =~ s/,/./;
$lon =~ s/,/./;
print "2: $lat\n";
print "3: $lon\n";
foreach ( my $infile2 = <$INFILE2> ){
my #loopelements = split(";",$infile2[$j]);
my $id2 = $loopelements[4];
print "4: $id2\n";
if ($id1 == $id2){
print $OUTFILE "$loopelements[0];$loopelements[1];$loopelements[2];$loopelements[3];$loopelements[4];$lat,$lon\n";
$j = $j+1;
##elements = join(";",#elements); # add ';' to all elements
#print "$i\r";
$i = $i+1;
The error with stricts:
Global symbol "#infile1" requires explicit package name at Z:\Data-Content\Data\test\jan\bestemming_zonder_acco\ line 16.
Global symbol "#infile2" requires explicit package name at Z:\Data-Content\Data\test\jan\bestemming_zonder_acco\ line 31.
Your 'strict' implementation gives you errors due to a confusion about the sigils (the $ and # characters) indication whether a variable is an scalar or an array. In the loop statement you are reading each line of the file into a scalar called $infile1 but in the following line you are trying to access a element of the array #infile1. These to variables are not related and as perl tells you the latter is not declared.
Another problem with you 'strict' implementation is that you are reading the file inside the loop. This means that for nested loops you will read file 2 in the first iteration of the outer loop and for all succeeding iterations the inner loop will not be able to read any lines.
I missed the foreach/while issue, pointed out by stevenl, even fixing the stricture issues will leave you with foreach loops with only one iteration.
I'm not sure what your problem with the unstrict script are.
But I wouldn't use a nested loop at all for processing two files. I would un-nest the loops, so it roughly looked like this:
my %cord;
while ( my $line = <$INFILE1> ) {
my #elements = split /;/, $line;
$cord{ $elements[3] } = "$elements[5],$elements[6]";
while ( my $line = <$INFILE2> ) {
my #elements = split /;/, $line;
if ( exists %coord{ $elements[4] } ) {
print $OUTFILE "....;$cord{ $elements4 }\n";
I can't see exactly where the problem with the non-strict version is. What is the problem that you are encountering?
The problem with the strict version is particularly in these 2 lines:
foreach ( my $infile1 = <$INFILE1> ){
my #elements = split(";",$infile1[$i]);
You have a scalar $infile1 in the first line, but you are treating it as an array in the next line. Also, change the foreach to a while (see below).
A few comments.
For the non-strict version, you could have collapsed the loop to a C-style for loop as:
for (my $i = 0; $i < #infile1; $i++) {
That can be made simpler to read if you go without the array indexes altogether:
foreach my $infile1 (#infile1) {
my #elements = split ';', $infile1;
But with the larger file, it might take time to slurp the entire file into the array at the beginning. So it might be better to iterate through the file as you go:
while (my $infile = <$INFILE1>) {
Note the last point should be how the strict version looks. You need a while loop rather than a foreach loop, because assigning <$INFILE1> to a scalar means it will return the next line only, which evaluates to true as long as there is another line in the file. (Thus, the foreach would only ever get the first line to loop over.)
You don't reset $j before the inner foreach loop runs. Therefore, the second time your inner loop runs, you are trying to access elements that are past the end of the array. This mistake exists in both the strict and non-strict version.
You should not be using $i and $j at all; the point of foreach is that it automatically gets each element for you. Here is an example of correctly using foreach in the inner loop:
foreach my $line ( #infile2 ){
#loopelements = split(";",$line); do stuff as before
This puts each element of #infile one into the variable $line in succession, until you have gone through all of the array.
This seems really simple but it is giving me a hard time figuring it out as I'm new to perl.. I've been looking through a lot of documentation now about loops and I am still stumped by this... I have a sub that contains a while loop and I want to use a variable value from within the loop outside of the loop (after the loop has run), however when I try to print out the variable, or return it out of the sub, it doesn't work, only when I print the variable from within the loop does it work.. I would appreciate any advice as to what I'm doing wrong.
Doesn't work (doesn't print $test ):
sub testthis {
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
my $test = 'its working' ;
$i++ ;
print $test ;
&testthis ;
Works, prints $test:
sub testthis {
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
my $test = 'its working' ;
$i++ ;
print $test ;
&testthis ;
You declare variable test inside the loop, so it scope is the loop, as soon as you leave the loop the variable is not longer declared.
Add my $test; just between $i=1 and while(..) and it will work. The scope will now be the entire sub instead of only the loop
Place my $test before the while loop. Note that it will only contain the last value that is assigned in the while loop. Is that what you are after?
// will print "it's working" when 'the loop is hit at least once,
// otherwise it'll print "it's not working"
sub testthis {
$i = 1;
my $test = "it's not working";
while ($i <= 2) {
$test = "it's working";
$i++ ;
print $test ;
you can try this one:
sub testthis {
my $test
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 2) {
$test = 'its working' ;
$i++ ;
print $test ;
&testthis ;
Note: whenever write perl code, its better to add use strict; and use warning in the beginning of the code.